View Full Version : Is there a halfing Intimitank on the server . . .

09-03-2010, 09:05 AM
. . . who can handle Horoth? A bunch of us want to do an all-halfling ToD just for fun. We know it's nothing special, but it's just funny watching a bunch of midgets hit a devil in the balls. This is the only spot I can't fill, anyone know of one on our server?

09-03-2010, 09:22 AM
Probably have better luck asking for a halfling hate-tank with all the penalties a halfling has..

09-03-2010, 09:32 AM
Anyone serious about intimitanking end-game bosses probably* wouldn't roll a halfling due to the size penalties associated with the race.

*but I would love to be proven wrong

09-03-2010, 10:18 AM
IT may be possible to find one but I doubt it.

09-03-2010, 10:40 AM
Anyone serious about intimitanking end-game bosses probably* wouldn't roll a halfling due to the size penalties associated with the race.

*but I would love to be proven wrong

I used to have a halfy intimitank.

However, I think the better question, is why the hell you want an intimitank for Horoth at all. Intinidate is currently the most buggy and most useless way of controlling that guy's aggro. Either a hate tank or just a DPS tank is BY FAR the best way to run the raid.

Good luck and all that though...

09-03-2010, 10:46 AM
I used to have a halfy intimitank.

However, I think the better question, is why the hell you want an intimitank for Horoth at all. Intinidate is currently the most buggy and most useless way of controlling that guy's aggro. Either a hate tank or just a DPS tank is BY FAR the best way to run the raid.

Good luck and all that though...

In 50+ completions I've seen intim go nutty a few times so I know what you're talking about. It's just easier on the healers when it works, which is most of the time. You get Horoth exhausted even if he turns around people have time to duck and a good intim will get his aggro back almost right away.

We'll probably just have my friend's Barbarian do it.

09-03-2010, 10:54 AM
As someone that regularly plays a healer, I do not at all think it is easier on the healers to have an intimi (for sully yes, for horoth no). A good hate tank or DPS tank will keep aggro 100% of the time. Even if with the intimi Horoth only flips once, that is still a single solid chance that one person's poor build decision/poor reaction time will result in a death. If I am considering pugging this quest, the single easiest way to make sure I don't hit the LFM is posting that you are looking for an intimi.

09-03-2010, 11:10 AM
Both are viable, the group I normally run with knows when to duck so intiming works with us. You're probably right with pugs and people less familiar with the raid.

09-03-2010, 01:21 PM
you mean you already found a halfling caster? I thought that'd be tough too.

Anyway if you need Panteroo lemme know

09-03-2010, 01:26 PM
In 50+ completions I've seen intim go nutty a few times so I know what you're talking about. It's just easier on the healers when it works, which is most of the time. You get Horoth exhausted even if he turns around people have time to duck and a good intim will get his aggro back almost right away.

We'll probably just have my friend's Barbarian do it.

I cringe every time I hear the phrase "we've got an [intimitank]". they'll fail a check, the dude will turn, people will panic and my potion collection will dwindle. it's like clockwork, if clocks were designed to not work a couple of times a day.

09-03-2010, 01:41 PM
There will be :)
Gotta give me another 2 lives or so junk!

09-03-2010, 01:43 PM
Anyone serious about intimitanking end-game bosses probably* wouldn't roll a halfling due to the size penalties associated with the race.

*but I would love to be proven wrong

Depending on what's in the party and if I got off my butt and finished Minididdles, I have a halfling intimi who can get Horoth on normal about 90% of the time (maybe 95% forgot the subtraction number on horoth). Can hate tank horoth on Hard.

edit: also Grodon, intimidate bugs like hell with ranged builds atm. Something about their aggro generation tends to make bosses turn around even if intimidated.

09-03-2010, 01:44 PM
you mean you already found a halfling caster? I thought that'd be tough too.

Anyway if you need Panteroo lemme know

I have a halfling caster . . . him being able to kite is another matter . . . every once in a while you need to test your immortality.

Actually, can you kite on Panteroo?

09-03-2010, 06:10 PM
I have a halfling caster . . . him being able to kite is another matter . . . every once in a while you need to test your immortality.

Actually, can you kite on Panteroo?

I probably can... I've "OMFGwe'regonnawipe" kited a couple times in PUGs. I've got frostbite potions and can scroll cast fireshield easily enough. I'm not about to go out and craft a T2 cold absorption item like I have on Robopants tho. The biggest issue I've had in the past is the casting time of BB, but well timed wings can alleviate that mostly.

09-03-2010, 06:20 PM
I cringe every time I hear the phrase "we've got an [intimitank]". they'll fail a check, the dude will turn, people will panic and my potion collection will dwindle. it's like clockwork, if clocks were designed to not work a couple of times a day.

No halfway-decent intimitank will fail a check against Horoth, since his DC is fairly low. Also, I've seen him turn because the DPS tank died due to a failed Disintegrate roll at a bad time, because the tank got banished after forgetting to put his boots on, and simply because the DPS tank wasn't able to maintain aggro. In short, I've seen him turn more often for reasons that had nothing to do with an intimitank. As a cleric, I'd much rather have an intimitank on Horoth. I've seen many runs where he never turned at all, and even if he does turn once or twice(Usually due to the intim getting stunned), I spend far less spell points healing others for a few seconds than I burn while trying to keep a barbarian hate tank up. A good intim will take much less damage, allowing me to save more sp in the long run. My last few runs with one, I finished with about 25% sp, didn't use my bauble, and we also killed Sulu. Even better, I actually was relaxed the whole time, not on edge like I have to be with a hate tank.

09-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Theres one on sarlona so they are out there..

09-05-2010, 03:00 PM
What is the size penalty on Heroth and co for a halfling, and what is his intimi DC?

09-05-2010, 03:21 PM
I have Nikkii, but if I remember correctly last time I was in there, because if the size penalty, he was only rolling 47's on the dice. I'll see what I can do to get it higher tonight and post back.

09-05-2010, 04:13 PM
I used to have a halfy intimitank.

However, I think the better question, is why the hell you want an intimitank for Horoth at all. Intinidate is currently the most buggy and most useless way of controlling that guy's aggro. Either a hate tank or just a DPS tank is BY FAR the best way to run the raid.

Good luck and all that though...

i find this completely untrue....moreso for a healer.

a good intim can stack both horoth and sully in a line so grouop can get both..with almost no mana resources..

a good tank will have at least a 60 intim for no fail on norm, higher for higher diffs.
a rocking ac so you just take some spell damage
a really good dr (40 or more)
a really good healing amp ( a human can usually get around 123%)

this means they can self heal on norm with no issues....hard means a fvs can heal with healing word....if needed.

spell absorption does stop stun....

a really good hate tank can do just as well..

I think the issues for both are when someone not well built is trying to do it....
then it is a rough one for everyone.

09-08-2010, 04:50 AM
I have seen Halfling intim's But i dont know if they are good enough for horroth, personally junk, id just go with a dwarf tim, they are easy to find and just as small as a halfling thats tr'ed 1 or 2 times haha! :D or like u said hate tank with a barb... MY OPINION an intim is a better way of doing it, i understand the issue of him turning but as stated a well organized party will not panic and will control the situation. Ive Intim'ed hard and left both healers with 50% or more mana because he rarely hits through my ac and when he does he has an insane Dr to get through. Disintegrate will be the death of us all. INCLUDING a hate tank, because at one point or another you WILL be 1 hitable even if ur a barbarian with 1k hit points, u will at one point be able to get 1 hit by a 600 from disintegrate. atleast with an intim if he does fail, horroth will probably miss his next 3-5 swings of melee and hell get a heal and stay alive. a hate tank will get hit each shot.. 600 from disintegrate 100 damage from 4 swings, and 2 ticks of 60 from badge.. in 4 seconds there is 820 hp.. anyone can die including an intim, and a hate tank.