View Full Version : A Must Have Race

07-29-2010, 08:01 PM
I and many other players think that the kobold race should be a playable race
and that its MUST HAVE i only hope that this race will be added into the next update but what about u other players what do you think do u think it would be good or do u advise against it tell me also i would like to add that if the kobold race is made make it so u dont have to buy it please

07-29-2010, 08:03 PM
This is a joke post right?

07-29-2010, 08:10 PM
Now now...while at first i also thought this was a joke post if the following abilities come as innate racials for kobolds id happily. Welcome them

1 able to climb ANYTHING...walls, pillars other monsters

2 50% of all forms of attack miss you due to your rabid movement and the borked targetting system

3 Unlimited Mana

4 Absurdly powerful grenade attack (bonuses to trapmaking?)

5 Ability to create a horde of summon like kobolds due to your ability to procreate like a rabbit (for all you youngins lets just say the stork is very generous to rabbits and kobolds)

6 -2 to all stats BUT for every other kobold (PC only not the summon like kobolds) in your party you gain a 2 horde bonus to stats saves to-hit and skills

07-29-2010, 08:16 PM
The OP, or one of his supporters was in the Harbor on Sarlona spamming, in all caps, about how Kobolds are a must-have race.

07-29-2010, 08:42 PM
I thought about writing something in reply but somehow I had no words left. For the third time in my life, I am speechless. So, here's a summary of what I wanted to say.


07-29-2010, 08:45 PM

We don't want to unleash the horror that is Pun-Pun onto the good peoples of DDO.

07-29-2010, 08:49 PM

We don't not want to unleash the horror that is Pun-Pun onto the good peoples of DDO.

'Don't not want?' I'm confused, so do you want it or not? Or are you so completely against the idea that you said no twice in your mind and hence the mistype? Lol. :)

07-29-2010, 08:51 PM
'Don't not want?' I'm confused, so do you want it or not? Or are you so completely against the idea that you said no twice in your mind and hence the mistype? Lol. :)

You got me. I subconsciously want to pwn the world of Eberron with a Pun-Pun Kobold.

Either that or I suck at typing and proof reading, you pick.

07-29-2010, 09:20 PM
I just want to know, if I play a kobold shaman, do I get innate lightning bolt as a free cast?

After running early harbor missions, one begins to derive an ever increasing glee from the slaying of kobold shamans. It would be depressing if they didn't deserve it so much. ;)

07-30-2010, 04:32 AM
Give us Deekin (or somebody like him) as an NPC, but as a playable race? No

07-30-2010, 05:00 AM
Cause that's what we need... scaley halflings...

I can think of a dozen races I'd rather see (though the skin work would be pretty easy :P!)

07-30-2010, 05:40 AM
Maybe after they finish bringing in the core races. Unitl then no.

And since no one else has;

Hi Welcome

07-30-2010, 05:55 AM
There are a ton of races I'd like to see... I wouldn't say no to kobolds... but I'd like Tieflings and Aasimirs, Half Orcs, Half Elves, Gnomes, Shifters, Changelings and Kalashtar to show up... before them


07-30-2010, 06:44 AM
I and many other players think that the kobold race should be a playable race
and that its MUST HAVE i only hope that this race will be added into the next update but what about u other players what do you think do u think it would be good or do u advise against it tell me also i would like to add that if the kobold race is made make it so u dont have to buy it please
i believe that this would be a good addition to the races that are playable
they're one of the most frequent races (as monsters i know) but either way they deserve credit for not giving up even after they've been pwned so many times

07-30-2010, 06:57 AM
I have always wanted Kobolds as a player race, they are so damned cute!

I think I would make a Kobold Barbarian :D

07-30-2010, 06:58 AM
i believe that this would be a good addition to the races that are playable
they're one of the most frequent races (as monsters i know) but either way they deserve credit for not giving up even after they've been pwned so many times

Quoting yourself to try to emphasize your point? Serioulsy, nothing wrong with them, as long as the other core races are added first.

07-30-2010, 07:00 AM
There are a ton of races I'd like to see... I wouldn't say no to kobolds... but I'd like Tieflings and Aasimirs, Half Orcs, Gimps, Gnomes, Shifters, Changelings and Kalashtar to show up... before them



07-30-2010, 07:11 AM
i want to be able to play as an illithid, so i can suck out brains! :D

though with the rubbish that gets spewed in general/advice in the harbour sometimes i'd probably starve to death :(

07-30-2010, 08:18 AM
There are a ton of races I'd like to see... I wouldn't say no to kobolds... but I'd like Tieflings and Aasimirs, Half Orcs, Half Elves, Gnomes, Shifters, Changelings and Kalashtar to show up... before them


Aasimar/Tieflings(Really there kind of a package deal :P) - yep would be good......mostly want Aasimar though
Half-Orcs - Coming Soon (TM)
Gnomes - Wouldn't complain if they were added...would only buy based on stats
Shifters,Changelings and Kalashtar - Don't really know these races...does one get +2 Int?
Half Elves - Because 2 of 6 Races being elves isn't enough....no just no...also how many elves do you actually see in-game beyond level 10...yeah I thought so :P...although you can pretend your Half-Orc is also Half-Elf :D

07-30-2010, 08:25 AM
i want to be able to play as an illithid, so i can suck out brains! :D

though with the rubbish that gets spewed in general/advice in the harbour sometimes i'd probably starve to death :(

its not a pvp game. you'd mostly be munching on ogre brains (bit bland buy plentiful) and for a real treat you could got for a beholder, kinda like an all you can eat buffet only really tasty!

as for kobbies, i'd be up for that. the fun you could have throwin a kobbie and a halfling into a room is endless :)

07-30-2010, 08:44 AM
There are a ton of races I'd like to see... I wouldn't say no to kobolds... but I'd like Tieflings and Aasimirs, Half Orcs, Half Elves, Gnomes, Shifters, Changelings and Kalashtar to show up... before them


I vote ... No.

I am afraid I agree with Aesop.
I don't have anything against a monster
as a playable race, in Pen and Paper I myself
have played, a Troll, a Minataur, and an Alaghi.

But I would much rather See the aboved mentioned
Races (see Aesop's quoted post) before Kobolds.

And I also Feel that The Dev's time is more well spent
Bringing us the Much more Clamored for DRUID.

Rather than spent on working bringing us a race
that may, or may not really be wanted by more than
a very small Percentage of the gaming population...
So, I am very sorry Op...

But I vote... No.

07-30-2010, 08:54 AM
This ranks right up there with following for me personally:

PvP needs more attention...
Share Quest Please...
No Heavy Fort...
Hjeal me!!!....
What's wrong with my halfling Barb/Cleric/Wizzy...
Casual mode....

you get the idea.... :rolleyes:

07-30-2010, 08:56 AM
Haha yeap people were going nuts on this idea on Sarlona chat. I thought there were going to be some fights :)

07-30-2010, 09:02 AM
If kobolds were playable they would also need an unsaveable hold person so the rest of the mob can kill you. Instant acid fog would be a good one.

Lets add Gnolls to the mix, maybe we can be hezrous, but of course someone in the party would have to summon you hehehe.

Lets see my true feelings

Im going to go with UM NO!

07-30-2010, 09:09 AM
If kobolds were playable they would also need an unsaveable hold person so the rest of the mob can kill you. Instant acid fog would be a good one.

Lets add Gnolls to the mix, maybe we can be hezrous, but of course someone in the party would have to summon you hehehe.

Lets see my true feelings

Im going to go with UM NO!

My WF never have an issue with this.

07-30-2010, 11:16 AM
Aasimar/Tieflings(Really there kind of a package deal :P) - yep would be good......mostly want Aasimar though
Half-Orcs - Coming Soon (TM)
Gnomes - Wouldn't complain if they were added...would only buy based on stats
Shifters,Changelings and Kalashtar - Don't really know these races...does one get +2 Int?
Half Elves - Because 2 of 6 Races being elves isn't enough....no just no...also how many elves do you actually see in-game beyond level 10...yeah I thought so :P...although you can pretend your Half-Orc is also Half-Elf :D
if they di add kobolds would the lot of you try one YES OR NO

07-30-2010, 11:28 AM
if they di add kobolds would the lot of you try one YES OR NO

I thought I answered this already only if kobolds get these innate racial abilities:

1 able to climb ANYTHING...walls, pillars other monsters

2 50% of all forms of attack miss you due to your rabid movement and the borked targetting system

3 Unlimited Mana

4 Absurdly powerful grenade attack (bonuses to trapmaking?)

5 Ability to create a horde of summon like kobolds due to your ability to procreate like a rabbit (for all you youngins lets just say the stork is very generous to rabbits and kobolds)

6 -2 to all stats BUT for every other kobold (PC only not the summon like kobolds) in your party you gain a 2 horde bonus to stats saves to-hit and skills

07-30-2010, 03:22 PM
I thought I answered this already only if kobolds get these innate racial abilities:

1 able to climb ANYTHING...walls, pillars other monsters

2 50% of all forms of attack miss you due to your rabid movement and the borked targetting system

3 Unlimited Mana

4 Absurdly powerful grenade attack (bonuses to trapmaking?)

5 Ability to create a horde of summon like kobolds due to your ability to procreate like a rabbit (for all you youngins lets just say the stork is very generous to rabbits and kobolds)

6 -2 to all stats BUT for every other kobold (PC only not the summon like kobolds) in your party you gain a 2 horde bonus to stats saves to-hit and skills

okk number 6 i agree with very much 3 seems only appropiet for if u make a kobold wiz or sorc 4 maybe 1 seems a little rediculous 2 seems good for the race and number 5 that should be a skill u get at atleast lvl 10

07-30-2010, 03:41 PM
They won't add Kobolds as a playable race. No I wouldn't play one, theres already enough midgets running around everywhere. (not the Dorfs, you guys rock!)

07-30-2010, 03:43 PM
okk number 6 i agree with very much 3 seems only appropiet for if u make a kobold wiz or sorc 4 maybe 1 seems a little rediculous 2 seems good for the race and number 5 that should be a skill u get at atleast lvl 10

Dude I wasn't being serious...those are just bugs related to Kobold Mobs...Kobolds are really just crappy Halflings...see:


Stats: -4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution.

Size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus to Hide, lifting and carrying limits ¾

Special Qualities: Light sensitivity

Skills +2 racial bonus to Trapmaking(Craft) and Search checks.


Stats: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity

Size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾

+2 racial bonus to Trapmaking(Craft) and Search checks.
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks.
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.

They won't add Kobolds as a playable race/class, Druid will be the next class and it should be imo.

Actually Druid is quite a ways away first Half-Orc is coming than at least one more race probably more before Druids.

07-30-2010, 03:45 PM
I'd play a kobold if they came out and they were balanced, I'd probably roll one out as a mechanic rogue for the trap finding/smithing bonuses they undoubtedly would have. They would probably get some sorcerer bonuses as well, so that's another class to consider.

People would get upset if they were made because of all the player races that haven't been made yet, but out of plausible monster races to make playable, kobolds would near the top of the list for me.

07-30-2010, 04:57 PM
Granted, but from now on no matter what you say or type, the other members of your party only see "Yark, Yark".

Oh wait! This isn't the wish string. Disregard this message.