View Full Version : three player guild would like to raid :)

09-05-2010, 03:37 PM
That's right, there are three of us in the guild. We are very "casual" and mature players who have been together since the Beta of DDO. We have changed servers multiple times since Adar went bye-bye and are looking for another guild or group of players who would not mind having a few extras along in their raids. The char.s that we are playing mostly now are a 15 paladin, 15 cleric and 15 wizard. we are flagged for VoN and ATDQ2. While we have been through VoN a couple times each over the years we do not know it intimately, but can listen and follow directions. 2 of us have been through ATDQ a few times, A friend and I used to two-man her with a ranger and a pally a couple of years ago, but I do not think that stategy is still valid. If there are any guilds or groups out there that would consider taking some relative "raid noobs" along with them PM me or send me a tell in-game. Thanks :)

09-06-2010, 03:37 AM
Hi Thornton

We in The Spellbinders have a number of allied guilds who can access our forums and see our guild events, we're not a hardcore raiding guild but run pretty much all of the raids regularly. If you visit our forums at http://spellbinders.mmoguildsites.com we'd be more than happy to take you along with us - if we have spaces at the moment we typically short man so there are occasional spots that you could have! Hard to coordinate otherwise.

There was a plan to set up a raiding channel on Cannith - not sure if this actually happened but there are fairly frequent raids in the lfm board. Generally I steer clear of pug raids and stick with guildees though!


09-08-2010, 10:59 AM
Thank you for the respose, I will try to /tell you in-game. We are also now flagged for the Reaver :) Took a long time to three-man the Tor last night :o I forgot to say that we usually play nights from about 8 PM EST to about 11 PM EST.