View Full Version : DOS vs. KOTC

08-31-2010, 01:16 AM
Hey, i am TRing my fighter into a pali, the reason is i want to be a little more surviable, that being said, was wondering if DOS was good for a non timie toon, with out gimping dps to much, i like the added ac an the extra LOH's uses, but i like the extra damage of KOTC, which pre will effect my build when i TR. So feedback is more than welcome. thnx.

Even if i go DOS will still get GTHF for dps when needed, an kopesh for when i want ac.

08-31-2010, 01:31 AM
Hey, i am TRing my fighter into a pali, the reason is i want to be a little more surviable, that being said, was wondering if DOS was good for a non timie toon, with out gimping dps to much, i like the added ac an the extra LOH's uses, but i like the extra damage of KOTC, which pre will effect my build when i TR. So feedback is more than welcome. thnx.

According to this thred (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=265936), the extra threat generation of DOS is broken, but all other benefits should work. I cannot give you feedback for high levels, but I have found the healing amplification from Hunter of the Dead very nice while levelling.

I guess that KotC is the preferred way for DPS, and you should be very survivable with it, anyway. Almost every paladin I group with has this PrE.

08-31-2010, 01:38 AM
Hunter of the dead for the win.

08-31-2010, 10:38 AM
On my main, he is DoS. One of my alts, I have dabbled between Hunter and KotC. Honestly, KotC is more of just a one trick pony to me. And it is a bugged one vs undead that is subject to change. If you want all out end game DPS then yeah go that way. If you want to run more epic content (since the epic content is not outsiders), then DoS is the way to go. Hunter of the Dead is a fun little class though....but there currently is no end game content (unless you run the abbott a lot) for it....and all the abilities for it can basically be done with gear, except for the vorpal strike vs undead. All I can say though is that if you have GT disruption weapon, HOTD, and the capstone....the orchard is a FUN place to just toy with bad guys.

08-31-2010, 11:36 AM
I don't see the piont is going HOD, maybe at low lvls, but i have spectral gloves, leviks bracers, an will be human, so healing amp is covered.

My main prob is this my fighter has the leviks defender, +4 insight onn my DT, chattering ring, an just about everything for ac, but I also have lightstirke weapons etc. So am really stuck between a rock in a hard place onn which path to choose. I can make a pali with extreme ac or one that has decent ac an great dps.......So many choices :/

The main deal is if i go kotc, then str, con , an chars will be main stats, an the rest r dumped. And if i go DOS I will have to balance a little more becuase I would need dex to fill out the armour, an maybe a little int to qualify for ce.

08-31-2010, 11:39 AM
I don't see the piont is going HOD, maybe at low lvls, but i have spectral gloves, leviks bracers, an will be human, so healing amp is covered.

My main prob is this my fighter has the leviks defender, +4 insight onn my DT, chattering ring, an just about everything for ac, but I also have lightstirke weapons etc. So am really stuck between a rock in a hard place onn which path to choose. I can make a pali with extreme ac or one that has decent ac an great dps.......So many choices :/

The main deal is if i go kotc, then str, con , an chars will be main stats, an the rest r dumped. And if i go DOS I will have to balance a little more becuase I would need dex to fill out the armour, an maybe a little int to qualify for ce.

I will tell you this. My main paladin can hit a mid-high 80's ac while blocking. It doesn't matter on epic.

08-31-2010, 03:12 PM
Well max dps it is, if i don't like i guess they make lesser rez's now adays , thanks for the unput.

08-31-2010, 03:27 PM
On my main, he is DoS. One of my alts, I have dabbled between Hunter and KotC. Honestly, KotC is more of just a one trick pony to me. And it is a bugged one vs undead that is subject to change. If you want all out end game DPS then yeah go that way. If you want to run more epic content (since the epic content is not outsiders), then DoS is the way to go. Hunter of the Dead is a fun little class though....but there currently is no end game content (unless you run the abbott a lot) for it....and all the abilities for it can basically be done with gear, except for the vorpal strike vs undead. All I can say though is that if you have GT disruption weapon, HOTD, and the capstone....the orchard is a FUN place to just toy with bad guys.

why would you need a ghost touch weapon?

08-31-2010, 04:46 PM
why would you need a ghost touch weapon?

Shhhhhhhh. LOL. How about just a disruption weapon. My bad. Typing too fast.