View Full Version : My combat thoughts

07-29-2010, 04:02 AM
I left before the update and came back after, I've been away a month. I do not like what they did to my dual wield melee DPS.

1). Attack speed is too slow (lessened
2). Haste is too slow (lessened)
3). running is too slow (lessened)
4). Warp Time is too slow (lessened)
5). # of attacks too few (lessened)
6). Amount of DPS (lessened)
7). Loss Vs Lag not worth it!
8). You negated melee dual wield DPS types to accomidate sword and boarders that want to have higher DPS
and should have since a shield in your off hand is still another weapon to use to inflict damage and to improve
other dual sword weilders...i understand their and agree with their argument
9). WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE was add in (player selected) shield attacks with damage Vs shield size
while adding in glancing blows instead of sc@#$ over and alianating a whole type group of melee fighters.
10). WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE was spend some of the money you get from sales and put it towards
up-grading your equipment and connections to provide a better product for future sales and product
expansion for happier customers AND obtaining NEW customers from WOW and other MMORPG's.
11). Doing it the way you did it...you only succeeded in making four groups of players into a larger group of
people more unhappy and dissatisfied than they already were.

1). Not use or play melee DPS fighters anymore
2). Resort to using DPS casters only
3). Wait to see if you make this right
4). Play somewhere else until you make this right
5). Accept things the way they are and continue to play and surmise that their not going to get any better
6). Give my money to WOW...dont really want to do that, but if things dont change...where i spend my money
and my alliances will change

I started playing this game about 9 months ago and I loved it...I'm desperately waiting for you to make me love it

By the way...love the Air ships "outstanding"...but still waiting for the Gnomes, Half Orc's that you've been promising for years.
Does anyone else feel as I do??
Anyone agree or disagree??...Please chime in...but you might want to hurry as I don't think that they'll let too many people see this, or...ban me altogether

Since my original post date I've had some time to calm down from the change shock. I've read some of your posts...the ones where you guys gave good feed back. I skipped over the stupid ones that seemed like they just had to post just to be posting to see their name in a post (redundancy).

Some of you had some good input and I thank you for it, the others who will remain nameless can go nurse a gelatinous cube...hehehe.

I was already irritated that my ATT uverse connection had somehow been canceled. In my rush to complain about the changes I didn't take into account that I was playing on a dial-up connection so my comments are unfounded...but I reserve my right to whine until i have my uverse back and can make an accurate assessment. If my original assessment is still unfounded I will have the fortitude to say I was wrong.

All my complaints could be and probably are related to a dial-up connection so I apologize for the premature post.

07-29-2010, 04:07 AM
1). Not use or play melee DPS fighters anymore
2). Resort to using DPS casters only

sorry, had to lol here. didn't read too carefully before either.

now i know where all the raid-lfm come from that state: no melee dps, only sorcs welcome...

07-29-2010, 04:28 AM
sorry, had to lol here. didn't read too carefully before either.

now i know where all the raid-lfm come from that state: no melee dps, only sorcs welcome...

Well I do wanna try a Hezrou only Shroud...

07-29-2010, 04:35 AM
Well I do wanna try a Hezrou only Shroud...

Doesnt that make him teleport into the air and spam spells in part 5?

07-29-2010, 12:10 PM
You can't see it, but I'm playing the world's saddest song on the world's tiniest violin right now, in ode to the horrible ordeal you're facing with the tiny degradation in your damage.

BTW, my last PUG elite shroud killed Harry in 2.05 rounds. ZOMG, OUR DAMAGES HAVE BEEN REDUCED SO MUCHLY!

07-29-2010, 12:14 PM
He is desperate lol.

07-29-2010, 12:15 PM
Hi Welcome

Bye Welcome

07-29-2010, 12:18 PM
they did lower monster hit points considerably it seems....

07-29-2010, 12:26 PM
The doomtrain just showed up a month late. Everyone's over it already, just like 30 days after every other update where changes were made.

Now lets go over that player reaction list.

1). Not use or play melee DPS fighters anymore - Nope. Still see the same ratio of melee to casters.

2). Resort to using DPS casters only - LOL Tod raid, sorcs only aaaall aaaboard!!!

3). Wait to see if you make this right - Thats about it right there. Wait for what exactly? Everyone to agree on what the definition of "right" is. Take a number and have a seat in the lobby.

4). Play somewhere else until you make this right - I see alot of threats of this, but no one really does it. The people who actually did /ragequit are back playing again. Imagine that...

5). Accept things the way they are and continue to play and surmise that their not going to get any better - Yeap, his is what they do after number 4 doesnt work.

6). Give my money to WOW...dont really want to do that, but if things dont change...where i spend my money and my alliances will change - See number 4. Bliz would LOVE to give your contact information to the feds and everyone else who asks for it on a whim without notifying you or disclosing they will do so. They also love the fact that elevendy ten million people pay them 15 bucks a month to provide this service.

07-29-2010, 12:27 PM
Main Entry: goy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural goy·im \ˈgoi-əm\ also goys
Etymology: Yiddish, from Hebrew gōy people, nation
Date: 1841
sometimes disparaging : gentile 1

Sometimes spell check is not your friend.

BTW, OP there where many posts like this one a month ago, simple fact is people have for the most part adjusted to the new speeds, MMOs are about change, some you may like others you may not, and it is a given that whatever changes you do like there will be someone who does not like them.

So feel free to post your dislike all you want, (I know I do :D ) but please refrain from telling others how to play the game.

07-29-2010, 12:28 PM
Get out of the kitchen... there is yard work to be done instead.

07-29-2010, 12:30 PM
Lol.... I'm sure there are quite a few people who don't like the changes Turbine made to help decrease lag issues. Unfortunately there's still a tiny bit of lag, but not as much so I can't complain. I don't think Turbine is going to flip over on their backs and do as you bid because you're 1 unsatified customer. Other's have just learned to deal with it and move on. I'm sure they don't mind you taking your money to WoW since they're already making money hand over fist with the DDO store. :rolleyes:

07-29-2010, 12:31 PM
I started playing this game about 9 months ago and I loved it...I'm desperately waiting for you to make me love it

By the way...love the Air ships "outstanding"...but still waiting for the Gnomes, Half Orc's that you've been promising for years.

hahaha...promising for years and playing only 9 months in the same post

07-29-2010, 12:40 PM
1) Nothing is too slow.

2) TWF is still the superior fighting style, especially compared to S&B

3)Nerd raging telling other people what to do is annoying, go away and make your game and have nerds yelling at you for not doing what they think you should do.

4)You are still wrong about pretty much everything, but if you really want to play a caster, go ahead.

5)Your threats about giving your money to WoW do not frighten us or Turbine, please go ahead. If you need to over react like a spoiled brat making a huge deal about things that aren't even true, then nothing can keep you satisfied and it would be a mistake to even try, thanks for playing.

In other words.
Chill out dude, the game is still the same, its still all about Melee beatdowns, get your fighter and go have fun.

07-29-2010, 12:41 PM
hahaha...promising for years and playing only 9 months in the same post

LOL, Nice call.

07-29-2010, 02:52 PM
OP enters a restaurant and walks up to the hostess.

Hostess: "Name?"

OP: "Bitter, party of 1."

07-29-2010, 03:02 PM
I left before the update and came back after, I've been away a month. I do not like what they did to my dual wield melee DPS.

1). Attack speed is too slow (lessened
2). Haste is too slow (lessened)
3). running is too slow (lessened)
4). Warp Time is too slow (lessened)
5). # of attacks too few (lessened)
6). Amount of DPS (lessened)
7). Loss Vs Lag not worth it!
8). You negated melee dual wield DPS types to accomidate sword and boarders that want to have higher DPS
and should have since a shield in your off hand is still another weapon to use to inflict damage and to improve
other dual sword weilders...i understand their and agree with their argument
9). WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE was add in (player selected) shield attacks with damage Vs shield size
while adding in glancing blows instead of sc@#$ over and alianating a whole type group of melee fighters.
10). WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE was spend some of the money you get from sales and put it towards
up-grading your equipment and connections to provide a better product for future sales and product
expansion for happier customers AND obtaining NEW customers from WOW and other MMORPG's.
11). Doing it the way you did it...you only succeeded in making four groups of players into a larger group of
people more unhappy and dissatisfied than they already were.

1). Not use or play melee DPS fighters anymore
2). Resort to using DPS casters only
3). Wait to see if you make this right
4). Play somewhere else until you make this right
5). Accept things the way they are and continue to play and surmise that their not going to get any better
6). Give my money to WOW...dont really want to do that, but if things dont change...where i spend my money
and my alliances will change

I started playing this game about 9 months ago and I loved it...I'm desperately waiting for you to make me love it

By the way...love the Air ships "outstanding"...but still waiting for the Gnomes, Half Orc's that you've been promising for years.
Does anyone else feel as I do??
Anyone agree or disagree??...Please chime in...but you might want to hurry as I don't think that they'll let too many people see this, or...ban me altogether

Complain much? I completely disagree with you on all of this. I have noticed a slight change in how fast my TWF Paladin swings but his damage and off-hand strikes remain about the same. The change was to bring everyone in line with DPS. I think you are paying more attention to what the griefers have been saying and have not truly given this a chance to grow on you.

Adapt and overcome the change my friend.

07-29-2010, 03:04 PM


07-29-2010, 03:07 PM
By the way...love the Air ships "outstanding"...but still waiting for the Gnomes, Half Orc's that you've been promising for years.

Waste of a post...

And for the record, I don't think Turbine has actually ever said they would do Gnomes, it was players other players were quoting.

07-29-2010, 03:07 PM

07-29-2010, 03:22 PM
By the way...love the Air ships "outstanding"...but still waiting for the Gnomes, Half Orc's that you've been promising for years.
Does anyone else feel as I do??
Anyone agree or disagree??...Please chime in...but you might want to hurry as I don't think that they'll let too many people see this, or...ban me altogether

Umm, no...I only objected to the changes to TWF, because I feel that they made it more complicated than necessary in a game that is often too complex already for new players. Besides that, MY TWF are still fine...sorry to hear that yours are suffering from some unseen illness that most others have gotten over.

Only thing I agree with is that I would have loved to see them put some money into upgrading their network and server hardware, even if it was in addition to the U5 changes.

Oh, and P.S...I know they promised Half-Orcs and Druids (though I think that has only been confirmed by Turbine for less than a year, if I am correct), but I do not remember seeing anything about them promising Gnomes. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, I think one of the devs mentioned 4 years ago that they do not expect to see gnomes in DDO at all...but I guess you would never have seen that, would you? :p

07-29-2010, 03:39 PM
1) Nothing is too slow.

2) TWF is still the superior fighting style, especially compared to S&B

3)Nerd raging telling other people what to do is annoying, go away and make your game and have nerds yelling at you for not doing what they think you should do.

4)You are still wrong about pretty much everything, but if you really want to play a caster, go ahead.

5)Your threats about giving your money to WoW do not frighten us or Turbine, please go ahead. If you need to over react like a spoiled brat making a huge deal about things that aren't even true, then nothing can keep you satisfied and it would be a mistake to even try, thanks for playing.

In other words.
Chill out dude, the game is still the same, its still all about Melee beatdowns, get your fighter and go have fun.



07-30-2010, 08:03 PM
hahaha...promising for years and playing only 9 months in the same post

hahaha...playing for 9 mnths, yes

have several friends that have been playing since introduction and a couple that played as testers

Find something else to pick at..like your nose. Muahahaha

07-30-2010, 08:18 PM
You can't see it, but I'm playing the world's saddest song on the world's tiniest violin right now, in ode to the horrible ordeal you're facing with the tiny degradation in your damage.

BTW, my last PUG elite shroud killed Harry in 2.05 rounds. ZOMG, OUR DAMAGES HAVE BEEN REDUCED SO MUCHLY!

Wow, you're uber...I've been through 6 runs, dont recall whether any were elite or not but probably all weren't. Anyway, we didnt have to go through extra rounds in any of them...not because im so uber or so experienced but because they were exceptional groups and leaders.

i told them i was new to shroud...just tell me what they wanted me to do...like a loaded gun, point me where you want and pull the trigger.

It's not so much the smaller DPS numbers (which i admit aren't very substantial) that I have a problem with as it is the more frequent misses and way fewer crits (which my toon is built for) that i'm experiencing. I know it's not my toon because I havent changed anything about him. This leads me to conclude that he has somehow been affected by the new update.

Getting back on ATT uverse and time will tell.

07-30-2010, 09:36 PM

Ha...good one..LMAO

07-30-2010, 10:23 PM
1) Nothing is too slow.

2) TWF is still the superior fighting style, especially compared to S&B

3)Nerd raging telling other people what to do is annoying, go away and make your game and have nerds yelling at you for not doing what they think you should do.

4)You are still wrong about pretty much everything, but if you really want to play a caster, go ahead.

5)Your threats about giving your money to WoW do not frighten us or Turbine, please go ahead. If you need to over react like a spoiled brat making a huge deal about things that aren't even true, then nothing can keep you satisfied and it would be a mistake to even try, thanks for playing.

In other words.
Chill out dude, the game is still the same, its still all about Melee beatdowns, get your fighter and go have fun.

Nerd raging telling other people what to do is annoying, go away and make your game and have nerds yelling at you for not doing what "they think you should do". you should have typed "YOU THINK THEY SHOULD DO"

ZOMG...I never told anyone how to play or what to do. I said "user end fix" from my stand point..."my options"...not others. If you couldn't follow that I apologize for both of us..what do we need here...follow the bouncing ball, pop-up's with coloring sections so you can follow along.

It's ok though i'll shoulder the responsibility for confusing you. Thank you for the derogitory post and in advance, the retaliation of which i'm sure is to come.

It's funny to see intellectual midgets cast giant shadows on other intellectual midgets...before anyone overreacts to wording, I am not speaking about height challenged persons

07-30-2010, 10:49 PM
Complain much? I completely disagree with you on all of this. I have noticed a slight change in how fast my TWF Paladin swings but his damage and off-hand strikes remain about the same. The change was to bring everyone in line with DPS. I think you are paying more attention to what the griefers have been saying and have not truly given this a chance to grow on you.

Adapt and overcome the change my friend.

S&b's arent supposed to do big DPS...thats not their "traditional" role which is crowd control and turtleing. BLocking doorways and such while party members attack through and over them. While i did whine about the changes I dont whine about not being able to do as much DPS as casters "I SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO" (not yelling) I'm also not whining about not being able to cast spells...thats not my DPS'ers function but if i wanted to, id multiclass him. Oh, but then he wouldnt be a DPS'er

As for the glancing blows they should have been given to every toon that uses a melee weapon and not just bastardsword weilders or fixed the "elleged" problem with S&B'rs a different way. If you want to do DPS build a DPS...thats their role.

07-30-2010, 11:00 PM
You can't see it, but I'm playing the world's saddest song on the world's tiniest violin right now, in ode to the horrible ordeal you're facing with the tiny degradation in your damage.

BTW, my last PUG elite shroud killed Harry in 2.05 rounds. ZOMG, OUR DAMAGES HAVE BEEN REDUCED SO MUCHLY!

Its not the DPS output thats my complaint...its the frequency of my hits, crits and I critted a lot, that seem to have dropped. I didnt change anything about my toon but am now playing on a dial-up connection so my observations may be largely askew. For the time being i retract my complaints until i can make a fair comparison. my apologies to all.

07-31-2010, 10:34 PM
Complain much? I completely disagree with you on all of this. I have noticed a slight change in how fast my TWF Paladin swings but his damage and off-hand strikes remain about the same. The change was to bring everyone in line with DPS. I think you are paying more attention to what the griefers have been saying and have not truly given this a chance to grow on you.

Adapt and overcome the change my friend.

Lmao...If it was done in order to bring everyone in line with DPS, then lets bring TWF in line with caster DPS. Do you see now what I am talking about? For better clarification see post on glancing blows for all?.

08-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Nerd raging telling other people what to do is annoying, go away and make your game and have nerds yelling at you for not doing what "they think you should do". you should have typed "YOU THINK THEY SHOULD DO"

ZOMG...I never told anyone how to play or what to do. I said "user end fix" from my stand point..."my options"...not others. If you couldn't follow that I apologize for both of us..what do we need here...follow the bouncing ball, pop-up's with coloring sections so you can follow along.

It's ok though i'll shoulder the responsibility for confusing you. Thank you for the derogitory post and in advance, the retaliation of which i'm sure is to come.

It's funny to see intellectual midgets cast giant shadows on other intellectual midgets...before anyone overreacts to wording, I am not speaking about height challenged persons

Reading comprehension = 0 :rolleyes:

In case you don't know, game developers are people too.