View Full Version : Shortcut bars and keyboard use - dreaded R and T

07-31-2010, 09:07 AM
Ok. As i an wondering why my guy is running off a cliff (for coins) during chat I realize that my R key has continuous run enabled after I disabled it.

TO THE TECHS ======== PLEASE DISABLE THE "R" CONTINUOUS RUN HOT KEY. It does more harm than good, and always returns after a update.


How do u guys setup your shortcuts for combat? What keyboard keys do u use? I use the "e" key for smite, but if there is a better method let me know?

In the heat of combat it is hard to hold down cntrl key, aim and mouse and dodge stuff.

07-31-2010, 09:15 AM
Key set-up?

i use WASD as normal, E for jump, Q for item select, Tab for combat select.
Space is my modifier key (allows easy acces across from 1-10 while holding down with thumb.

Hotbars i have
Shift 1-10,
Mod 1-10,
Mod F1-F10,
and i bound Alt to my mouse side button for
Alt 1-10, and
Alt F1-F10
(mouse side button as Alt makes another 20 hotkey v easy to hit as you are using left hand for only 1 button).

All of my main sutff is in those 60 easy hits, generally 1-5 and F1-F5 in each set with the in combat stuff, equipment etc in the 6-10 rane. Then the non-combat stuff goes in another 6 hotbars.

07-31-2010, 09:15 AM
That's why I swapped it to be my "Use" key instead. F key being my NPC/Object targeting. X being my autorun.

07-31-2010, 10:00 AM
Thank you DDO for introducing R as the autorun key. Now I use it in every game.

07-31-2010, 10:10 AM
I moved autorun to y so i could put otto's irresistible dance on r and disintegrate on t ;)