08-27-2010, 03:49 PM
With the number 17. The event was definitely fun for all. I will be holding another red scale raffle in a month time, starting up October 9th. So save a scale while your farming Vault of Night 6 epics for the next roll off. I will be unveiling another raffle in the upcoming days which i revealed to the raid group that i also think should be very fun, and exciting. Thanks for all who signed up and participated and hats of to Hendrik.
3 Cheers for Hendrik!
9/9 Update:
Just wanna throw one point out there right now , i will indeed; be "gallanting" around with friends today so don't be surprised if the drawing starts at 9:30 or 10:00. But I am going to try my very best to adhere to the 9 pm EST draw time.
Ok, so I have all the scales, so that means no more entries. My count is correct, and we will be ready to roll at 9/9/2010 9pm EST(fingers and toes crossed) I will put up a raid group at 8:50. Developers and entries get first priority in the raid group. I will then go to the market place(1), and roll a d20 in trade or general chat, so everyone can see it, regardless of if you are in the raid group or not. Lets be good sports, lets keep it simple, and lets keep ti fun. See you in the game.
(Scale Count-20):
I will be doing the roll of on September 9th at 9:00 pm EST. There are 13 scales in the running all together, I will still choose the same format for rolling. If I roll a blank spot, I will simply re roll until there is a winner. At this point if you wish to enter, please send me game mail with a red scale, deadline for sending red scales in is September 9th at 8:50 pm.
Been thinking about this for awhile and I think it would be fun and interesting =). I will simply be a mediator in this raffle to hold all scales and distribute them to the winner, I wont be getting anything out of this personally. Hell I wont even be buying in, just mostly interested to see if this goes off the ground. So just reply with a # and a post, or PM me; and if there is 20 peeps willing to try their luck then we can roll off.
1. 1 Scale gets you 1 number. Limit 3 entries per person.
2. At the draw date, I will get into a raid group with 11 other people to witness and I will roll a d20. The number I roll will be the winner and get 20 scales. :)
3. I must have all 20 scales in my possession before I do the roll-off.
1: Presti*
2: Distributed*
3: Wodun*
4: Kiarnan*
5: Qzipoun*
6: Jjerrie*
7: Abraxicas*
8: Rifte*
9: Tankzz*
10: Presti*
11: Morfane*
12: Iccci*
13: Shile*
14: Kurnel*
15: Gambill*
16: Sheelagh*
17: Hendrik*
18: Jozza*
19: Ediz*
20: Bloodmedic*
With the number 17. The event was definitely fun for all. I will be holding another red scale raffle in a month time, starting up October 9th. So save a scale while your farming Vault of Night 6 epics for the next roll off. I will be unveiling another raffle in the upcoming days which i revealed to the raid group that i also think should be very fun, and exciting. Thanks for all who signed up and participated and hats of to Hendrik.
3 Cheers for Hendrik!
9/9 Update:
Just wanna throw one point out there right now , i will indeed; be "gallanting" around with friends today so don't be surprised if the drawing starts at 9:30 or 10:00. But I am going to try my very best to adhere to the 9 pm EST draw time.
Ok, so I have all the scales, so that means no more entries. My count is correct, and we will be ready to roll at 9/9/2010 9pm EST(fingers and toes crossed) I will put up a raid group at 8:50. Developers and entries get first priority in the raid group. I will then go to the market place(1), and roll a d20 in trade or general chat, so everyone can see it, regardless of if you are in the raid group or not. Lets be good sports, lets keep it simple, and lets keep ti fun. See you in the game.
(Scale Count-20):
I will be doing the roll of on September 9th at 9:00 pm EST. There are 13 scales in the running all together, I will still choose the same format for rolling. If I roll a blank spot, I will simply re roll until there is a winner. At this point if you wish to enter, please send me game mail with a red scale, deadline for sending red scales in is September 9th at 8:50 pm.
Been thinking about this for awhile and I think it would be fun and interesting =). I will simply be a mediator in this raffle to hold all scales and distribute them to the winner, I wont be getting anything out of this personally. Hell I wont even be buying in, just mostly interested to see if this goes off the ground. So just reply with a # and a post, or PM me; and if there is 20 peeps willing to try their luck then we can roll off.
1. 1 Scale gets you 1 number. Limit 3 entries per person.
2. At the draw date, I will get into a raid group with 11 other people to witness and I will roll a d20. The number I roll will be the winner and get 20 scales. :)
3. I must have all 20 scales in my possession before I do the roll-off.
1: Presti*
2: Distributed*
3: Wodun*
4: Kiarnan*
5: Qzipoun*
6: Jjerrie*
7: Abraxicas*
8: Rifte*
9: Tankzz*
10: Presti*
11: Morfane*
12: Iccci*
13: Shile*
14: Kurnel*
15: Gambill*
16: Sheelagh*
17: Hendrik*
18: Jozza*
19: Ediz*
20: Bloodmedic*