View Full Version : My First Epic Solo...

08-12-2010, 04:24 AM
With a hireling of course. Epic Wiz King took me 8 tries to do it, spent 80% of the time trying to figure out how to kill Raiyum, but I finally did it. I know some people delete their hirelings before pictures, but I feel mine deserved some spotlight too. She raised me many, many times.

Here is my last boss fight:

Only one thing standing between me and my amazing loot. :) Ghast thinks it has a chance to kill me.

Here is the moment I've been waiting for, the Epic loot: (Yes, it was horrible)

The all too common "cool" picture:

08-12-2010, 04:31 AM
That end loot is sad. Congrats on achievement here, I'm sure you burned a fair share of resources to see it done.

But yeah... the loot. I can't say it enough. We need to be seeing things more... "Epic" outta Epic chests.

08-12-2010, 04:44 AM
That end loot is sad. Congrats on achievement here, I'm sure you burned a fair share of resources to see it done.

But yeah... the loot. I can't say it enough. We need to be seeing things more... "Epic" outta Epic chests.

Thank you. Used no resources other than 1 Blindness Removal pot, hireling did all the healing, plenty of shrines in there for mana, even blazed out the last boss, because I had so much mana left.

Yeah, I definitely agree about us needing more Epic stuff. Especially the desert quest, they aren't no walk in the park. I was just so happy to finish that I didn't mind I got junk though.

08-12-2010, 04:58 AM

08-12-2010, 07:04 AM
Did Wyoh give you her loot? I saw that you asked...

08-13-2010, 12:19 AM
Did Wyoh give you her loot? I saw that you asked...

Well, Wyoh pulled the Epic Spell Storing Ring Shard and I asked her for it, but she acted like she didn't hear me ask for it. So we got into a big argument and I told her I'm never questing with her again. Then told her I should have hired Tempys instead. :)