View Full Version : Short Manning

08-23-2010, 05:11 PM
Short manned my first really challening quest last night and I understood why it's so awesome. (Not including times I and a friend did a quest on casual or above-level for favor). Went into VON 3 solo with a hireling, LFM saying "running this by myself, come if you want". I got three quarters of the way through the quest solo, before two other guys at my level joined up. We completely destroyed the Marut by the end with no deaths. SO invigorating to do it short manned! The sense of achievement is way higher!

I highly recommend it to anyone who's never done it. Pick a quest that you already know pretty well for your first time. Do it on Elite for extra good times.

I realize this is not impressive as much of the solo/short manned quests others do, especially since we were two levels above quest level, but that's one of the hardest quests I've experienced so far and it felt GREAT. Thanks to the guys who pugged with me and made it possible - they're even braver than me, didn't even bring hirelings!

P.S. Dual vorpals and deathblock armor are your friends. :)

08-23-2010, 05:21 PM

Yeah, short-manning can really help you to appreciate quests more, as it's less likely you'll be standing around waiting for the "experts" to do what's needed.

08-23-2010, 05:26 PM
Good job - the fight with 3 named at the end was always tricky if you werent careful & ever since they changed it allowing the beholder to come through the doorway, its only made it easier to go pear-shaped in a hurry - especially if he decides to set up shop in the shrine room. Glad you're enjoying the game - playing easily is fun sometimes, but other times its great to have a real challenge for a sense of accomplishment, which is why you'll sometimes see things about the naked raids etc... sometimes even a big old fight with a fail but "ohh so close!" can be fun

For your next challenge, try shortmanning Invaders on hard or elite approximately at level with melee characters ;)

08-23-2010, 05:31 PM
Good job - the fight with 3 named at the end was always tricky if you werent careful & ever since they changed it allowing the beholder to come through the doorway, its only made it easier to go pear-shaped in a hurry - especially if he decides to set up shop in the shrine room. Glad you're enjoying the game - playing easily is fun sometimes, but other times its great to have a real challenge for a sense of accomplishment, which is why you'll sometimes see things about the naked raids etc... sometimes even a big old fight with a fail but "ohh so close!" can be fun

For your next challenge, try shortmanning Invaders on hard or elite approximately at level with melee characters ;)

Yeesh, I've only run Invaders once, with a full party. That was tough enough. But...I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!

08-23-2010, 05:33 PM
OP but it is impressive...its like opening your eyes for the first time. You are seeing the game in a whole new light and one you did not realize was even there.

But the simple fact you see the difference....well lets just say...what has been seen cannot be unseen. Sure you can go back to the simpler ways...but you cannot unlearn that it can be done.... ;)

Enjoy your new membership in the club of SS/BYOH :)

08-23-2010, 05:59 PM
OP but it is impressive...its like opening your eyes for the first time. You are seeing the game in a whole new light and one you did not realize was even there.

But the simple fact you see the difference....well lets just say...what has been seen cannot be unseen. Sure you can go back to the simpler ways...but you cannot unlearn that it can be done.... ;)

Enjoy your new membership in the club of SS/BYOH :)

I feel so bad at having to ask this...What's SS?

I know what BYOH is at least... :(

08-23-2010, 06:05 PM
What's SS?


08-23-2010, 06:07 PM
I personallly like to short man, enjoy the challenge . As another poster mentioned try invaders, also run pop as a duo and madstone of course this can require resources but make a commitement not to drink mana pots and then do it with a caster/melee. Granted I FIRMLY believe in two thing 1) being self-sufficient and if I do run a PUG 2) the potential that I may be the last man standing and have to get em all back to a shrine or rez them somehow.

As you see this new aspect of the game run with others who short man, if you pick up a pug and it is someone you think you may like to run with then send em a tell and ask when they play. Also, guilds often short man and will even run with siter guilds or have chat channels set up for raids, quests, etc.

I hop eyou enjoy this, but DDO is a social game and if you solo all the time you might as well buy a game to play on your computer at home or work. Just my opinion.

Note, short manning can be expensive as far as pots and wands depending on your build.:cool: :cool:

Gratz and have fun in the game. What server are you on? I do not mind sharing tips if I have a character your level. :)

08-23-2010, 06:10 PM
Gratz and have fun in the game. What server are you on? I do not mind sharing tips if I have a character your level. :)

Actually Fortinbuff exists on all the servers. I figured it would be rude of me not to share my awesomeness with everyone *cough cough* so once I found a name and style I liked, I reserved it.

However, he's currently lvl 4 (veteran build) on every server but Sarlona, where he just reached 14 last night. That would be considered my "home" server.

08-23-2010, 06:45 PM
Note, short manning can be expensive as far as pots and wands depending on your build.:cool: :cool:

Gratz and have fun in the game. What server are you on? I do not mind sharing tips if I have a character your level. :)

Good point...it can get really ugly sometimes. And yes...when shortmaning and it goes wrong...it can go horribly funny wrong.


/I find it best to say things like "Phsst....i cannot die...i have improved skill focus listen." <--- (realize that this may or may not be true!)
//I have also found that commenting about ones inability to die is almost 100% sure to get you dead in the next 60 seconds...............generally in the most public and disgraceful way possible. And yes...it generally occurs where a screen shot is perfectly framed :(