View Full Version : intels not important

08-04-2010, 03:35 PM
I have decided to follow the con thread and say that intel is not important on wizzys and rogs. Instead pump it all in str and wis =D......................................that is all

08-04-2010, 03:37 PM
I have decided to follow the con thread and say that intel is not important on wizzys and rogs. Instead pump it all in str and wis =D......................................that is all

Gemstone started with an 11 Int :D

08-04-2010, 03:38 PM
I have decided to follow the con thread and say that intel is not important on wizzys and rogs. Instead pump it all in str and wis =D......................................that is all

I think it's quite clear that you're mocking my haggle/UMD Barbarian, and I do not appreciate it.

08-04-2010, 03:39 PM
Dex is the most important for Wizzies because of the high AC it gives. Rogues need high Wis for Spot skills. I'm not lying, DDO tells you that at the stat allocation screen when you try to customise your characters.

08-04-2010, 03:44 PM
Dex is the most important for Wizzies because of the high AC it gives. Rogues need high Wis for Spot skills. I'm not lying, DDO tells you that at the stat allocation screen when you try to customise your characters.

I agree but with no intel for the wizzy whats he gunna do hide behind a shield, he can't even buff himself to hit anything ohhhh i am going to make an intima wizzy with AC through the roof hahahaha i give him to lvl 5 before i nuke him.

and with the rog yeah i know im just trying to be a noob sir

That is all

I think i am trollinng .............off to the kitchen

08-04-2010, 03:46 PM
I think it's quite clear that you're mocking my haggle/UMD Barbarian, and I do not appreciate it.

just about as much as my jump spect cleric