View Full Version : Clonk.... splash Favored Soul?

08-18-2010, 10:53 AM
I was thinking of running a clonk that was mostly for solo, and worried about saves I was thinking of adding Paladin for some saves. Eventually I noticed just how many spell points get lost for those top few lvls of cleric missing... but I wanted something for more saves.

Then I thought... Why not do a C17/M2/FvS1? I could get +2 for every save. +10 HPs (enh), and mana would be even higher than for a C18/M2. Unless my math is wrong, the FvS1 would give 100 + 50 + CHA bonus. But that's just the start of it... since suddenly, as a Favored Soul all of your mana gear would count double.

It looks like to me, as a raw healer, a C17-19 with a lvl of FvS would possibly be better than a C20. (C20 would definitely be better at offensive spells.) You'd get the Radiant Servant line of free heals, and as much or better mana than a C20. Those last 3 lvls of C are worth 285 mana, which seems easily beatable with the 150 + gear.

Am I crazy? Missing something? This seems like it would work well for any non-capstone wanting, non-offensive speced cleric. Battle clerics spashing a lvl or two of Fighter.... UMD or lock picking Rogue splashes.... or the every popular clonk.

Of course, I've had many past ideas that I eventually noticed had a glaring hole... anyone see what I'm missing? The only thing I can think of is you'd miss out on a Radiant Servant III... if they ever come out with one.

08-18-2010, 10:57 AM
your sp items wont count double they only count double for pure sorcs and pure FvS every lvl of none Fvs you would have less of a bonus so for 1 lvl of fvs I think you would get 5% extra sp out of the item. I think losing a dc from your cleric spells isnt worth what you would get from the fvs but thats just me. plus you would loose what a lvl 9 spell?

08-18-2010, 11:12 AM
Aha... that's one big hole. So I imagine I'll only get a 5% gain on mana gear from being a normal clonk.

Still.... since the lvl 18 of Cleric only gives 90 Mana... FvS gets about 50 mana over that. While that alone might not be worth it (you'd lose a penetration, iirc, not a DC... plus 1 8th and 1 9th spell choice) I think the +2 to all saves and +10 HPs would make it worth it for my purposes (solo ability).

08-18-2010, 11:18 AM
would make it worth it for my purposes (solo ability).

I always wonder about this. Who solos/why do people solo once they're capped?

I'm not getting XP once I cap, so there's only Epics and raids that I can see. Maybe Amrath for Large Ingredients.

Do people just really like Amrath or am I missing quests that are especially good or fun to solo at cap? (I'll admit to going back to Proof is in the Poison once on each character that I cap just to teach those poison and acid spewing SOBs a lesson.)

08-18-2010, 11:35 AM
But the mana that you would get for the 1 lvl of FS would only be usable for your FS spells, right? so you would get a few more CLW?

Not sure entirely how this works, But i have read that you do not splash 1 sorc into a wiz build because it works as described, i.e. you get a few extra 1st lvl spells.

08-18-2010, 11:58 AM
But the mana that you would get for the 1 lvl of FS would only be usable for your FS spells, right? so you would get a few more CLW?

Not sure entirely how this works, But i have read that you do not splash 1 sorc into a wiz build because it works as described, i.e. you get a few extra 1st lvl spells.

I'll start by saying that a 10/10 split between Wiz and Cleric is a terrible idea.

That said, a 10/10 Wizard Cleric will be able to use all of his spell points for Wizard spells OR for Cleric spells or for some mix.

08-18-2010, 12:00 PM
You mean a Clonfvs?


08-18-2010, 12:06 PM
I always wonder about this. Who solos/why do people solo once they're capped?

I'm not getting XP once I cap, so there's only Epics and raids that I can see. Maybe Amrath for Large Ingredients.

Do people just really like Amrath or am I missing quests that are especially good or fun to solo at cap? (I'll admit to going back to Proof is in the Poison once on each character that I cap just to teach those poison and acid spewing SOBs a lesson.)

Not sure of anyone else... but for me, I pretty much don't have time to group. If I ever have time where grouping would make sense (wife & kids away for some reason... ) then I could do it... but I might not. I may instead just try to get the best gear I can get all by myself. I could see soloing while capped for gear... not to mention the epic tokens necessary to TR. Although with solo-only gear, epic may be out of the question... but I'll give it a try.

I do think for some ( and definitely for me ) there is a challenge involved. I know with a decent group I could do any content in the game.... but what could I do with no one else's help? There's the challenge.

08-18-2010, 12:47 PM
But the mana that you would get for the 1 lvl of FS would only be usable for your FS spells, right? so you would get a few more CLW?

Not sure entirely how this works, But i have read that you do not splash 1 sorc into a wiz build because it works as described, i.e. you get a few extra 1st lvl spells.
sp is sp. You can use it however you want. But, splashing a caster class into a caster class is generally always a bad idea. 1 sorc on a wiz or 1 fvs on a cleric will only get you +5% from items at level 20.

What people mean by only getting a few extra spells, is sorc and fvs gain spells upon level (not by memorizing like wizards). So, you will gain a few low level spells, while possibly lowering the amount of high level spells you can memorize.

08-18-2010, 01:03 PM
Not sure of anyone else... but for me, I pretty much don't have time to group. If I ever have time where grouping would make sense (wife & kids away for some reason... ) then I could do it... but I might not. I may instead just try to get the best gear I can get all by myself. I could see soloing while capped for gear... not to mention the epic tokens necessary to TR. Although with solo-only gear, epic may be out of the question... but I'll give it a try.

I do think for some ( and definitely for me ) there is a challenge involved. I know with a decent group I could do any content in the game.... but what could I do with no one else's help? There's the challenge.I understand soloing, and with a divine, most content in the game is definitely solo-able.

The thing is, logically, it makes sense to want to make a character for soloing due to time constraints, but in practice, it doesn't work out.

I'm talking about end game soloing. Beginning and mid game, solo builds can get quests done fast, allowing you time for RL, but end game, for most quests, it takes much more time, resources, and gear to solo quests/raids. To solo an epic or high end raid, you need high end gear and raid items and a hefty amount of time to do the quest and fail the quest. While a group, you can bang out the same epics and high end raids quickly with mediocre gear.

But, that's only end game. If the journey is what you enjoy, then I'm all for solo builds. Just be warned, soloing epics definitely does not save time. People should make solo builds and solo epics for the challenge instead.

08-18-2010, 03:13 PM
@Vynnt: I think you are probably right. At that point I may solo what I can, even if that isn't much... or maybe group. Dunno. But that is the reason I'm wavering from an earlier idea for my toon where I figured I didn't even need to hit C17. I was looking at maybe maxing at C15 (as that maxes Blade Barrier) since I saw no advantage in 9th lvl spells for a strict solo player.

But now I figure I'd hate to get there and feel I screwed it up, so I'm now aiming for C17... but I'm looking for better saves than C18M2. Paladin had been my thought before, but needs 2 lvls... so I had the FvS idea....

For now, I like it. It seems like I won't give up too much from a raiding perspective to a C18M2 (possibly nothing at all... not sure how many different lvl 8 and 9 spells are expected).

And of course, that lvl probably won't happen until I hit lvl 20 itself... where I can always pony up $$ and TR instead... or I may change my mind. It will probably take me 3-6 months to level that much....

08-18-2010, 03:44 PM
IF you're going to do it, is there a reason you'd choose FvS over sorc?

splashing the level of sorc would give the same SP bonus, and would open up arcane wand usage for you.

I'm assuming your toon has a high AC? Part of that AC is surely the +4 shield bonus from the shield spell - which I also assume is in 'clicky' form for you at the moment since you wouldn't have enough UMD? And if you want UMD, then surely taking a level of rogue to start would've been better anyhow since it would give you lockpicking ranks (with 4 you can jack most any lock in the game - great for soloing).

On the SP side of things: Cleric level 18 would get you +90 SP and also 1x wisdom bonus (let's assume you hit 36? so 13 more) whereas FvS/sorc 1 would give you +100 SP and also 10x your charisma bonus (assuming your charisma is 10-12 to start you're looking at 22-24 so 60-70 more SP) and also 5% more on your item (so 5-10 more SP there). Total spell point benefit from the FvS = 170-103 = 67.

67 spell points simply isn't worth it if you're losing a 9th level spell...

The sorc splash at least gives you the wand usage? But you're much better off taking rogue at first level and benefiting from the pick locks/ move silently AND having UMD available!!

08-18-2010, 08:32 PM
hmmm... dunno, 67 sp, plus 10 hps and 2 for each save? That seems worth losing a 9 and an 8 to me. What do you need? With C17 you get Mass Heal and True Resurrection. Do I need a third for a raid?

08-19-2010, 09:03 AM
hmmm... dunno, 67 sp, plus 10 hps and 2 for each save? That seems worth losing a 9 and an 8 to me. What do you need? With C17 you get Mass Heal and True Resurrection. Do I need a third for a raid?
Not worth it to me. Hello Implosion? You're also losing 1 on your Spell Pen and a caster level for your Mass Cures / BBs / Cometfalls.

08-28-2010, 11:08 PM
or you could skip it ad go 18 fvs 2 monk and have great everything