View Full Version : No Anser after a week on account/gameplay issue

08-01-2010, 11:14 PM
On 7/23/2010 I spoke with Ohtah of in-game support about an issue with my reicarnation build. I had made an error in my stats and at level 4 I realized the mistake. He/she informed me that I should take my issue to the account support department to inquire about getting a new heart to start over with. I did so but have yet to receive a reply. The inquiry says to wait 2-3 working days. Today is 8/1/10 and still no reply?

Hello... Is anyone in there?

08-02-2010, 09:41 PM
it won't happen. You made the mistake.

08-06-2010, 08:38 PM
I have to say you were wrong Hokeiwa and I must apologize to Turbine.

Turbine came through and gave me a one time fix for my dilema. Turbine, I greatly appreciate the fix and am happy to report Yngwie is now fully functional the way I intended him to be.

Whoo Hoo!

08-06-2010, 09:13 PM
I just experienced the same dilemmia as the OP.
Actually its somewhat worse, as I wrongly purchased a true heart last month instead of a lesser heart. I emailed both out and in game support and was unable to get any answer back.

Just today, I purchased with my monthly points a lesser heart. Upon going through the process, I was never able to select my stats. It simply allowed me to choose my appearance, and kicked me onto the boat. At that point, I submitted a ticket, the same in game GM ohtah told me to also call account support on the phone as he was unable to help. The person I spoke to on the phone didn't really seem to be able to help me out at all, and said I should submit a ticket in game... (thats who told me to call) then he said that I should email account support for assistance (the same guys who never responded to an email 3 weeks prior) He did however assist me in temporarly suspending my account, as I refuse to pay for a service I do not recieve.

I was sent an auto generated email saying my issue had been solved and if I had any questions or needed more help to reply back.

Hopefully, as I have replied back these guys can actually, you know, support the customers. It gives me abit of relief that hey maybe these guys do want my money and will help out. However I noticed it took them 2 weeks to get to you. This is subpar support, both Blizzard, SoE, and most any other mmorpg company I have dealt with was able to tackle minor issues like this the time of. This is like calling the cable company and talking to 4 different people and spending 4 hrs before you actually get someone who knows what their doing. A big thumbs down for turbine support from me.

We'll see if they want my money at this point.

08-06-2010, 09:19 PM
I have to say you were wrong Hokeiwa and I must apologize to Turbine.

Turbaine came through and gave me a one time fix for my dilema. Turbine, I greatly appreciate the fix and am happy to report Yngwie is now fully functional the way I intended him to be.

Whoo Hoo!

I'm truely amazed. My apologizes. Somebody should bookmark this thread for the next time a player makes an error and asks Turbine for a fix; then gets denied

08-06-2010, 10:45 PM
So you screwed up, whined about it and they gave you a freebie? Amazing.

08-08-2010, 01:46 AM
Neg repped for my post above from some anonymous coward because they don't like me pointing out the fact that the OP screwed up and they shouldn't be rewarded for it? Get yourself a life fanboi, seriously.

08-09-2010, 06:58 AM
So you screwed up, whined about it and they gave you a freebie? Amazing.

Oh no this is a one time event for me, I've been playing sice 2006 and have been denied many, many times. So this is like getting to first base for the first time.