View Full Version : CouldFailed Teleport Not go to Market Place?

07-19-2010, 03:56 PM
This is the only area in game where I experience extreme loading screens I think because there are always 3-8 instances of it--could a failed Teleport land us in House D or J or K instead? And did you all bump the failure rate on Royal Guard Masks?

07-19-2010, 03:58 PM
I would like this just for the flavor. Send me to random wards on failure. I like playing the can I cast teleport again before I hit the ground game. If you time it right you can woosh out a half second before contact. Some new scenery would spice up the game.

07-19-2010, 04:03 PM
I would like this just for the flavor. Send me to random wards on failure. I like playing the can I cast teleport again before I hit the ground game. If you time it right you can woosh out a half second before contact. Some new scenery would spice up the game.

LOL--what really sux is that when I fail on my FVS my FF from leap of faith is always on and I just hang forever in the sky. ..

But it's true, for flavor a failed Teleport should send you different places.

07-19-2010, 04:21 PM
/not signed

it's a fail. you don't get to choose where to go.

if it makes everyone happier then there is a teleporation vortex caused by the recent(ish) devil attacks in the marketplace with residual localized environmental and magical effects thus drawing a certain percentage of teleportations to that local much like a magnet attracts iron. this is mainly caused by an improper teleportation schema due to a lack of concentration from the caster.

or if you want the short version: eddies in the space-time continuum.

07-19-2010, 04:23 PM
/not signed

it's a fail. you don't get to choose where to go.

if it makes everyone happier then there is a teleporation vortex caused by the recent(ish) devil attacks in the marketplace with residual localized environmental and magical effects thus drawing a certain percentage of teleportations to that local much like a magnet attracts iron. this is mainly caused by an improper teleportation schema due to a lack of concentration from the caster.

or if you want the short version: eddies in the space-time continuum.

So we should have to deal with 2 min+ loading screens? Fine make it the same point everytime, but not to the busiest instance in DDO. . .

07-19-2010, 04:23 PM
Well, it seems that walking the plank from the new guild ships tosses you in a random ward,
so maybe they are working on some alternate 'port failure locations as well.

07-19-2010, 04:25 PM
/not signed

it's a fail. you don't get to choose where to go.

if it makes everyone happier then there is a teleporation vortex caused by the recent(ish) devil attacks in the marketplace with residual localized environmental and magical effects thus drawing a certain percentage of teleportations to that local much like a magnet attracts iron. this is mainly caused by an improper teleportation schema due to a lack of concentration from the caster.

or if you want the short version: eddies in the space-time continuum.


Who said you get to choose where you go? Make it random each time the teleport fails.

07-19-2010, 04:26 PM
I vote for the Devil's Battlefield

07-19-2010, 04:26 PM
/not signed

it's a fail. you don't get to choose where to go.

We are not asking to choose where we go, i think you misread the OP. What we want is more options to be Randomly chosen on a failed teleport and not just be automatically sent the market.

07-19-2010, 04:54 PM
We are not asking to choose where we go, i think you misread the OP. What we want is more options to be Randomly chosen on a failed teleport and not just be automatically sent the market.

at the moment a failed tele brings you to the market. the OP and others are lobbying to change this and have suggested alternatives. that is choosing, although i agree it isn't a direct choice.

thinking about it there really isn't much choice there at all so ingore the bit above. but the points below are still valid.

my point is twofold:
1) the OP is trying to solve a problem (slow load times) by masking one of the symptoms (failed tele death). i made up a nice little story that can explain why you always fail at the market. the real reason is most likely the devs wanted to make sure you ended up in a central location that is accessable to everyone with the ability to teleport. i would much rather have effort put into fixing the actual issue of load times than put effort into what is essentailly a band aid. if this becomes more of an issue then the devs can fix it so that one always dies after a failed teleport. after all, this can't be a safe way to travel.

I teleported home one night
With Ron and Sid and Meg;
Ron stole Meggie's heart away
And I got Sidney's leg.

2) douglas adams references are always cool

07-19-2010, 05:22 PM
If you think about it, if you port to the market and Oops, it's not really a "failed" teleport is it? It's just a "taking longer than it should, I would have been better off walking" teleport. Being bounced around to somewhere else would be awesome. Maybe not the battlefield (thinking of all my lowbies with festival rods of teleport), but to any public instance.

09-04-2010, 03:11 AM
First off, I'm in complete agreement with the idea of random teleport destinations. As the screen says, magic is a curious thing. Not sure anyone would actually CHOOSE to arrive a mile ABOVE their destination, however (or a mile below, which could be fun in its own right with a little imagination ;) ) which brings me to my next point...

With the proliferation of FF items available in all shapes and levels, the teleport fail as currently implemented simply doesn't have enough ... impact :D . Rather, it is a mere annoyance lasting the length of a second mouse click. Seeing how magic is a fickle mistress, who would dump you a mile in the air and abandon you on a whim, I would put forth the idea of adding a no save, no avoid Mordenkainen's Disjunction/Anti magic effect that would apply to items, wands, scrolls, etc. both equipped and currently in inventory for say...30 seconds.

It could make rolling that hidden 1-3d100 a tad more exciting for some. Along those lines, for those that UMD but can't quite meet the DC by default, rolling that fail wouldn't just fizzle, but create exciting and potentially lethal predicaments. Would be quite a shock (for both parties involved) to fail a teleport scroll (or spell) on say a level 10 and end up in Horoth's private chambers whilst he is in conference with his Succubi advisors. Oh the looks on everyones faces for the split second before he turns you into wallpaper would be priceless. And thats just one of many ideas I was pondering for amusing little deathtrap micro-dungeons.

Yes, arcanes could just cast the spell again, or even make good use of the FF spell, but then, thats what sets them apart from the UMDers. To that end, I would also suggest that a fail be added to the Greater Teleport spell. And to mix that up a bit, you could either have it drop everyone at the same location (imagine how funny it would be to see an entire raid, or even more then one, raining from the sky and splattering around you) or scatter everyone to the four winds. It could make people think twice before using a convenient spellslinger as a private bus stop. Or provide entertaining distraction for those involved in LOOKING for the fail. Sure, it may open the whole idea up to the Indirect Choice Technicality, but is the Ogre's Choice (die fast or die slow) really a choice at all?

09-04-2010, 03:25 AM
...Along those lines, for those that UMD but can't quite meet the DC by default, rolling that fail wouldn't just fizzle, but create exciting and potentially lethal predicaments. Would be quite a shock (for both parties involved) to fail a teleport scroll (or spell) on say a level 10 and end up in Horoth's private chambers whilst he is in conference with his Succubi advisors....

Does that mean I get to kill him while on ToD timer? /drool

09-04-2010, 03:47 AM
Does that mean I get to kill him while on ToD timer? /drool

If you're able to solo them ... I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be justly compensated. Turning seemingly insurmountable catastrophe into epic win should always be appropriately rewarded. Although now that gives me the idea of actually making a very tiny select few of these encounters just BARELY survivable/solveable. Albeit, while still requiring split second and wise tactical choices. And the foresight to be prepared for anything.

Although this IS the PnPer in me talking :o

09-04-2010, 03:56 AM
If you're able to solo them ... I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be justly compensated. Turning seemingly insurmountable catastrophe into epic win should always be appropriately rewarded. Although now that gives me the idea of actually making a very tiny select few of these encounters just BARELY survivable/solveable. Albeit, while still requiring split second and wise tactical choices. And the foresight to be prepared for anything.

Although this IS the PnPer in me talking :o

Bladebarrier to kill the succubus trash, then ~15 minutes of melee to take down Horoth, with a LOT of quickened self-healing. As you are soloing, rather than acting as a traditional tank where you need to keep Horoth facing a particular direction, you can dodge the ray spells (namely Disintegrate), so the spike damage isn't too bad - just heal yourself on falling to ~300hp.

It's Suulomades and his healing curse that prevents me from trying to solo the Horoth encounter for real - and I certainly don't have a good enough Bladebarrier to punch through 150000 hp of high-saves horned devil.

09-04-2010, 10:57 AM
Korthos Island Shipwreck.

"Can you move?"
"You're not undead, are you?"


09-04-2010, 12:17 PM
Actually it'd be really interesting if you randomly teleported on a fail xD

09-04-2010, 12:27 PM
it is long to give another chance at teleporting as it used to kill you FF or not if you landed in the market after an oops. failure used to mean death.

09-04-2010, 12:30 PM
First off, I'm in complete agreement with the idea of random teleport destinations. As the screen says, magic is a curious thing. Not sure anyone would actually CHOOSE to arrive a mile ABOVE their destination, however (or a mile below, which could be fun in its own right with a little imagination ;) ) which brings me to my next point...

With the proliferation of FF items available in all shapes and levels, the teleport fail as currently implemented simply doesn't have enough ... impact :D . Rather, it is a mere annoyance lasting the length of a second mouse click. Seeing how magic is a fickle mistress, who would dump you a mile in the air and abandon you on a whim, I would put forth the idea of adding a no save, no avoid Mordenkainen's Disjunction/Anti magic effect that would apply to items, wands, scrolls, etc. both equipped and currently in inventory for say...30 seconds.

It could make rolling that hidden 1-3d100 a tad more exciting for some. Along those lines, for those that UMD but can't quite meet the DC by default, rolling that fail wouldn't just fizzle, but create exciting and potentially lethal predicaments. Would be quite a shock (for both parties involved) to fail a teleport scroll (or spell) on say a level 10 and end up in Horoth's private chambers whilst he is in conference with his Succubi advisors. Oh the looks on everyones faces for the split second before he turns you into wallpaper would be priceless. And thats just one of many ideas I was pondering for amusing little deathtrap micro-dungeons.

Yes, arcanes could just cast the spell again, or even make good use of the FF spell, but then, thats what sets them apart from the UMDers. To that end, I would also suggest that a fail be added to the Greater Teleport spell. And to mix that up a bit, you could either have it drop everyone at the same location (imagine how funny it would be to see an entire raid, or even more then one, raining from the sky and splattering around you) or scatter everyone to the four winds. It could make people think twice before using a convenient spellslinger as a private bus stop. Or provide entertaining distraction for those involved in LOOKING for the fail. Sure, it may open the whole idea up to the Indirect Choice Technicality, but is the Ogre's Choice (die fast or die slow) really a choice at all?

Stormreach has just activated there anti aircraft defense system. the recent rise in air traffic now requires stricter security. any unidentified airborne objects will be attacked with antimagic weapons.

09-04-2010, 12:42 PM
Falling from extreeme heights is a 110%


Its just the sudden


that hurts

09-04-2010, 12:44 PM
Bladebarrier to kill the succubus trash, then ~15 minutes of melee to take down Horoth, with a LOT of quickened self-healing. As you are soloing, rather than acting as a traditional tank where you need to keep Horoth facing a particular direction, you can dodge the ray spells (namely Disintegrate), so the spike damage isn't too bad - just heal yourself on falling to ~300hp.

It's Suulomades and his healing curse that prevents me from trying to solo the Horoth encounter for real - and I certainly don't have a good enough Bladebarrier to punch through 150000 hp of high-saves horned devil.

Well actually, considering the circumstances of how you entered his chambers and what exactly you may have been interrupting therein... I was thinking something more along the lines of Horo being double madstone raged ;) "nudge nudge, wink wink, know what i mean?" ;)

09-04-2010, 01:37 PM
I love the idea of the teleport fail taking you to any random public area. Including Korthos. Just to mess with people. It would be interesting to see someone new to the game that just got teleport fail and land in Amrath or the Reaver's Refuge.

The only thing I wish they would do is widen that damnable cylinder that keeps you from trying to land on one of the new airships that's flying underneath you while you float down with FF active.

Yes, I know you can't, just like you can't land on top of the tower in house D if you leave from the highest point in the game and leap of faith to it. But, Dang it! I have a dream!

09-04-2010, 03:54 PM
I think fails should work like this

On Teleport Fail, Roll Random 1d20:

1 - directly in front of a level 20 Epic Dragon...who isn't happy to see you
2~6 - Korthos Island Shipwreck (for the "you aren't undead" and "!@$!%!@$!%!%!$%!@#!#@!#@!extremely large curse word chain" reaction)
7~10 - Harbor as far out to sea as you can go
11~14 - Market
15~19 - Nearest Tavern
20 - you explode :3

it would add quite a bit to the spell ;D

09-04-2010, 04:15 PM
Volcanoes make everything better. One of those numbers on the d20 should be changed to, "Drops you over the middle of an explosive caldera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caldera#Explosive_calderas)."

09-04-2010, 04:21 PM
Kobold Island?

09-04-2010, 06:17 PM
Volcanoes make everything better. One of those numbers on the d20 should be changed to, "Drops you over the middle of an explosive caldera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caldera#Explosive_calderas)."

I admit it was a tempting thought, but I had to choose between the Angry Dragon and the Volcanoe. Well, I had to go for the irony, first it was the mindflayer, now it's you xD

09-04-2010, 06:29 PM
I love the idea of the teleport fail taking you to any random public area. Including Korthos. Just to mess with people. It would be interesting to see someone new to the game that just got teleport fail and land in Amrath or the Reaver's Refuge.

This... Just think how it would increase the store sales of tele-rods, for the non-casters... :eek:

09-04-2010, 06:43 PM
I'd be all for randomizing failed teleport usage. I mean, you see that "pear-shaped" message, and you know exactly where you are going. Just another slow fall over the Marketplace. Kinda dull and boring. Stopped being a novel view a long time ago.

A few of my suggestions off the top of my head:
Pop up besides Visbane's Folly in House D.
Over the skiff landing on Sorrwdusk.
Middle of the Harbor - between the Dingy and the Lighthouse.
The as-yet-to-be-seen back storage room of the Portable Hole.
In a non-quest instance of the party room in House P's Party Crashers quest.
Out in space, beyond Velah's main platform - like when you jump off after VoN (this would make the fall into the Marketplace cool again)
Pop up below decks on the airship that takes you out to the Restless Isles.
In the VIP vault of the market Bank.
Way high up over Zwabi's stone circle.
The PvP pit in the Lobster.

Ya know... have it really make ya wonder about where that failure load screen is gonna take ya. :)

09-05-2010, 12:51 PM
I'd be all for randomizing failed teleport usage. I mean, you see that "pear-shaped" message, and you know exactly where you are going. Just another slow fall over the Marketplace. Kinda dull and boring. Stopped being a novel view a long time ago.

A few of my suggestions off the top of my head:
Pop up besides Visbane's Folly in House D.
Over the skiff landing on Sorrwdusk.
Middle of the Harbor - between the Dingy and the Lighthouse.
The as-yet-to-be-seen back storage room of the Portable Hole.
In a non-quest instance of the party room in House P's Party Crashers quest.
Out in space, beyond Velah's main platform - like when you jump off after VoN (this would make the fall into the Marketplace cool again)
Pop up below decks on the airship that takes you out to the Restless Isles.
In the VIP vault of the market Bank.
Way high up over Zwabi's stone circle.
The PvP pit in the Lobster.

Ya know... have it really make ya wonder about where that failure load screen is gonna take ya. :)

Let the flaming begin.

However, I 100% agree that this should be more random.


09-05-2010, 06:20 PM
I'd be all for randomizing failed teleport usage. I mean, you see that "pear-shaped" message, and you know exactly where you are going. Just another slow fall over the Marketplace. Kinda dull and boring. Stopped being a novel view a long time ago.

A few of my suggestions off the top of my head:
Pop up besides Visbane's Folly in House D.
Over the skiff landing on Sorrwdusk.
Middle of the Harbor - between the Dingy and the Lighthouse.
The as-yet-to-be-seen back storage room of the Portable Hole.
In a non-quest instance of the party room in House P's Party Crashers quest.
Out in space, beyond Velah's main platform - like when you jump off after VoN (this would make the fall into the Marketplace cool again)
Pop up below decks on the airship that takes you out to the Restless Isles.
In the VIP vault of the market Bank.
Way high up over Zwabi's stone circle.
The PvP pit in the Lobster.

Ya know... have it really make ya wonder about where that failure load screen is gonna take ya. :)

no :c you named too many VIP zones.

I think it should make you FF over weird things on a fail :D and maybe FF you over something that ends up killing you on a 1 >:3 (like a volcanoe)

09-05-2010, 06:37 PM
I didn't mind the Marketplace, until they added the invisible walls to stop you from landing on the airships. I used to enjoy floating around taking videos or pictures, but they've ruined that, due to Guild airships :(

But yes more random locations for your teleport failures.

09-05-2010, 06:37 PM
Or how about...

One of the random locations is a computer model of one of the Turbine dev offices, filled with computers and devs working on them. As you stand there in confusion they stand up and scream "You're not supposed to be here!" then zap you with a wand that teleports you back to the marketplace.

The wand also wipes your memory, represented by a -2 penalty to Int and Wis that lasts for one hour of gameplay and can't be dispelled.

If this ever happened to me I would probably laugh until my spleen burst.

09-06-2010, 10:22 PM
/not signed

it's a fail. you don't get to choose where to go.

it's a fail. Something went wrong. Anything can happen. You could even find yourself falling into 12 Enclave deep lava after a fail and then dieing.

09-07-2010, 12:06 AM
My Revised d20 List of Failed Teleportation

On a failed teleport you roll d20:

1 - You teleport over an active volcano, Feather Falling, where you land in hot lava full immersion, and die slowly
2~4 - You teleport to Korthos Island Shipwreck, where Jeets will spend the next minute wondering if you are undead before sending you to Korthos Island
5 - You teleport in the middle of House K
6~8 - You teleport to Fred
9 - You implode
10~12 - You teleport above Stormreach, able to land on crafts but unable to use them (meaning if you jump again you die :D)
13 - (unlucky 13) You are trapped underwater for a full minute then sent to the marketplace
14~16 - You teleport to the Waycrest Lobster in Stormreach
17 - You teleport to House Deneith Enclave
18~19 - You teleport to The Twelve Enclave
20 - You teleport to the maximum elevation of your current zone (if in a tavern to the cieling, if in a city to the sky :D)

:3 I put effort into this list of evil :D

09-07-2010, 01:21 AM
Let the dice roll like in old times, you might be flung or choke but it will be on your destination.

09-07-2010, 01:32 AM
Shame they couldn't go all Philadelphia Experiment and have you teleport halfway into a wall.