View Full Version : damage reduction stacking question...

08-29-2010, 10:41 PM
I recently bought monk from the store and when I tried it out, I really liked it. After thinking about different builds I came to damage reduction and got confused on how the thing stacks so here's my question.

Does (Wf dr feat & enhancements) + (monk mountain stance) + (monk capstone) + (any damage reduction armor/item) stack for damage reduction purposes?

Thanks for your replies they are greatly appreciated.

08-29-2010, 10:45 PM
passive dr does not stack(except for wf and fvs capstone). only the highest number applies.
active dr(blocking) stacks with passive

08-29-2010, 11:15 PM
so, assuming everything is maxed...

(10/adamantine)(warforged 7 feats & 3 enhancements)
(8/-)(mountain stance)
(10/epic)(perfect self)
28 damage reduction? (assuming the mobs not epic/using adamantine)

08-29-2010, 11:26 PM

Passive DR does not stack. (The exception to this, as previously stated, is that WF DR stacks with the FvS adamantine DR from worshiping the lord of blades). Also note that enhancements which specifically say that they increase one form of DR do stack with that one form of DR (such as WF improved DR)

Active DR (i.e. shield blocking) does stack with your highest form of passive DR.

So, your DR would not be 28.

It would be:
10 against things without adamantine weapons.
10 against things without epic weapons.
8 against things with epic adamantine weapons.

For more info, visit the DDO Wiki. (http://ddowiki.com/page/Damage_Reduction)