08-16-2010, 05:17 PM
We all are familiar with the Rahkat's Spangle, and Zizoo's and all those other minor trinkets that you find in the harbor quests.
Those are fairly decent little trinkets. I always auction them for a pittance, but they always manage to sell. In case you're not familiar, they give things like +1 wis, or +1 int. There's one that gives +1 con/+1 concentration., etc. Minor things, really.
There seems to be a huge gap in those trinkets. My 7th level rog/rgr currently has nothing in his trinket slot. And until I manage to score him a silver flame trinket from Church & the Cult, it will likely remain empty.
As a corollary to this problem, certain stat items appear very infrequently on certain kinds of items. Int tends to be most common helms and goggles. If you're a rogue, and you need goggles of spot/search/disable, you often switch between them all - which isn't really a problem, but it means any Clever (+int) item you have invariably has to be worn on the head. And if you had some other really nice helmet, you're just kind of screwed.
This would all be fairly low level loot. But I love named drop items from all those lowby quests. Once you leave the harbor and start doing marketplace quests, that whole concept pretty much dries up. Other areas like Three Barrel Cove, for example, seem to be completely and utterly devoid of any kind of named drop loot.
Anyway, so what I'm suggesting are to make some more interesting trinkets.
+1/+1 to two different stats. +1 int/+1 wis.
+2/+2 to two different stats. Not exactly game-breaking, but it would give you a LOT more flexibility in the earlier levels as far as gear placement is concerned.
+4/+4 Not sure I'd go any higher than that, and you're talking uber gear, at that point. But there are probably high level characters who might be willing to sacrifice a +6 stat item for a +4/+4 item if it meant they could pick up a boost to a stat they might otherwise forego due to lack of equippable space
Same for skills.
Clever goggles of disabling are pretty common. Why can't we see Disabling Goggles of the eagle? +7 Disable device/+7 Spot??
Only example of this are gloves of the Falcon, which are Spot/Search, IIRC.
LOVE to see more items with skills doubled up like that.
Those are fairly decent little trinkets. I always auction them for a pittance, but they always manage to sell. In case you're not familiar, they give things like +1 wis, or +1 int. There's one that gives +1 con/+1 concentration., etc. Minor things, really.
There seems to be a huge gap in those trinkets. My 7th level rog/rgr currently has nothing in his trinket slot. And until I manage to score him a silver flame trinket from Church & the Cult, it will likely remain empty.
As a corollary to this problem, certain stat items appear very infrequently on certain kinds of items. Int tends to be most common helms and goggles. If you're a rogue, and you need goggles of spot/search/disable, you often switch between them all - which isn't really a problem, but it means any Clever (+int) item you have invariably has to be worn on the head. And if you had some other really nice helmet, you're just kind of screwed.
This would all be fairly low level loot. But I love named drop items from all those lowby quests. Once you leave the harbor and start doing marketplace quests, that whole concept pretty much dries up. Other areas like Three Barrel Cove, for example, seem to be completely and utterly devoid of any kind of named drop loot.
Anyway, so what I'm suggesting are to make some more interesting trinkets.
+1/+1 to two different stats. +1 int/+1 wis.
+2/+2 to two different stats. Not exactly game-breaking, but it would give you a LOT more flexibility in the earlier levels as far as gear placement is concerned.
+4/+4 Not sure I'd go any higher than that, and you're talking uber gear, at that point. But there are probably high level characters who might be willing to sacrifice a +6 stat item for a +4/+4 item if it meant they could pick up a boost to a stat they might otherwise forego due to lack of equippable space
Same for skills.
Clever goggles of disabling are pretty common. Why can't we see Disabling Goggles of the eagle? +7 Disable device/+7 Spot??
Only example of this are gloves of the Falcon, which are Spot/Search, IIRC.
LOVE to see more items with skills doubled up like that.