View Full Version : Lowbie 15th level sins

08-25-2010, 12:02 AM
I am gonna post a vid from my first attempt at sins with my 15th level fighter, no greensteel or anything...
Got as far as the table....2 orthons and the red named devil...they got me...incapped before I could chug a pot.

That was on normal, alone.
video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpabpVDSzp0

but I went back in on casual and put up an lfm. Another 15th level joined me, another stalwart. We plodded our way to all 5 chests in 66 minutes.
I died being stupid (pulling too many as usual) once. Sully never died.

we did not rush, just took our time testing out how to do this with lowbies like that.
Sully had some good umd and used my ddoor scrolls to get us back to the front door and cleared should anyone else join the lfm.

When we got the the last intersection before the end battle, a 17th paladin joined to get the end chests...he was there for the last battle.

awesome fun. Some okay loot (belt, some ingredients).

Gonna do norm this week lowbie....was real cool.

(no hirelings fyi)..

pics below, may take time to load..

Took this pic after pink joined, but had not entered yet..at the last intersection.


Last two just pics at end of battle.

