08-06-2010, 10:46 AM
While min/maxing my current Warchanter I noticed something odd.. (
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So what's wrong then? We'll here's a second picture: (
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Here's the thing. Improved Critical Feats doubls the critical threat range right? If so, then the Falchion should register as 16-20 (2x2=4) rather than 15-20 (2x2 not equal to 5), since its base critical threat range is 18-20, compared to the Greatsword which has a base critical threat range of 19-20 and registers properly at 17-20 (1x2=2).
So my question is, where did I get the additional +1 critical threat range? o.O Did I misunderstood the Feat? (
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So what's wrong then? We'll here's a second picture: (
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Here's the thing. Improved Critical Feats doubls the critical threat range right? If so, then the Falchion should register as 16-20 (2x2=4) rather than 15-20 (2x2 not equal to 5), since its base critical threat range is 18-20, compared to the Greatsword which has a base critical threat range of 19-20 and registers properly at 17-20 (1x2=2).
So my question is, where did I get the additional +1 critical threat range? o.O Did I misunderstood the Feat?