View Full Version : Past Life bonuses question

07-21-2010, 07:32 PM
Hello wonderful forum-goers,

When you TR one of your characters, if you are a multiclass, do you get the "past life" bonuses of one class? Or both? Or neither? I'm thinking about multiclassing my next lifetime but I don't want to if in my third life, I don't get any past life benefits.

Thanks for your help.

07-21-2010, 07:34 PM
Of your highest level class.

07-23-2010, 05:33 PM
Piggy-backing on this thread.

Can you TR multiple times and have the past lives of each provide a feat? Is thaere any limit?

07-23-2010, 07:55 PM

07-25-2010, 11:08 AM
Alright. I guess the link makes sense. Let me see if I get what it says.

1. No need to be pure class. Your true reincarnation past life is your dominant class. So, as long as the class has 11 levels it becomes the true reincarnation past life.

2. The past life level 1 bonuses stack. You can true reincarnate 3 times in the same class to get the maximum stacking bonus.

3. The past life level 2 bonuses do not stack. They do require a past life level 1 bonus from the same class in order to take effect.

4. You "win" DDO if you true reincarnate in every character class. The +2 to all stats occurs when you hit L3.

Now my question.

Do the past life feats only affect you if your current incarnation is in that class?

To phrase it another way: The wizard spell penetration, for example, specifically says that it affects your wizard spells. So, if I true reincarnate 3 times having been a wizard each of the first 3 lives and now become a sorcerer this implies (says maybe) that I do not get the spell penetration bonus during my sorcerer life.

Is that also true for the other past life feats?

07-25-2010, 11:45 AM
1. No need to be pure class. Your true reincarnation past life is your dominant class. So, as long as the class has 11 levels it becomes the true reincarnation past life.

2. The past life level 1 bonuses stack. You can true reincarnate 3 times in the same class to get the maximum stacking bonus.

3. The past life level 2 bonuses do not stack. They do require a past life level 1 bonus from the same class in order to take effect.

4. You "win" DDO if you true reincarnate in every character class. The +2 to all stats occurs when you hit L3.

1. Your dominant class will determine your past life feat; even 7/7/6 or 10/10 builds have a dominant class, which btw can be ascertained looking at your character icon when you join a party.

2. Correct.

3. Tier 2 past life feats take a feat slot (i.e. they are not granted) and cannot be selected more than once; as for their availability, they require Tier I past life feat of the same class: e.g. you cannot select Past Life: Student of the Sword, if you don't have Past Life: Fighter.

4. "Completionist" is a ML 3 feat which becomes available when your character matches all the requirements; it will cost a feat slot.

Do the past life feats only affect you if your current incarnation is in that class?


To phrase it another way: The wizard spell penetration, for example, specifically says that it affects your wizard spells.

It doesn't say anything like that; description says that it will provide +2 bonus to Spell Penetration checks.

The description is poorly worded and probaly DDOWiki added that asterisk to clarify that the bonus applies to spells and not only to wands, as the description might convey. But it looks like that asterisk triggers even more doubts .... ^^

So, if I true reincarnate 3 times having been a wizard each of the first 3 lives and now become a sorcerer this implies (says maybe) that I do not get the spell penetration bonus during my sorcerer life.

Your sorcerer (or cleric or bard or FvS or wizard) will receive +6 bonus to his Spell Penetration checks.

07-25-2010, 05:41 PM

That clears everything up for me, I think.

1. Tier 2 feats must be selected and you must have the proper class tier 1 feat in order to make the selection.
2. Completionist must be selected.
3. Past life feats apply to your character regardless of current life character class.

Rest of the info I think I understood.