View Full Version : Gear guide

07-30-2010, 03:19 PM
I know this probably exists but I could not find it. I need some gear that a level 15 newer player should have, or start hunting for. I have a 17 fighter and learned a lot thru him and now I am playing a 15 rogue that I hope to do better with. Although the fighter isnt bad, he was my first higher level toon so I didnt know a lot of the stuff a player needs to know. (still dont) anyone, point is, can anyone link me to a gear guide so I know what to start trying to get.

07-30-2010, 03:25 PM
This isn't exactly a guide, but it is a collection of the named gear available in the game and tells you what they do/what requirements they have (level or otherwise). Could be very useful to skim over.


Other than that, it's hard to say what kind of gear you 'should' have without knowing more specifics about your build. If you are a DPS character then the most important thing would be your arsenal of weapons and your +stat items.

Vorpal, Metalline of Pure Good, general DPS weapon, also debuffers like improved cursespewing, improved shattermantle, improved destruction.

As a DPS fighter, stat items that are important are mainly +6 strength and +6 constitution.

Other random items that are very good/important include: Bloodstone (trinket, +6 confirm crit/crit damage), greater false life, heavy fortification (Minos Helm from Orchard is Toughness feat (20 HP) and heavy fort.)