View Full Version : Dont Use Min II on Shroud Portals

08-18-2010, 10:22 AM
For my love brother, Tenzeck :)

08-18-2010, 10:29 AM
doesn't everyone know this already?

08-18-2010, 10:31 AM
i dont :D
except my healers/casters who have Vicious/anarchic/anarchic burst GCB my melee has no portal beaters;)_ so min II FTW

08-18-2010, 10:36 AM
But but I just made two of them to be my portal beaters cause that's what I see people using! Oh well, another waste :( At least I still have my improved roaring kamas for everything else!

08-18-2010, 10:38 AM
I use vorpals in the hopes that one day turbine will make portals vorpalable.

08-18-2010, 10:39 AM
I thought people just piked at the portals. This requires no weapons. :P

08-18-2010, 10:39 AM
I use weakening of enfeebling so they dont hit back too hard!!!

08-18-2010, 10:40 AM
Quik, at least there doing more damage than you piking at first portal o.O

08-18-2010, 10:42 AM
i dont :D
except my healers/casters who have Vicious/anarchic/anarchic burst GCB my melee has no portal beaters;)_ so min II FTW

Well that's ok till you make you're lit II's :)

08-18-2010, 10:53 AM
I use vorpals in the hopes that one day turbine will make portals vorpalable.

Oddly enough, I have a vorpal longsword of greater construct bane that I used for a portal beater until upgrading it to a +4 vicious longsword greater construct bane.

Maybe someday it will work, seeing as certain weapon effects are currently working on things they shouldn't...

Yay bugs!

08-18-2010, 10:54 AM
Personally I use my Korthos flaming greataxe. I was so attached to it I've never upgraded.

08-18-2010, 10:59 AM
Quik, at least there doing more damage than you piking at first portal o.O

Pike with auto attack on newb

Personally I use my Korthos flaming greataxe. I was so attached to it I've never upgraded.

Uber :)

08-18-2010, 11:01 AM
well +5 holy pg vs GS holy


besides, I'm too lazy to steal my friends +3 anarchic burst of GCB


08-18-2010, 11:03 AM
Pike with auto attack on newb

Is it piking if you're doing anything? Even auto-attacking? :P

08-18-2010, 11:05 AM
Is it piking if you're doing anything? Even auto-attacking? :P

The key to being a good piker, is not getting caught. So if you are just standing there, its likely you'll get caught. How are you supposed to get your completions if nobody invites you?

08-18-2010, 11:08 AM
I use paralyzing weapons so they quit moving around so much....er....maybe I need to drink less when running that Raid.

08-18-2010, 11:10 AM
The key to being a good piker, is not getting caught. So if you are just standing there, its likely you'll get caught. How are you supposed to get your completions if nobody invites you?

We invited you. ;)

08-18-2010, 11:12 AM
We invited you. ;)

Ugh, dont remind me

08-18-2010, 11:14 AM
At least the Min II has Holy on it (or Good Burst). I'll admit that I'm using a Min II Khopesh along with a generic Battleaxe of GCB on portals just because I don't yet have anything better.

If anyone on Argo wants to mail me an Anarchic/Holy Burst Khopesh of GCB, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.

08-18-2010, 11:16 AM
Well that's ok till you make you're lit II's :)
I have L2 :D
These thunder and lightning going off on portals:D

but if anyone has anarchic burst of GCB wraps im intrested:D

08-18-2010, 11:17 AM
At least the Min II has Holy on it (or Good Burst). I'll admit that I'm using a Min II Khopesh along with a generic Battleaxe of GCB on portals just because I don't yet have anything better.

If anyone on Argo wants to mail me an Anarchic/Holy Burst Khopesh of GCB, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.

Hopefully :)

08-18-2010, 11:21 AM
At least the Min II has Holy on it (or Good Burst). I'll admit that I'm using a Min II Khopesh along with a generic Battleaxe of GCB on portals just because I don't yet have anything better.

If anyone on Argo wants to mail me an Anarchic/Holy Burst Khopesh of GCB, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.

But only if it is a +5, right? :D

08-18-2010, 11:24 AM
:confused:What are portals?

08-18-2010, 11:25 AM
Ugh, dont remind me

LOL.....the Shroud run wasn't too bad, but that Reaver was something else.

08-18-2010, 01:35 PM
I use paralyzing weapons so they quit moving around so much....er....maybe I need to drink less when running that Raid.

AHH that bolded part BLASPHEMY! lol Drink more then you wont care what your swinging at the ports lol hell I love the day after a fraidnight because I know ive done a shroud with the shards and tomes in my backpack but dont quite remember when or how we completed it.

I say the shroud should have at least a 2 drink minimum required and they have to be in big cups :) guildies will get that reference off the bat :p

08-18-2010, 01:42 PM

Using min II on portal is perfectly acceptable.

Also, kill cat before anything else is ready. If you do it once, do it three times in a row. It will work eventually.

Solvers? I don't need no stinking solvers. I just run back and forth on my puzzle. If I can get to yours I will run all over it too.

OOOO, on to part 4? My favorite. Center heals on me, cause I am jumping out as soon as I see a blade and running right to the healer!

Finally.... lots of stuff to click. Click, click, click!!!!!111!!!*&%)*&%)

You can't tell but I am sobbing as I type this.

08-18-2010, 01:45 PM
This is a redonculous discussion.

EVERYONE knows that a good intimitank can hold the portals agro so the rogues (you do have rogues in your party right?) can get all that amazingsauce backstab damage!

edit: 'Hiiii Kalari!!!!' :D

08-18-2010, 01:48 PM
The key to being a good piker, is not getting caught. So if you are just standing there, its likely you'll get caught. How are you supposed to get your completions if nobody invites you?

Piked eight consecutive runs through Von 3 the other day. No one realized that I was running just behind the party and never took a single swing. Just enough funny voice chat jokes to keep them all entertained at the expense of getting me a gajillion xp. When the Marut came through the door I literally sneaked and ran away.

*snuck? snacked?

08-18-2010, 01:51 PM
And by the way, I still feel like an uber noob due to never having run shroud. Why does it seem like every time I get to lvl 12 the pugs become absolute **** and I can't get any more xp to save my life?! :(

08-18-2010, 01:57 PM
This is a redonculous discussion.

EVERYONE knows that a good intimitank can hold the portals agro so the rogues (you do have rogues in your party right?) can get all that amazingsauce backstab damage!

edit: 'Hiiii Kalari!!!!' :D

Hiya Slink :) ^_^

Honestly dunno about how some run the shroud but I still think running them sober is a crime against humanity :D

08-18-2010, 02:00 PM
Honestly dunno about how some run the shroud but I still think running them sober is a crime against humanity :D

Some people (like me) don't drink. But if we're in a Shroud together, you can drink for me. I'm sure that would be acceptable for ya. ;)

08-18-2010, 02:04 PM
Some people (like me) don't drink. But if we're in a Shroud together, you can drink for me. I'm sure that would be acceptable for ya. ;)

hehe will do I always volunteer for such tasks :)

08-18-2010, 05:21 PM

Using min II on portal is perfectly acceptable.

Also, kill cat before anything else is ready. If you do it once, do it three times in a row. It will work eventually.

Solvers? I don't need no stinking solvers. I just run back and forth on my puzzle. If I can get to yours I will run all over it too.

OOOO, on to part 4? My favorite. Center heals on me, cause I am jumping out as soon as I see a blade and running right to the healer!

Finally.... lots of stuff to click. Click, click, click!!!!!111!!!*&%)*&%)

You can't tell but I am sobbing as I type this.

This is one of the funniest posts I've read in a long time! </golf clap>

08-18-2010, 07:21 PM
I just diplo the portals. When the shavaroth army comes, I want to be on good terms with our new overlords ...

08-18-2010, 07:28 PM
And by the way, I still feel like an uber noob due to never having run shroud. Why does it seem like every time I get to lvl 12 the pugs become absolute **** and I can't get any more xp to save my life?! :(

I pugged my TR first time lvl 19. Hirelings > pugs

08-18-2010, 07:31 PM
I pugged my TR first time lvl 19. Hirelings > pugs

Dungeon scaling and the 10% death xp penalty really did hurt this game :(

08-18-2010, 07:32 PM
I used my improved destruction weapons on the portals, cause man those portals are hard to hit :P

08-18-2010, 08:27 PM
Dungeon scaling and the 10% death xp penalty really did hurt this game :(

Yeah I agree 100% with that.
I'm also more to blame f2p, but you can't take shots at Turbine for wanting to make that money. It just brought a really horrible aspect to the game with most newer players.

08-18-2010, 10:53 PM
everyone knows the best weapon to use on portals is the Holy Flame Club from deleras:



08-18-2010, 10:53 PM
For my love brother, Tenzeck :)

I hear you should use them until you make Lightning II.

08-18-2010, 11:11 PM
Unless you are doing a timed run or failing part 1 it really doesn't matter.

1) If you find part 1 so hard that you don't want people to use their MIN 2...sees cube eyeing me

2) If you aren't going for a record timed run who cares if you can take 30 seconds off a 20 min shroud. Those puggers that want 3 min of buffs at every portal waste alot more time than your mineral 2 does on portals.

08-18-2010, 11:17 PM
Unless you are doing a timed run or failing part 1 it really doesn't matter.

1) If you find part 1 so hard that you don't want people to use their MIN 2...sees cube eyeing me

2) If you aren't going for a record timed run who cares if you can take 30 seconds off a 20 min shroud. Those puggers that want 3 min of buffs at every portal waste alot more time than your mineral 2 does on portals.

Um yeah, because so many pugs here are doing 20 min shrouds. That run was 48 min :)

08-18-2010, 11:23 PM
Um yeah, because so many pugs here are doing 20 min shrouds. That run was 48 min :)

Well if it was 48 min are you really going to be upset that it wasnt 47min because they were using Min2 on portals? Find where that extra half hr came from and complain about that. Like because they were using construct bane on the bosses!

08-18-2010, 11:33 PM
Well if it was 48 min are you really going to be upset that it wasnt 47min because they were using Min2 on portals? Find where that extra half hr came from and complain about that. Like because they were using construct bane on the bosses!

Oh I could go on and on about where the time was lost, im well aware of what it takes to run a fast shroud. But this thread is about using min II's on portals. I guess its ok until you get lit II though.

08-19-2010, 09:38 AM
Oh I could go on and on about where the time was lost, im well aware of what it takes to run a fast shroud. But this thread is about using min II's on portals. I guess its ok until you get lit II though.

I'm seeing a new bumpersticker here.

"MinII... it's okay untill you get a LitII."

08-19-2010, 09:57 AM
everyone knows the best weapon to use on portals is the Holy Flame Club from deleras:



Midget shroud ? How did the dorfies reach the portal ? what about part 3, did you stand on each others shoulders to place the water ?

08-19-2010, 10:18 AM
min2 vs random greater construct bane is 2d6 plus some 3 damage from higher base vs 3d6 from bane(average of 1d6 is bit over 3)

now do the math, they are close to identical

if you are one of those lucky ppl who found suitable multi effect weapon, holy of puregood, holy burst puregood, anarchic any etc, then congratulation, i think iv met such weapon one or 2 times within last 6 months

on my barb i use insurrection, regular bane +3 greataxe(again, havent even met any better with any char)
on fighter i used 2 greater banes, some random junk, +1 weapons
monkster cleric has some +2 greater bane staff

if this thread is aiming at that everyone should try to get one of those rare combinations, then sorry, im not going to jump over my shadow and buy those from AH for astronomical price.

08-19-2010, 10:19 AM
Well if it was 48 min are you really going to be upset that it wasnt 47min because they were using Min2 on portals? Find where that extra half hr came from and complain about that. Like because they were using construct bane on the bosses!

it's not about the 30 seconds you shave off part 1 by using correct weapons, it's about the mentality of some people that they just can't be bothered to find the right weapon, or can't be bothered to get a poison resist item so they don't need to ask the cleric, or can't be bothered to drink a fire pot, so they can go straight into part 4, or can't be bothered to use their deathward clicky so they die due to vorpal in part 2... it all adds up to make a Shroud run slower and slower and slower.

Using mineral II on portals is the thin end of the wedge, the tip of the pug iceberg.


08-19-2010, 10:20 AM
oh and in fact, random greater bane weapons you may bump into are usually +1, +2 vs +5 on any greensteel including min2, so +2 greater bane weapon actually looses against min2

08-19-2010, 10:26 AM
oh and in fact, random greater bane weapons you may bump into are usually +1, +2 vs +5 on any greensteel including min2, so +2 greater bane weapon actually looses against min2

greater bane as well as giving 3d6 on hit damage, also gives a +4 bonus to attack and damage - so a +2 gcb is actually a +6 base weapon with 3d6 extra damage. A +2 gcb khopesh is actually approximately 8% better (depending on your buffs and STR) than a mineral II khopesh on portals, and many people ensure that their portal weapons are also anarchic or holy which even further increases the difference.


08-19-2010, 10:29 AM
it's not about the 30 seconds you shave off part 1 by using correct weapons, it's about the mentality of some people that they just can't be bothered to find the right weapon, or can't be bothered to get a poison resist item so they don't need to ask the cleric, or can't be bothered to drink a fire pot, so they can go straight into part 4, or can't be bothered to use their deathward clicky so they die due to vorpal in part 2... it all adds up to make a Shroud run slower and slower and slower.

Using mineral II on portals is the thin end of the wedge, the tip of the pug iceberg.


poison= throw a mass heal at times between faster cures, if you die to poison doing harry that way you have more serious problems in group than poison.
Dw= mentality? if ONE full 12 people aoe buffs me with deathward in quest where it wont get dispelled then sorry im not going to farm splinterskull for clickies.
fire pot/greater fire resistance item= true that could save time.

08-19-2010, 10:29 AM
if this thread is aiming at that everyone should try to get one of those rare combinations, then sorry, im not going to jump over my shadow and buy those from AH for astronomical price.

Keep a careful eye on the vendors and deals in the AH.

I picked up a +5 vicious GCB greatclub for ~100,000gp. (yes, gold because my brain has thought in gold for the last 10+ years)

Getting fancy specific toys takes time, but if you keep a lookout in the back of your head for these types of things they will eventually happen.

08-19-2010, 10:30 AM
oh and in fact, random greater bane weapons you may bump into are usually +1, +2 vs +5 on any greensteel including min2, so +2 greater bane weapon actually looses against min2

Do some more math.

08-19-2010, 10:31 AM
greater bane as well as giving 3d6 on hit damage, also gives a +4 bonus to attack and damage - so a +2 gcb is actually a +6 base weapon with 3d6 extra damage. A +2 gcb khopesh is actually approximately 8% better (depending on your buffs and STR) than a mineral II khopesh on portals, and many people ensure that their portal weapons are also anarchic or holy which even further increases the difference.


i stand corrected, forgot about that

08-19-2010, 10:33 AM
poison= throw a mass heal at times between faster cures, if you die to poison doing harry that way you have more serious problems in group than poison.
Dw= mentality? if ONE full 12 people aoe buffs me with deathward in quest where it wont get dispelled then sorry im not going to farm splinterskull for clickies.
fire pot/greater fire resistance item= true that could save time.

Sure until the cleric dies and your stuck having the bard mass heal, or the healer has a level split too large to take mass heal. Maybe the fvs didnt mem mass dw.

The point that you cant be troubled to gear yourself out correctly points to the respect you have for the other 11 people you raid with.

08-19-2010, 10:33 AM
Keep a careful eye on the vendors and deals in the AH.

I picked up a +5 vicious GCB greatclub for ~100,000gp. (yes, gold because my brain has thought in gold for the last 10+ years)

Getting fancy specific toys takes time, but if you keep a lookout in the back of your head for these types of things they will eventually happen.

nice, i guess i could check those more often, lucky indeed

08-19-2010, 10:34 AM
poison= throw a mass heal at times between faster cures, if you die to poison doing harry that way you have more serious problems in group than poison.
Dw= mentality? if ONE full 12 people aoe buffs me with deathward in quest where it wont get dispelled then sorry im not going to farm splinterskull for clickies.
fire pot/greater fire resistance item= true that could save time.

my point was that not bothering to pick up a decent portal beater weapon is symptomatic of a mentality that some people think that the rest of the group can carry them along and they don't have to contribute to the best of their ability. The other examples I gave were to further illustrate my point.

If everyone in the group contributes to the best of their ability (and that includes finding good portal beaters) then all the little small things add up to that 20 minute Shroud everyone wants.


08-19-2010, 10:36 AM
If everyone in the group contributes to the best of their ability (and that includes finding good portal beaters) then all the little small things add up to that 20 minute Shroud everyone wants.



+1, not that you need it.

08-19-2010, 10:37 AM
my point was that not bothering to pick up a decent portal beater weapon is symptomatic of a mentality that some people think that the rest of the group can carry them along and they don't have to contribute to the best of their ability. The other examples I gave were to further illustrate my point.

If everyone in the group contributes to the best of their ability (and that includes finding good portal beaters) then all the little small things add up to that 20 minute Shroud everyone wants.


And the XX runs they did before they crafted a min II? What did they use in all those runs.

Seriously guys, if you have trouble finding these weapons, post a thread asking for help. Lots of vets have extra weapons around they can lend or give to you until you get your own. Dont assume that nobodys going to know.

People are saying well its only a few points of damage or it doesnt take that much longer. Why is it that a well geared group can split in half and take portals down with 5 people faster than 10? It makes a difference.

08-19-2010, 10:47 AM
Sure until the cleric dies and your stuck having the bard mass heal, or the healer has a level split too large to take mass heal. Maybe the fvs didnt mem mass dw.

The point that you cant be troubled to gear yourself out correctly points to the respect you have for the other 11 people you raid with.

that doesent mean i dont care about gearing myself, sure the situations you mentioned can happen

i really dont think that its that big of a problem, possibly yes, as in the shroud runs i have been in, no not really, atleast not the deathward part

in my case it has nothing to do with respect vs others, i merely havent had any need for dw clicky in shroud so far, it doesent make me unrespectful towards others

when the problem with poison and dw actually starts to matter, sure i have no problems going by meridia potion shop and ganking splinterskull for clicky. but until that time my attendings in shroud pugs, not guild runs work same way, and roughly same speed as with those preparations .

08-19-2010, 10:51 AM
that doesent mean i dont care about gearing myself, sure the situations you mentioned can happen

i really dont think that its that big of a problem, possibly yes, as in the shroud runs i have been in, no not really, atleast not the deathward part

in my case it has nothing to do with respect vs others, i merely havent had any need for dw clicky in shroud so far, it doesent make me unrespectful towards others

when the problem with poison and dw actually starts to matter, sure i have no problems going by meridia potion shop and ganking splinterskull for clicky. but until that time my attendings in shroud pugs, not guild runs work same way, and roughly same speed as with those preparations .

nice straw man of my deathward clicky example :)


08-19-2010, 10:51 AM
nice, i guess i could check those more often, lucky indeed

It was less luck and more ~6-8 months of constant searching for a good THF portal beater.

One shroud my barbarian was able to take out a portal by himself before the entire rest of the party was done with the other one.

I also know it takes him 1:04 (no haste) to take out the portal in the ice dragon valley. I’m constantly trying to make this time better.

Some people may think this level of effort and planning is overkill, but as Quik said it’s all about trying to help the group.

08-19-2010, 10:57 AM
my point was that not bothering to pick up a decent portal beater weapon is symptomatic of a mentality that some people think that the rest of the group can carry them along and they don't have to contribute to the best of their ability. The other examples I gave were to further illustrate my point.

If everyone in the group contributes to the best of their ability (and that includes finding good portal beaters) then all the little small things add up to that 20 minute Shroud everyone wants.


yea, im always making effort to equip my char with best possible gear through whole levelling, im not one of those saying blaaah, just a 2 damage (2 damage is equal to 4 strength, no one gives up on 4 strength unless they are forced to)

if i hit level 9, no matter what char, i will always have heavy fort, earlier when i use robe, also back when i used to play my wizrogue or cleric trapster i quite often recall doing traps while rolling one while there are plenty of pure rogues around that level blowing up same boxes.

08-19-2010, 11:00 AM
that doesent mean i dont care about gearing myself, sure the situations you mentioned can happen

i really dont think that its that big of a problem, possibly yes, as in the shroud runs i have been in, no not really, atleast not the deathward part

in my case it has nothing to do with respect vs others, i merely havent had any need for dw clicky in shroud so far, it doesent make me unrespectful towards others

when the problem with poison and dw actually starts to matter, sure i have no problems going by meridia potion shop and ganking splinterskull for clicky. but until that time my attendings in shroud pugs, not guild runs work same way, and roughly same speed as with those preparations .

The speed disparity between a good shroud group and a mediocre one, is a whole shroud run, or 20+ minutes.

Oh and imo it does show lack of respect. There are 3 items or consumables everyone running shroud should have, portal beater, poison immunity and instadeath immunity (which is actually easier to get than running tr). What else might you be missing. Two of those items are incredibly easy to get (poison pots instadeath immunity) and the third isnt incredibly hard to get (portal beater) but for some reason many people would rather rely on others for a few things they can easily do themselves.

08-19-2010, 11:00 AM
sorry maybe i took few examples out of context, have a nice day, i must be off home

08-19-2010, 11:04 AM
sorry maybe i took few examples out of context, have a nice day, i must be off home


Not trying to bash you paticularly. And you are certainly allowed to play/gear how you like, but here maybe you get a different perspective on shrouds. Not everyone wants to have 10 minute buff parties and 40-60 minute shroud runs. Some of us have limited time, or want to get onto something else rather than another shroud. Yes vets need to be more patient with people that havent run the shroud thousands of times, but newer people also need to catch the ball and run with it as well.

08-19-2010, 11:28 AM
The only issue I have with the whole portal basher thing is that, in many cases, a GOOD GCB weapon (vicious, holy, or anarachaic) will usually set you back a minimum of 100k plat. For some players, that is a very big deal. My rogue is using a axiomatic(cry) GCB shortsword and a holy puregood longsword, since I've yet to find better in the process of getting three characters to 20. Realistically, I doubt that if I managed to get my hands on two +5 holy of GCB khopeshes, that the shroud runs I do would finish part 1 much more than 10 seconds faster... and just one of those weapons would probably set me back a million plat, which I absolutely DO NOT have... if it was available, which it usually isn't. Devil beaters though, those I have at the ready. Still on the lookout for the infamous +5 Holy burst Silver Khopeshes of Greater (lawful or evil) outsider bane.

I have no problem with people wanting fast groups to be ready to take care of themselves tho. On my cleric or bard, I toss out buffs like crazy at the end of part 3 and beginning of part 5, because that's generally what's expected, and if I'm with a group that wants to speed through it I'll adapt. On my rogue, if I'm not getting the "necessary" buffs I'll use my planar grid, flesh render visor, chug a resist poison potion, possibly swap to my fire resist robe, and then politely ask for an FOM if there's a divine caster or bard who's still buffing.

08-19-2010, 12:33 PM
... I doubt that if I managed to get my hands on two +5 holy of GCB khopeshes, that the shroud runs I do would finish part 1 much more than 10 seconds faster...

Let's assume it takes 30 seconds less... per player that upgrades his weapons ... and let's assume we have 5 players that do it ... it means part one alone is 2 minutes and a half faster ... And that is only counting the weapons. What i see the most these days is toons with UMD not using any kind of scrolls and or wands to self buff ...

08-19-2010, 12:49 PM
I just diplo the portals. When the shavaroth army comes, I want to be on good terms with our new overlords ...

I actually laughted out loud for this one! kekekeke


08-19-2010, 02:22 PM
Let's assume it takes 30 seconds less... per player that upgrades his weapons ... and let's assume we have 5 players that do it ... it means part one alone is 2 minutes and a half faster ... And that is only counting the weapons. What i see the most these days is toons with UMD not using any kind of scrolls and or wands to self buff ...

Yes slow shrouds is a multifaceted event. Everyone having kick ass portal beaters would only speed up the completion time a bit.

08-19-2010, 03:21 PM

Not trying to bash you paticularly. And you are certainly allowed to play/gear how you like, but here maybe you get a different perspective on shrouds. Not everyone wants to have 10 minute buff parties and 40-60 minute shroud runs. Some of us have limited time, or want to get onto something else rather than another shroud. Yes vets need to be more patient with people that havent run the shroud thousands of times, but newer people also need to catch the ball and run with it as well.

Ah so this is why I have not seen you at a Shroudsicle in a while:p...btw our buff parties are actually a party so I think that counts for something. lol. Just come when I am on Vigdis and Kirris is healing. I have a anarchic burst GCB great axe and she doesn't like to buff.... so you can be happy:D

08-19-2010, 03:31 PM
Piked eight consecutive runs through Von 3 the other day. No one realized that I was running just behind the party and never took a single swing. Just enough funny voice chat jokes to keep them all entertained at the expense of getting me a gajillion xp. When the Marut came through the door I literally sneaked and ran away.

*snuck? snacked?

Good jokes are worth more than DPS...

08-19-2010, 05:27 PM
I'm not sure where peeps are shopping at but even on the ah or the vendors you can find:

+2 anarchic burst warhammer of pure good (house d vendor last night) 8700 plat

or the AH

+4 anarchic burst battleaxe of pure good (around 75K plat)

+3 holy burst dwarven axe of pure good (50 K plat)

I know they are not greater construct banes but if you are using a
+2 acid/shock/flaming/frost of gcb anything they they will out dps that
item because you are going to get +2d6 holy or anarchic and even
more if you crit.

I pass these out to my newb guildies when they are ready to shroud and pick them
up whenever I find em.

For some reason peeps hate on warhammers or battleaxes but you get the x3 crit
and they are cheap cheap cheap. Besides since you hit on a 2 you can use 2 of
those badboys and it doesn't even matter.

Have a good one!

08-19-2010, 05:38 PM
'cos my WF barb looks silly using a dagger of GCB?

ty for the suggestions of things other than GCB because i haven't found many

(my cleric has my +4 vicious GCB light mace)

08-19-2010, 05:48 PM
Though it was in Bad Form, I've actually been in 2 shroud runs where a healer left because portals were so slow to go down in part 1, that they thought part 4 was either going to be a wipe, or too expensive, or that part 2 was going to be a disaster.

I guess most of us try to have the perfect weapon for every situation--it's something that we strive for. Even my FVS dual wilds decent portal beaters and she's an offensive caster.

08-19-2010, 06:29 PM
The rules state:
Every time a Black Pudding spawns, everybody must drink.

Therefore, the best portal weapons are Ooze II.

Thanks for playing.

08-19-2010, 06:33 PM
Quik, stop making me larn things from these public service announcements of yours. It's making me a better player, can't have that!