View Full Version : So Sarlona... how big are you?
08-05-2010, 12:27 PM
Im from Khyber and i bring all the baggage that comes with being a player there, so what is it like in Sarlona as far as population and people?
08-05-2010, 01:15 PM
Sarlonians FTW!!!! :D
08-05-2010, 02:03 PM
Aww I thought this was a show us your cup size thread I had a full on Moob pic all loaded to go. LOL drunken talks about hairy moobs last night had me hunting for photo shop opportunities.
And im with the others if you have to ask..ya cant handle us. With Sarlona you get in and play no time for asking questions like whoses big or what not and if your a noob you find yourself out in the cold soon enough. Bah too much question answering not enough questing cya.
08-05-2010, 02:29 PM
Yes, it can be very hard if you're not on the "cool kids" list. I remember how that was. Then I snuck into House P on Partycrashers and slipped my name onto the list myself. It's made life much easier.
08-05-2010, 02:45 PM
Yes, it can be very hard if you're not on the "cool kids" list. I remember how that was. Then I snuck into House P on Partycrashers and slipped my name onto the list myself. It's made life much easier.
Nice rp moment. +1 for the lol
08-05-2010, 05:01 PM
im From Khyber And I Bring All The Baggage That Comes With Being A Player There, So What Is It Like In Sarlona As Far As Population And People?
08-05-2010, 05:08 PM
The Memorial in the harbor of Sarlona reminds me why I like it here. Its where fallen Heros lay down to rest.
08-05-2010, 06:23 PM
08-05-2010, 10:06 PM
Im from Khyber and i bring all the baggage that comes with being a player there, so what is it like in Sarlona as far as population and people?
Look, here's some friendly advice that you can take or leave, but hopefully you at least consider.
You're not going to get anywhere by barging into any of the forum communities and saying "look at me, take me in, hug me, love me, give me a home". For one thing, you have jumped into some arguments with some very strong preconceived notions of what "should" be, without listening to those who have experienced it otherwise. That kind of thing ruffles feathers and makes you look like an ignorant troublemaker, whether it's true or not. For another thing, the forums are an iniquitous den of low-lifes and thieves, full of greenis-envy and e-peen.
What you can do is go play the game. On the server. The people in the forums are but a tiny fraction of the people on the server. You can successfully find other people who want to play the game pretty much any way you like it. Seriously. Let me share with you my experience, which I tried to do in your other thread, but was probably too artsy-fartsy for my own good.
I started (and still am) on Khyber.
I pugged exclusively from 1st level to 20th level.
I started with a Deepwoods Sniper build.
I started many, many PUGs and in almost every one of my LFMs I put "1st timers welcome, no zerging".
And you know what? I had a blast. My LFM's filled up quickly with people who were experiencing the game the same way I was. I met tons of great people, newbies and vets alike. I honestly think that Khyber has the best PUG community of any server. It's a well-kept secret, and I'll probably be like burned at the stake or worse, exiled to Sarlona or something for saying it, but there it is.
If you spend as much time on any of the game servers playing the game and trying to meet people interested in playing the game the way you enjoy playing it, I think you'll have a lot more fun than you will trying to fit in with some internet forum clique. I mean seriously, how pathetic does that sound? "Hey baby, I know I'm a slob who hasn't showered in a week, but everybody loves me on the DDO forums!" Trust me, we're not worth it :)
I hate to see someone who needs help be turned away, and you clearly need help. You're just looking in the wrong place.
08-06-2010, 01:23 AM
And you know what? I had a blast. My LFM's filled up quickly with people who were experiencing the game the same way I was. I met tons of great people, newbies and vets alike. I honestly think that Khyber has the best PUG community of any server. It's a well-kept secret, and I'll probably be like burned at the stake or worse, exiled to Sarlona or something for saying it, but there it is.
If all you do is pug, trust me, you dont want to be exiled to this server. Khybers pugs are far better, at least they were a year ago.
08-06-2010, 01:57 AM
Yeah even Sarlona's top end raid pugs are elitist. If you are not on the "in" forget about Abbot, EDQ, EVoN6, ToD for the most part. We are not friendly at all. My monk still cant get into any raids and he has a 42 AC, I don't understand it, everyone tells me im so leet and I can tell they are having a good time since every time I die they are laughing and joking. Oh wait I get it, I hate you guys.
08-06-2010, 10:52 AM
Wow this thread seems smaller, for some reason. I blame the editor. He changed the entire meaning of the thread. Now people are just going to assume Sarlonians brag alot.
08-06-2010, 11:27 AM
rofl i didnt even say anything bad.. my stuff got deleted, whole page of this thread is gone
08-06-2010, 11:48 AM
rofl i didnt even say anything bad.. my stuff got deleted, whole page of this thread is gone
The remaining posts make no sense at all. The Sarlona FTW response still here was not a statement that we are such a great server (we are, ask anyone!), it was a response to the OP who said he was not comming to Sarlona. But now it appears PCSWarrior was trying to lure the OP to the server. Teldrum's 42 seems even more odd now. Solmage is just laughing like an idiot, because all the earlier funny posts are gone. Its kind of like the Cube started randomly eating posts without understanding their context.
I got an infraction for posting I hope he doesn't choose Sarlona as his new home.:cool:
I wonder who reported me. :rolleyes:
No wonder no one wants you on their server. :D
08-06-2010, 11:52 AM
Yeah even Sarlona's top end raid pugs are elitist. If you are not on the "in" forget about Abbot, EDQ, EVoN6, ToD for the most part. We are not friendly at all. My monk still cant get into any raids and he has a 42 AC, I don't understand it, everyone tells me im so leet and I can tell they are having a good time since every time I die they are laughing and joking. Oh wait I get it, I hate you guys.
And if you get to 43 ac ill let you in my groups :)
08-06-2010, 01:53 PM
:confused: Wha.. what happened here? Wheres my post?
oh wait I quoted someone and mine got eaten as well I guess
08-06-2010, 02:37 PM
And if you get to 43 ac ill let you in my groups :)
One measly ship buff will put you over the top so you can raid with Quik!
08-06-2010, 02:43 PM
rofl i didnt even say anything bad.. my stuff got deleted, whole page of this thread is gone
LOL yeah, my post is gone too. . .did I miss some good stuff?
08-06-2010, 07:02 PM
Ok, so I havent read this thread til now, Is it bad that it makes complete sense in its new freshly digested state?
I need to sleep.
08-07-2010, 02:43 AM
Ok, so I havent read this thread til now, Is it bad that it makes complete sense in its new freshly digested state?
I need to sleep.
It makes a different sort of sense now, and certainly not the intended sense. Previously the thread was the slamming an outsider who had apparently burned all of his bridges in Khyber, and a bunch of Khyberians were claiming we would be receptive to his playstyle. Now, the thread reads like someone wanted to come to Sarlona and we said a bunch of things to bring him here. The Cube went crazy. Kind of like if Quik said he didn't wear women's clothing and the Cube edited out the n't from didn't ...
08-07-2010, 08:37 PM
Basically... what the previous person wrote ahead of me... if you are not part of the cool kids it will be difficult to find raids. bunch of snobbery i've notice since i've been here. And i've been here since day 1 of Sarlona live. however its not to say there are also nice people on here as well
Choose your poison carefully and don't set your expectations high!
08-07-2010, 09:53 PM
Basically... what the previous person wrote ahead of me... if you are not part of the cool kids it will be difficult to find raids. bunch of snobbery i've notice since i've been here. And i've been here since day 1 of Sarlona live. however its not to say there are also nice people on here as well
Choose your poison carefully and don't set your expectations high!
Everyone that I run with will let anyone into a group. Once.
08-07-2010, 10:47 PM
Basically... what the previous person wrote ahead of me... if you are not part of the cool kids it will be difficult to find raids. bunch of snobbery i've notice since i've been here. And i've been here since day 1 of Sarlona live. however its not to say there are also nice people on here as well
Choose your poison carefully and don't set your expectations high!
So im confused. Am I part of the cool kids or not. And if I am or arent, is it because I do or do(nt) wear womens clothing?
08-09-2010, 12:07 PM
Quik said he did wear women's clothing...
That's all I saw and I am now disturbed...
08-09-2010, 12:15 PM
So now, it looks like I said "Sarlonians FTW!" as in "Come on over! We would love to have you here!"
But really it meant "Oh yeah, all these Sarlonians just told u off, dude! Go back to Khyber! Sarlona is for cool kids only! (in reply to the earlier psot [which is now the "later post", since mine got bumped up])"
This is rather amusing to me, personally.
Edit: I just can't stop rereading this now! imo, it's hilarious!
08-09-2010, 12:20 PM
I am so confused ..... oh well, as for the OP I hope he ************* to Sarlona.
As for people needing to be one of the "cool" kids ... lol, my AA cannot buy himself into a ToD, my Wiz (before TR) got into almost anything as long as the group did not have more than one or two caters already, yet my FvS gets so many invites it is scary, so which am I, a "one-third" cool kid? :D
08-09-2010, 12:23 PM
funny this thread i made is still getting replies, since i got nothing but chastised and was part of a joke on here.
08-09-2010, 12:24 PM
I cant understand how all these uber players continue to deny builds or players they consider nonoptimal. I understand not inviting someone you dont like, or total n00bs, but someone because they arent an Esos max str barb/ftr/paly oh, but we'll take your healer lmao. Cmon people, that raid has been out forever and a day now.
08-09-2010, 05:55 PM
funny this thread i made is still getting replies, since i got nothing but chastised and was part of a joke on here.
Um...welcome to Sarlona? That's kind of what we do here.
08-09-2010, 06:00 PM
funny this thread i made is still getting replies, since i got nothing but chastised and was part of a joke on here.
You should see what happens in game ;)
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