View Full Version : Shroud Portal and Harry Beaters

07-29-2010, 03:00 AM
My character is a Ftr/Barb, LVLs 16 and 2 respectively, oh yes...I am also a max critical / slashing enhanced DPS fighter that dual wields khopeshes. Alignment is true neutral. I have no UMD (didn't know about it until it was too late)

I have heard and been told many conflicting things about appropriate weapon types for bypassing the damage reduction for the portals and harry.

I have been told that
holy burst silver of pure good is the best, but i cant use them because of alignment

that anarchic burst silver of righteousness or some other untyped damage is the best i
can hope for

that metalline does no good

I have been told that
holy burst silver of greater evil outsider bane or pure good is best against harry, but you
cant find that combination and i cant use pure good because of neutral alignment

I've seen silver metalline combination but was told they wont work because they cancel
each other out

that metalline doesn't work on harry

only silver actually bypasses harry's damage reduction

I was told that a dev posted a thread about this very scenario but i haven't found it. If any one can help this lost little lamb with out having to put points into UMD (at lvl 18 i don't have enough points to spare) i'd appreciate it

07-29-2010, 03:10 AM
Wow, a lot of mess there bro.
Let me simplify it for you.

Portals are constructs with lawful-evil alighment. Nothing can bypass their dr. As such anarchic or holy of greater construct bane will be optimal. Simple Greater construct bane will be ok too.

Harry is a lawful-evil outsider with dr that can be bypassed by a combination of silver+good alighment on your weapon. If you can get your hands on a holy+silver wepon it should work fine. On normal dificulty you can get away with a holy or anarchic of greater evil or lawful outsider bane weapon, because the dr is not that high. Other combinations that can bypass this dr (and fit you alighment) are metaline+flametouched iron and of course the good old mineral2 greensteel (but thats for later)

Good luck.

07-29-2010, 03:13 AM
As you can't use pure good:

For Harry get Holy with metalline or silver in order to bypass his DR (Silver/good)

07-29-2010, 03:13 AM
Portals (dr can't be bypassed):

contruct bane

(things I'm not sure of): unholy


needs silver + "good"
eg. Holy+silver, metalline+pure good, min II

Edit: bah, I type too slow.

07-29-2010, 03:17 AM
A bit of side info- Do you have Tharne's set which will give you True Seeing? Some of the Portals are displaced.
You can also self cast it off of a Stave of the Seer, or ask a Cleric to cast it on you.

You've already got some great answers to your OQ, but thought I'd throw that in.

07-29-2010, 03:49 AM
Displacement is cast on the portals by trogs, so kill the trogs and displacement is a non-issue.

Although as a melee he should have tharne's anyway...it's a huge damage boost (just not against portals, or other constructs, or undead, or jello).

07-29-2010, 04:22 AM
Ok, lets make this reallllly easy


Silver Types =
Metaline (prefix) or Silver(weapon composite), thats it.

Good Types =
Holy (prefix) or Pure Good (Suffix) OR Flame-touched Iron (Weapon Composite)

So you cannot get Holy of Metaline weapons...
or Silver of Flametouched Iron..

BUT you can get metaline flametouched iron weapon of whatever, and bypass his DR.

So.. you're looking for either HOLY SILVER weapon of whatever...
Metaline flametouched iron weapon of whatever..

For the boss

Anarctic burst or holy burst Heavy Picks, or x3 crit weapon of greater construct bane = best vs portals (because you don't get crit damage, but you get the crit burst damage..

07-29-2010, 05:19 AM

Are Lawful Evil constructs. They have dr 10/- on normal and are immune to elemental damage. They will take alignment damage and untyped damage.
The most uber items you can get are greater construct bane suffix, with either holy burst or anarchic burst prefix. "Poor man's portal beaters" are weapons like vicious of maiming, as their extra damage dice are untyped.


Lawful Evil pit fiend (badass outsider). He has dr x/silver and dr x/good. I've not bothered to ever use a weapon that cant bypass his DR to test, but I believe x is 15 or 20 on normal. Holy/Ararchic prefixes will do extra dice of damage to him. He has some elemental resistances, they vary. He's completely immune to fire, he has no resistance to electric. Greensteel wise, Lit II are regarded as better dps weapons against him on normal, with Min II pulling ahead on hard/elite (his DR is higher).

Edit: If you examine your weapon, look for the line that starts "Damage:"
It should have some text that reads something like "Damage: D10+5, Magic, Slash" etc. If both "silver" and "good" are listed after the damage dice, you will bypass both his DRs. (Which may as well be x/silver,good as they're the same value.) Holy or Holy Burst are your best ways to get good alignment onto your weapon without UMD. Unfortunately, this means you're looking for items that have the silver metal property, as metalline is considered an enchantment prefix rather than a metal prefix and wont spawn on holy or holyburst weapons. Alternatively you could look for Metalline Flametouched Iron weapons.

07-29-2010, 05:23 AM

Are Lawful Evil constructs. They have dr 10/- on normal and are immune to elemental damage. They will take alignment damage and untyped damage.
The most uber items you can get are greater construct bane suffix, with either holy burst or anarchic burst prefix. "Poor man's portal beaters" are weapons like vicious of maiming, as their extra damage dice are untyped.


Lawful Evil pit fiend (badass outsider). He has dr x/silver and dr x/good. I've not bothered to ever use a weapon that cant bypass his DR to test, but I believe x is 15 or 20 on normal. Holy/Ararchic prefixes will do extra dice of damage to him. He has some elemental resistances, they vary. He's completely immune to fire, he has no resistance to electric. Greensteel wise, Lit II are regarded as better dps weapons against him on normal, with Min II pulling ahead on hard/elite (his DR is higher).

His DR is 15 on Normal, 25 Hard and 35 Elite. It used to be higher on Hard and Elite but has been changed to these figures.

Greater Evil Outsider Bane adds 14.5 damage per hit, so it's just about as good as bypassing DR.

07-29-2010, 05:47 AM
His DR is 15 on Normal, 25 Hard and 35 Elite. It used to be higher on Hard and Elite but has been changed to these figures.

Greater Evil Outsider Bane adds 14.5 damage per hit, so it's just about as good as bypassing DR.

*nods* sounds like the values i've heard reported.

I'd personally avoid using G.E.O.B weapons that cant bypass the DR if you pug lots simply because you'll never have to defend your choice of gear if you use "bossbeaters".

07-29-2010, 05:51 AM
*nods* sounds like the values i've heard reported.

I'd personally avoid using G.E.O.B weapons that cant bypass the DR if you pug lots simply because you'll never have to defend your choice of gear if you use "bossbeaters".

Just for reference. I never worry about what some dumb a$$ pug thinks....If someone really gets me riled up I kindly make them look like fools in front of the group by explaining it, otherwise it rarely ever comes up.