View Full Version : Recruiting channels

08-24-2010, 07:43 PM
The LFM system is great as far as it goes, but it is very passive. People use trade and advice channels to try to draw attention ot their group recruiting efforts and this is not the appropriate place for it. However, the desire to do something more active than the LFM post is understandable. I beleiver it would be quite helpful to have a Recruitment channel for PUGing in a unique color. That way those that are not interested ican easily turn the entire channle off of their general screen and those that want to be proactive have an appropriate place to do so.

In the same vain, with some Guilds trying to gather new people a whole new tab in the Group screen for guild recruitment ( one that functions very similarly to the group recruitment crossed with the WHO tab) would be nice. An automated listing of any guilds on the server with ticks that officers can set for "activly rectruiting, accepting new members and closed" would be very usefull. If each Guild grouping also listed any officers currently online that would be even better. The ability for the guild leader to add a short discription of hte guild would be nice as well.

08-24-2010, 07:45 PM
ppl ask questions in /trade, trade items in /general and say that WoW is better in /advice
ppl cant stick to the correct channels right now, why would a new one change that?
and besides that: channel = restricted to area, lfm = whole game