View Full Version : problem wen buying turbine points
08-16-2010, 11:32 PM
hi i encountered a problem wen trying to buy the ddo store point bundle (49.99) today while it was on sale, every time i tried to purchase it using the creditcard i got the same message "There was an error processing your request. Please try again.[CHK-8001]" a friend also tried to purchase the points with his credit card and he got the same message the only diference was that he got 8002 instead of the 8001 anyone know the meaning of that code? or why does it show?
pd: pardon me if i made a mistake spelling or with the grammar english aint my native language
08-17-2010, 05:30 PM
Yea i got the same message...The error code, 80001, has something to do with SSL certification...weird
08-18-2010, 12:17 PM
no response or help with this?
08-18-2010, 12:40 PM
Same error here, guess they dont want to make any money today
08-19-2010, 12:49 PM
Bump, I'm getting that too.
08-19-2010, 07:32 PM
Thank you for the reports. We're looking into this guys. We'll post when we have news.
08-20-2010, 05:52 AM
If it helps, I'm playing from Europe, and I just got this error when I clicked the 'buy now' button in the LFM, to get the inspired quarter:
Unknown offer id in request; cannot process request.
08-20-2010, 12:03 PM
got error 8003 when I tried to do the same thing. and paypal is down so could not but points at all.
08-20-2010, 01:08 PM
Errors CHK-8001 and CHK-8003 indicate that your purchase is being declined by our fraud verification checks. Please feel free to confirm you are entering the correct information, and that your PayPal account is verified (requirements for this vary by country and are determined by PayPal) and then try again. Please note that if it doesn't work after a couple of tries, additional attempts will likely also be declined.
Error CHK-8002 is a purchase limit. If you receive this error, please wait at least 24 hours before attempting any additional purchases.
08-20-2010, 04:07 PM
Hey Victorie,
Thanks for the reply, but I have verified several times now, and have also used the previously entered credit card data to buy turbine points. The data is correct, yet I am still getting that error.
Edit: I get this error when trying to modify my CC info:
The system was unable to update your billing information. Please verify your billing information and try again later. If you continue to experience this error, you may wish to try another credit card or contact your issuing bank. To request further assistance, please visit
I do not have another credit card, it works fine for any other service and has worked fine for previous purchases. I am not willing to get another one from the bank, just for this issue, so until this gets resolved, I will not be making any more purchases at the DDO store.
08-20-2010, 04:46 PM
For credit card update issues, you may find some more helpful information in this sticky (
If you are able to call the Account Management department, they can try to update it for you.
08-20-2010, 05:43 PM
Ok, thanks for the trouble, but I won't make any international calls to fix a problem that didn't exist before. I have bought the 50$ package twice now without problems. Nothing changed with the card or the bank account, and there's plenty of money left on the it. I'll try a few times more in the future, but if the problem doesn't get resolved (and I'm sure I'm not the only one having it), I'll move on to something a little less buggy.
08-21-2010, 03:14 PM
thanks ima try to fix it now
08-23-2010, 01:36 PM
got error 8003 when I tried to do the same thing. and paypal is down so could not but points at all.
I got the same error to.
Any news on this?
08-24-2010, 01:59 PM
I got the same error to.
Same here... Would throw my money at you if only I could...
Wonder when this will be top priority... :p
Edit: I suspect its a language support issue since the card information (from the store) do NOT include danish æ, ø and å and so preventing a match... It wont help to choose other card and type it manually... Could easily be a big problem with all the other weird letters used around Europe...
Any idea when PayPal will work again..? :D
08-24-2010, 02:05 PM
... helpful information in this sticky (
"If you're able to add your credit card to the website, but the Turbine Store won't let you buy points, we are happy to help.
You can call, or if you already have a card on file then you can email and request the points purchase. If you email, please include:
-username of the account you want the purchase and points on
-the last 4 of the credit card
-the card holder's name
-the address on file
-the number of points you want to buy
-the amount you are agreeing to spend"
A good option..?
08-31-2010, 03:50 AM
So as of 31 August, these issues are still ongoing? I have tried for three days to both buy through the DDO store and re-subscribe. I have tried using the credit card and my verified paypal account. Nothing is working. I am also getting [CHK-8001] error. I have asked in game every day and I get a number of replied that others are also not able to buy through the store, but some can.
Appreciate some level of fraud protection, but whatever this is appears to block a good number of people. Seems pretty straight forward with a verified paypal account and/or two different credit cards. This system lets none of them go through.
Concerning the above copy from the sticky, I dont think supplying all your credit card information and the username of the account through a non-SSL online email system is a viable solution. Now my LOTRO subscription magically restarted without my permission last month, which Turbine did fix (but is VERY troublesome) but I can't willingly subscribe to DDO. Is it possible there is some serious problem with Turbine's payment processing service?
I'm about to move on.
08-31-2010, 11:39 AM
This ERROR, has been going on for almost the entire month... Combined with the lack of information regarding us Europe players & our character transfers etc. Makes DDO seriously lacking in the fun department atm.
11 days since the last official response - either give some information ( preferable a solution ) or say goodbye.
08-31-2010, 03:16 PM
Please see above. Quoted here for ease in reference.
Errors CHK-8001 and CHK-8003 indicate that your purchase is being declined by our fraud verification checks. Please feel free to confirm you are entering the correct information, and that your PayPal account is verified (requirements for this vary by country and are determined by PayPal) and then try again. Please note that if it doesn't work after a couple of tries, additional attempts will likely also be declined.
Error CHK-8002 is a purchase limit. If you receive this error, please wait at least 24 hours before attempting any additional purchases.
09-05-2010, 10:39 AM
Errors CHK-8001 and CHK-8003 indicate that your purchase is being declined by our fraud verification checks. Please feel free to confirm you are entering the correct information, and that your PayPal account is verified (requirements for this vary by country and are determined by PayPal) and then try again. Please note that if it doesn't work after a couple of tries, additional attempts will likely also be declined.
Error CHK-8002 is a purchase limit. If you receive this error, please wait at least 24 hours before attempting any additional purchases.
Same problem here, error CHK-8001. For 2 days.
It can not be a problem with my CC information because i already bought other things on DDO Store before, without problem. I'm VIP for 2 months already and had no problems with payment. Whats the problem now? I already contacted my CC support and everything is fine.
09-05-2010, 10:47 AM
Am from Canada and i get the same error message.
I have used my card many times here,but now all of a sudden
i get declined.So if Turbine thinks my card is a fraud
someone should tell my bank cuse i'm not going to.
Bluntt Roller
09-06-2010, 10:20 AM
And the problem persists. Now I have some friends who are also having the same problem, and everyone has bought something in the DDO Store before, even some of them even become VIP members, and they never had problems like this. Why are we having trouble now, if we are using the same CC information that worked before?
And please do not ask us to come into contact with the support of our credit cards, we've done that, several times, and we were informed that there is no problem with our cards, even we were informed that there was no charge attempt by Turbine.
Ps.: I tryed again, with another CC, and had the same problem.
09-06-2010, 11:01 AM
Errors CHK-8001 and CHK-8003 indicate that your purchase is being declined by our fraud verification checks. Please feel free to confirm you are entering the correct information, and that your PayPal account is verified (requirements for this vary by country and are determined by PayPal) and then try again. Please note that if it doesn't work after a couple of tries, additional attempts will likely also be declined.
Error CHK-8002 is a purchase limit. If you receive this error, please wait at least 24 hours before attempting any additional purchases.
My wife and I both receive the CHK-8001 error. We BOTH have purchased points through paypal before, several times in fact with no error. She even tried here credit card and received the same error. Can some one please address this as I would like to buy the points while they are on sale. Also if this is not resolved before hand, will the sale be honored?
This is not due to lack of verification or fraud on our end, I can guarantee that.
09-06-2010, 05:45 PM
I'm beginning to get the same error now, too and tried 3 different credit cards - all from different banking institutions with only minimal balances on any of them. In fact, I just purchased something through paypal for my business without any trouble with one of the cards.
I'm not in a super big hurry to buy anything, except that Turbine would have gotten about $100 from me this weekend without the issue. Their loss.
*Edit - Everything was approved when I tried to go through paypal instead until I got to the Turbine side. Then I got the error. Heck, I even got a receipt from Paypal indicating the purchase - just no charge on the card and no Turbine points.
**Edit #2 - Ok. I hadn't purchased one of the GW campaign's yet so I figured I'd try out my credit card there. Short version - NCSoft didn't have any problems taking my money. This is definitely on the Turbine side.
Victorie, if you are seeing this, please look a little deeper than sending us to the credit card problem sticky note. There really is a problem on your end. I'm even willing to help be a test subject if you want.
09-06-2010, 07:09 PM
No change here. I'm still getting that error message.
I even tryed to buy TP with my PayPal account, but not worked too.
It's obvious to me that this problem is not with my CC. It has to be something on Turbine side. Did Turbine made some kind of change in their billing system? That's the only logical answer for a problem that did not exist before.
09-07-2010, 09:28 PM
for me, what is happenning is different, I click "buy points" then click on any of the pack selections, it goes to the next screen.. or at least tries to, it shows the column headings, but loads and loads, then times out with the message "System is not available. Please try again later."
I assume this is due to the above issues being dealt with? if so, why would they leave the whole purchasing system down overnight without any indication?
really bad customer service if you ask me.. all it would take, is a simple message saying "our points purchasing system is currently under maintenance, sorry for the inconveniece, we anticipate this to be done by xx:xx"
09-12-2010, 02:49 AM
I'm also getting error CHK-8003, and this is a card that I've used numerous times to pay in online stores and for various online services. Normally, when I experience authorization problems(this has actually only happened once over a period of 4 years), I get a call from my bank and things get resolved pretty quick. This has yet to occur, even though the DDO store supposedly has problems with validating my purchases(CHK-8003 stands for failure to authorize IIRC).
This is very disapointing, because it points to a problem on the side of Turbine, and judging by this thread - a lack of desire or ability to adress this issue. I hope this problem is resolved in a timely manner, before I loose all desire to do business with Turbine(one can only be rudely rebuffed so many times before giving in to frustration).
I have already missed several sale opportunities because of this error, and while I do not expect of Turbine to recompense me anything for that, I urge them to consider switching their billing service provider(if external), or adress the issues with their billing service(if internally developped and maintained).
09-12-2010, 11:12 PM
These errors, and the frequency with which they are appearing is being researched. We are aware that they are occurring more often, and to players that were previously able to purchase points without issue with the same payment method. When we have news, I'll post.
09-13-2010, 12:49 PM
Thank you Victorie
I look forward to your response. I woulld like to move forward with purchases but will wait till there is a resolution.
09-13-2010, 05:04 PM
Is there another way of contacting Turbine Account Support? Over the last few months I've sent a few messages through the support e-mail form and never received a reply. The "Successfully submitted" page comes up even when NoScript blocks the submission page, which I assume blocks the submission, so I've had to disable NoScript when using the form. Either way I never receive a reply from Turbine.
Is there an e-mail address I can use or perhaps can we get an automated response "Your ticket has been received" rather than a page that displays regardless of whether your ticket has actually been sent?
Last ticket was sent Sept 6th and I have yet to hear anything of it a week later.
09-16-2010, 11:39 AM
Wondering if there was any news on this issue. I would like to return to DDO, but would like resolution as well. Would like to buy points for adventure packs.
09-21-2010, 04:33 AM
Hi guys. I got a response from Turbine Account Customer Service. It appears that if you are not VERIFIED with Paypal, the store cannot charge PayPal for anything. Also, the billing address on the credit card on file with PayPal and the account address have to be the same. On a side note, I have a pre-paid Visa card I was trying to use to buy points with and the only way you can use these cards is through the phone. Bothersome to say the least considering the address on record with the Visa, the PayPal and the DDO account are all the same.
09-26-2010, 02:10 PM
Still no fix to this? Tried to purchase points via CC and Paypal for the last couple of weeks. Both were declined, error CHK-8001.
Any updates would be great.
09-30-2010, 12:37 AM
I also can not buy points from DDO store...
Always got [err: CHK-8003].
I submitted a manual points purchase ticket, but no reply util now.
Ahhhhh...It's really drive me crazy!
10-10-2010, 09:41 AM
As of 10-10-10 it is giving me the same message, any fixes coming?
10-10-2010, 10:09 AM
Not saying it's the issue for any of you - but check the small details. Even a wrong digit on the Zip Code of the billing address for your CC has started throwing errors back.
Saw that a couple purchases ago. I have a home mail, and a P.O. mailbox. Had the Zip last digit of my home on the info instead of the last digit where my P.O. is. Had not been an issue for a while, then suddenly it was. Took a couple minutes to figure that one out as my expiration date was nowhere near.
10-11-2010, 02:44 PM
We have made some additional updates in the past few weeks. At this time these errors are appearing properly. They will appear if the address or card or payment information is wrong, if the PayPal account is not (or no longer) verified, if the payment is declined, etc. Please confirm your payment information is correct. If it is and you continue to receive an error message, please contact the Account Management department.
We are always working to improve our billing systems. More changes may be coming.
If you have found a specific reason why you are unable to purchase points, please feel free to (politely) post that feedback here.
10-11-2010, 04:17 PM
Hi every1
i have same problem like the most ppl here
only in my case there are some points i need to reflect on:
1) i have only recently started using paypall to buy TPs and my account is fairly new (although i have a friend who has more online shopping experience with paypall and same problem with ddo store turbine buying)
2) both me and my friend have this problem because we bought turbines for ourselves AND a friend...since ddo store is curently lacking in the department of gift giving from one player to another when it comes to TPs - think on it...when players form the same familly buy turbine points do every1 needs to have another paypall acc?
- so im guessing the problem is using same paypall acc for more than one turbine acc....and since the last acc i bought TPs with was myfriend i cant buy any points for myself anymore
3) I can guarantee for sure that both my bank acc ( just to be sure i made my paypall acc restricted so i cant spend money if i dont have it on my acc) and my paypall work fine with all the corect info
there were some rumors about Turbine making avaliable Turbine gift packages for friends and other acc and i would like to know if those are true
im from Europe and i would like to know is there any way for this to be resolved so i dont have to spend money on phone calls or things like that...
I made this post coz i want this thing resolved and i would like to buy myself more points when next update comes in a week and a half.....
10-12-2010, 06:28 AM
i got a question....i am from EU...tryin to become VIP but cant buy anything from turbine there a way to get VIP account without owning master card or other cards shown available??? ty for ur help in advance
10-13-2010, 12:02 AM
I have the same problem most of you reported. I am from Europe, and tried to buy Turbine points via Paypal,numerous times, all to no avail with errors appearing.I checked the errors meaning in the Troubleshoot and they indicated that i might not have a verified Paypal account. I checked my account, it IS verified, so i tried again, only to receive the same errors again.Now i know that ive never had problems with buying via Paypal before, so i sent a help request to Account/Customer Support. After a long wait i received an email with an automated message that, oh what a surprise,told me that i might not have a verified Paypal account, and that i should check that.So basicly im at the beginning again,while knowing that on my side everything works perfectly.
So.....when can i expect this issue to be resolved? Because this is ruining my game pleasure,since i missed the opportunity to buy all the cool stuff that was on promo sale, and i do not want to have to send another request to Account Support only to receive the more-less same message again.
I have the same problem and im in Asia :(
I would really like to buy the Turbine Points T_T
please support help usss~~
especially the offer will be ended tomorrow :((
btw,how to submit a manual turbine purchase ? :O
10-13-2010, 12:05 PM
At this time the errors are working properly, though most of the errors do have more than one potential cause. We are working to improve our systems.
We generally send emails with the most basic fix first. If the response does not resolve your issue, please feel free to respond to that email (without changing the subject) and they can work to assist you further.
For information about manual purchases, please see this sticky ( Please note that we can only do manual purchases with credit cards, and the card has to already be on file for us to assist with a manual purchase. If you need help adding the card, you can call or fax. The phone number is in my signature. If you'd like to fax, you can submit a web inquiry requesting the information, or PM me and I'm happy to provide it.
10-13-2010, 08:38 PM
Hy, I also have problem with CHK-8001, and my paypal works for everything else. Now, I am interested if I send mail as is specified in that sticky, and it get's done in a day or two when this special bundle 6900 for 49.99 $ offer is over. Am I going to get 6900 or 5000 turbine points?
10-14-2010, 03:48 PM
Woot my paypall is working again ty ty ty
12-08-2010, 07:57 AM
I can' buy TP using my CC, still getting CHK-8003 error.
I used this card for the last year without any problems (1 time for 1 month VIP, 3-4 times for points). I tried to add again my card in DDO Store and, consequently I have 4 holds but still can't but TP.
I send a ticket for manual purchase and I'm waiting... And I miss some -50% sales because I don't have TP to spend...
12-11-2010, 06:39 PM
still cant buy points from my ddo store, i always do it by paypal and im getting this message: system not avaible, please try later.
any help with this please, already miss week 1 50%.
12-12-2010, 09:17 AM
Like most of you I was getting the CHK-8001 error. Once I gave PayPal my bank account information, they changed my account to "Verified" and I was able to purchase points from DDO. If PayPal only has your CC info, the purchase will not go through. Something about needing a billing address (?).
Hope that helps.
12-13-2010, 02:31 PM
already summit a ticket not answer yet, i guess they busy with update 8 will wait 2 more days for a solution if not help im guessing they dont want my money.
12-14-2010, 02:28 PM
Same CHK-8001, and my Paypal account is validated. It's almost impossible to purchase points from other countries then US. Most of the countries aren't even listed in the "pay by CC" section...
12-23-2010, 02:13 PM
so.. anyone got a fix for this? still same error with paypal ( system is not avaible please try later) and now they are giving double bonus points without fix this??.
this is a joke turbine, please fix these!
12-26-2010, 03:19 PM
It would seem that reading the rest of these messages, the problem is with buying the $49.99 pack, as I can confirm that only 4 days ago I bought the cheapest pack with no trouble at all. Now the double bonus points are on offer, I have tried to buy the larger $49.99 pack and get the "there is a problem processing your request, please try again" message.
I have tried several times over the past 2 days, I have also tried re-entering my card details again. Nothing helps.
I have submited a request to account management support, but as it is xmas, I am not expecting a quick reply.
12-28-2010, 07:04 PM
Since we have the ongoing sale on vip status (3months for 30 dollars) I wanted to get my VIP status up again. While trying to get this done I got errorcode 8003...the help section actually explains that it might be a problem with the fact that your IP-adres is from a range not associated with the country your Creditcard is registered...I am actually in another country at the moment, this might be the problem in my case.
Lo and behold, logging into a computer in the country where my creditcard is issued, and it all worked...
Just my 2 cents, might be the case for more people who have problems.
01-22-2011, 06:57 PM
Wow. I am so frustrated right now. The new fraud protection thing is not very beneficial to you at all. I'm trying really hard to keep level headed but I am just frustrated and irritated. I have been trying to get either a 3 month VIP or the $50 TP bundle for FOUR hours. I am a student in Canada, my permanent address is over in Ontario but I go to school in British Columbia. So I can't add my card to anything related to this site and when I finally resorted to paying for TP and to pay for points and that didn't work either. I've spent the afternoon changing addresses and calling places and I've gotten no where. I have read all the FAQs and all the support.
Is there a way for me to get anything with either paypal or my credit card so I can try something new in DDO, I'm dying of boredom with the same quests repeatedly. I really want to try something new so I can keep my interest in the game. I have never paid for anything up to this point, nearly two years, but if the new adventure packs, races and classes add more excitement then I suspect I'll be paying for that many years if not more.
Thank you for your time if you take it to read this.
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