View Full Version : Reverse Psychology on Hound and VoD

08-02-2010, 02:34 PM
Okay, maybe this will work....

PuGs do not seem to listen well and do the opposite of any instructions.

In fact, the more you repeat an instruction, the more likely to have it ignored or actually the reverse happen...

...so here are the reverse psychology rules to use...


1) tell group to take off featherfall when running to VoD, especially by the lit rune area.
2) tell archers and casters to kill mobs before they light the runes!!! Quickly!!!
3) tell everyone to never use invisibility, especially if they fall, so we can red alert the whole sub-t.

In VoD

4) never hit the orthon that has been tagged by the blue coloring of destruction.
5) always stand right on top of the intim when the orthons appear, you will take less damage.
6) best place to be when devils appear is right next to Suulomodes. Sully will hide you and the devils will magically disappear.
7) if the traps spring up at halftime due to no rogue, please run out and test your reflex saves, do not by any means hide in an alcove.
8) best way to avoid bats is to run across spikes in middle of the room.


1) Move as soon as you get in, make sure the dm text goes off
2) Do not kill the renders, run from the beholders, and kill any dogs you see
3) if being chased, remember to come in to the middle so the intim can get all the renders.
4) if you see a stone on the ground, please ignore all instructions and pick it up. Don't let anyone know you have it, you could possibly turn it in as a collectible....

anything I forgot? I know you all see the exact opposite in raids, perhaps you have some rules for other raids that are routinely repeated, and the reverse always happens?


08-02-2010, 07:52 PM
You forget one thing. These PPL can not follow instruction! Plan and simple! It doesn’t matter if the instructions are forwards, backwards, or upside down. They still will not be able to follow them.

The PPL who move at the beginning of Hound, kill the dogs, or whatever it is on your list just do not care about anything other then what they are doing at that very moment.

Most are probably listening to music, TV, significant others, kids, talking on the phone, etc… and playing the game is not their primary concern. Even to the point that the other PPL in the group with them are nothing more then NPCs. That’s why they will say the most off the wall things. Things you know for a fact they would never say to anyone standing in front of them.

Some people understand and care that they are playing with other people and some do not.

You can not fix that…

08-02-2010, 08:11 PM

08-03-2010, 12:21 AM

Heh, I'll never get tired of that.

08-03-2010, 12:44 AM
in vod...

-if you get cursed, just keep on fighting and dont bother with remove curse pots, thats what clerics are for

-if tank loses boss aggro and you happen to have it, be sure to kite the boss toward the healers and as far away from tank as possible so you dont risk hurting the tank