View Full Version : little boxes

08-05-2010, 09:33 PM
well here we go again trying to put everyone into the same box i am so tired of people trying to tell me what i must do with my toons even tho i've been at this awhile now longer than most trying to push their opionions

every every now i mean every build is a little different some are cookie cutter but even they differ a bit

try to optimize your toon for the way you play not every toon benefits from umd or tumble yhey may not even care about it its good ya great even but my play style and yours differ the skills and enhancements feats even will need to reflect whats best for your own play style let alone race class prestige

take 2 people in different rooms give them the recipe for a build and let em go the characters they make will be different based on their skill level play style and experience with this and other mmo's just please stop trying to put all builds into little cookie cutter boxes

and yes their all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

08-05-2010, 11:41 PM
I ran out of mental breath trying to read your sentences.

08-05-2010, 11:55 PM
There is no doubt that at a certain level, some builds are more exceptional than others. Just about any build can make it to lvl 20 now, survive the shroud and then start fixing their failings with Greensteel equipment before going to Shavrath. Yet once there still get pwned. A players skill and determination can also be a mitigating factor of build short comings. But to have a toon built to play in Shavrath requires very specific design & equipment & player skill, and even more min maxing to solo. Those exceptional builds will become known around your server, and will be sought after for Tower of Despair raids, while others will be excluded and denied constantly.

Build whatever you like, play it as well as you can. But if in the end game you find yourself excluded, do not take it personally. Anyone who says your build is not good enough is only using these end game exceptional builds to compare by. It should not be a reflection of your ability to design an exceptional build, only that your build doesn't look like one of those. Of coarse should you prove a build to be exceptional, do tell by posing a guide of your process so it can be copied, and thus vindicated.

08-05-2010, 11:58 PM
Cookie cutters boxes are nice and safe because someone else has done all the thinking. In my years playing NWN I've often been asked what is the best way to build a character. I would give pointers and the following advice "make your toon the way you want if it doesn't work see what went wrong and build another one based on that experiance." The only way to build a toon is to find out for yourself what works best for you.

08-06-2010, 12:09 AM
Cookie cutters boxes are nice and safe because someone else has done all the thinking. In my years playing NWN I've often been asked what is the best way to build a character. I would give pointers and the following advice "make your toon the way you want if it doesn't work see what went wrong and build another one based on that experiance." The only way to build a toon is to find out for yourself what works best for you.

Just... PLEASE don't make CON a dumpstat. I don't care about the rest of the build as much as long as it's thought out, but put at least a 14 in CON (12 for elves). Your party will thank you (ok, they won't really, but you know what I mean;)).

08-06-2010, 12:19 AM
Just... PLEASE don't make CON a dumpstat. I don't care about the rest of the build as much as long as it's thought out, but put at least a 14 in CON (12 for elves). Your party will thank you (ok, they won't really, but you know what I mean;)).

but my ranger needs 16 base wisdom....

08-06-2010, 12:36 AM
I ran out of mental breath trying to read your sentences.

There was more than one sentence? I thought those were mental pauses, you know time to wool gather.:rolleyes:

08-06-2010, 12:46 AM
Is there cookies in this thread???


08-06-2010, 12:54 AM
well here we go again trying to put everyone into the same box i am so tired of people trying to tell me what i must do with my toons even tho i've been at this awhile now longer than most trying to push their opionions

every every now i mean every build is a little different some are cookie cutter but even they differ a bit

try to optimize your toon for the way you play not every toon benefits from umd or tumble yhey may not even care about it its good ya great even but my play style and yours differ the skills and enhancements feats even will need to reflect whats best for your own play style let alone race class prestige

take 2 people in different rooms give them the recipe for a build and let em go the characters they make will be different based on their skill level play style and experience with this and other mmo's just please stop trying to put all builds into little cookie cutter boxes

and yes their all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

Hi Welcome