08-30-2010, 10:14 AM
Pies made of maths!
I took the data from this thread http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=270822 (http://forums.ddo.com/thread%20http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=270822) and made tasty pies. I didn't include a "other" catagory to show all the stuff that didn't get a lot of votes so they are not perfect pies but in my opinion, they are interesting pies.
Classes and races people want prestige enhancements for:
Bugs people want fixed:
Not shown are the ones that are going to be fixed anyway in update 7
If you want to make my Pies more accurate, at the end of your post in this format:
BUG: <insert one bug here>
PRE: <insert one PrE here>
Choose only one of each and preferably in a format that makes it easiest to sort the data with like: "PRE: Cleric" as opposed to "PRE: I think warchanter is long overdue..."
When I have more data I'll make some new pies and we'll see what the majority of players prefer in their pies.
My Choices:
BUG: Fix fog spells
PRE: Sorc
I took the data from this thread http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=270822 (http://forums.ddo.com/thread%20http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=270822) and made tasty pies. I didn't include a "other" catagory to show all the stuff that didn't get a lot of votes so they are not perfect pies but in my opinion, they are interesting pies.
Classes and races people want prestige enhancements for:
Bugs people want fixed:
Not shown are the ones that are going to be fixed anyway in update 7
If you want to make my Pies more accurate, at the end of your post in this format:
BUG: <insert one bug here>
PRE: <insert one PrE here>
Choose only one of each and preferably in a format that makes it easiest to sort the data with like: "PRE: Cleric" as opposed to "PRE: I think warchanter is long overdue..."
When I have more data I'll make some new pies and we'll see what the majority of players prefer in their pies.
My Choices:
BUG: Fix fog spells
PRE: Sorc