View Full Version : Hispanoparlantes Unite!

07-26-2010, 01:25 AM
Disclaimer: This post will be presented in spanish, a translation can be found on the bottom part of the post for those curious to see what this is about.
Hola a todos! Especialmente a los que entiendan este mensaje :D

Mi nombre es Saraki/Derekis/Shindragan (son todos mis personajes), soy lider de un guild hispano llamado La Alianza en el servidor Orien.

Este post es para invitarlos a todos a nuestro foro en español y para invitarlos a nuestro guild si desean.

El proposito del foro es tener un lugar donde todos la gente que les guste hablar en español podamos usarlo e intercambiar informacion sobre el juego en un ambiente ameno y sobretodo facil de entender sobretodo si tu ingles no es del todo perfecto :)

Tenemos tips, tutoriales, propuestas interesantes y mas, todo escrito en español!

Los invitamos a registrarse en el foro sin importar en que guild, servidor o pais vivan!~

Ah, y si quieren unirse a mi guild, manden un correo a mi personaje de Derekis, les mandare una invitacion enseguida.

Un saludo.
English translation:

Hi everyone! Specially to those who can understand this message :D

My name is Saraki/Derekis/Shindragan (all of these are my characters), I am leader of a hispanic guild called "La Alianza" on Orien server.

This post is to invite you all to our spanish forum and to invite you to join our guild if you so wish:

The purpose of the forum is to have a place where all the people who like to communicate in spanish can use and change information about the game in a friendly environment and most of all, a place that is easy to understand if your english is not that perfect :)

We have tips, tutorials, interesting stuff and more, and everything is in spanish!

We invite you to register for the forum. It doesnt matter which guild, server or country you live in!~

Oh and if you want to join our guild, send me an in-game mail to my character Derekis, I'll reply back with a guild invite as soon as I can.
