View Full Version : LFM Panel warns character they are not flagged

07-19-2010, 08:30 AM
Just something I thought of - have the LFM panel provide some sort of warning that a character is not flagged for a quest in the same manner it does that they do not own the content. This would only work, of course, if the leader selected the quest from the list before putting up the LFM. This would prevent newer players from purchasing the content then attempting to join a raid they are not flagged for. Just as it is irritating to fill a party full of people only to find out upon zoning into the quest or running to the quest that some members do not own the content, the same is true for quests which require flagging, usually amplified since you are often dealing with a raid party. I have been in many raids where we fill, step in, and then find out someone just purchased the pack to run this quest or recently purchased it and has not really done much with it and is not flagged.

The manner in which the warning could be displayed could be as simple as a flag icon next to the quest that is either green for flagged or red with a circle around it and a line through it to a pop up box when the player attempts to click on the LFM (similar to the "bind" warning) warning the character they are not flagged, giving them the information that they need to flag, and then asking them if they are sure they want to click the LFM. Granted, they could always still click "yes" and be put into the queue but no one could say they were not informed. I am in favor of the latter pop-up box because it not only requires an affirmative click (as opposed to just ignoring the icon) but also informs the player of what they need to do to flag so there is no confusion.

Just a thought :)

07-19-2010, 08:33 AM
You're going to get a million rep for this. Either that or have someone snidely point out an old thread where someone else thought of it.

Maybe both!

07-19-2010, 08:34 AM
/signed :)

Not a bad idea at all. No more "I didn't know I needed to be flagged" or worse..."what's flagging mean?" /facepalm

I wish people would check to see what the flagging requirements are, but since most don't, /signed. :)

07-19-2010, 03:57 PM
That might at least keep the ones that actually read from joining. And the ones that don't, well, at least you know what to expect from them.

07-19-2010, 03:59 PM
That might at least keep the ones that actually read from joining. And the ones that don't, well, at least you know what to expect from them.

share please

to the ones that join Hound: what house is this in?

Um, is this free to play?

Share now


where do i goes lolol

to the ones that join in progress explorer area quests: where are we meeting? are you inside yet? how do I get there?


07-19-2010, 04:04 PM
I wonder what the programming would be/take to make this live?

After all, it has to constantly update your view based on changing data presented by other folks LFMs. Would this cause lag or is it trivial?

Another way of looking at it would be to say "Look at all the LFM's and tell me which ones I am qualified for" so you could run a database quiry and a report would come back and say "you have to do this to be ready to do this quest" or "You are ready to go, just speak to X".

Great suggestion!


07-19-2010, 04:04 PM
You can already find out if you are flagged by checking the quest journal.

07-19-2010, 04:09 PM
You can already find out if you are flagged by checking the quest journal.

if the majority of the new player base don't read the LFM comments, what is Khyber's name makes you think they will take the time to pull up the Journal to check the quest (that they don't have *ie: share please*) and see if they are flagged?

I'm just saying

07-19-2010, 04:12 PM
I know, Its just alot of people that join quests don't know anything about when, where, why, how ... although all the information is right there for them to read.
I wish more players would actually read the npc text the first time they run something so they know what the quest entails, how they complete, etc.

07-19-2010, 04:32 PM
I know, Its just a lot of people that join quests don't know anything about when, where, why, how ... although all the information is right there for them to read.
I wish more players would actually read the npc text the first time they run something so they know what the quest entails, how they complete, etc.

I agree

07-19-2010, 04:44 PM

07-19-2010, 05:01 PM
As a player who is fairly new to endgame content, I approve of this message!

I'm in the process of gathering up late-game adventure packs, and often see groups LFM for quests I've never heard of. I typically feel very dumb, but often have to send tells to ask 1) Since you didn't bother to select a quest from the menu and just put it in your comments, is what you're running in pack X, Y or Z that I own? and 2) Since I've never heard of this quest, and your comments don't indicate one way or another, does this quest require prereqs or flagging?

Being able to bypass that whole "Hi, I'm a noob" introduction would be wonderful :D Would also help prevent the other side of it, such as getting 4 people loading into Tor, and having the last 2 say "How come it says i can't enter?"

I also don't think this would cause much more server load, seeing as how the system can already track whether you own a quest in the LFM, and obviously has some method to track whether you and flagged for various quest progressions. Having to track *each and every step* you need in the LFM panel to qualify might be a bit much, but some kind of stock answer would probably suffice (For instance "You have not qualified for this quest. Speak to Crag in Gianthold to find out how")

TL;DR version - /Signed

07-19-2010, 08:10 PM
I suggested something similar a while back. Instead of the "BUY NOW" Box as seen by F2P/Premium players who don't own the content have a "NOT FLAGGED" box with a mouseover that tells you what prereqs you still need.

07-20-2010, 09:10 AM
I wonder what the programming would be/take to make this live?

After all, it has to constantly update your view based on changing data presented by other folks LFMs. Would this cause lag or is it trivial?

Another way of looking at it would be to say "Look at all the LFM's and tell me which ones I am qualified for" so you could run a database quiry and a report would come back and say "you have to do this to be ready to do this quest" or "You are ready to go, just speak to X".

Great suggestion!


Well, if they went with something like a pop up warning (like the "bind" warning) when the player hit the LFM, it would only check when that event occurred (similar to what happens if party members share the quest). That way, it wouldn't be constantly updating. It must check when someone shares the quest since you get the "X has not completed some of the necessary quests in the chain" (or whatever) message when you try to share with someone who is not flagged. This would simply display the results of that to the player (with details as to which quests/task are missing) when they click on the LFM. So, it shouldn't cause any more lag than sharing the quest :)

07-20-2010, 09:14 AM
/signed and +1

That should at least lessen the unflagged people joining by 1/4 (being optimistic here xD)

07-20-2010, 09:23 AM
While I really like this idea, and would be a convenience to the competent player who actually reads the lfm panel before clicking on one, your still going to get those idiots who are too good to read before doing.

-such as people taking raid loot on there toons 'for there alt' despite the message saying it is bound to the character they are playing on.

-such as free to play joining a p2p quest despite the little message on the lfm panel saying 'buy it now!'

it's like those people who go into a store closing sale and despite being hundreds of 'all sales final' signs smacked in front of them, still try to return something the next day because they 'changed there mind', and there argument is always 'nobody told me i couldn't return it'.

otherwise, good suggestion.

07-20-2010, 09:28 AM
A Good ideal, but you cant fix STUPID only uninformed.

07-20-2010, 11:51 AM
Meh, a more realistic solution is: click the quest portion of the LFM and it brings up the players Quest Compendium. Flesh out those quest descriptions a bit to provide clear location info, flagging requirements (if any) and of course, whether the quest is p2p or f2p (if p2p, part of which pack).

That wouldn't be too difficult to code and would accomplish pretty much the same thing. Of course, stupidity can never be completely accounted for....so why try.

07-20-2010, 12:16 PM

With three different warnings:

a) You are not flagged for this quest/raid. You may not attempt this quest. Speak to Aasemah Screeven in Meridia to find out more.
b) Not enough time has passed since you last completed this quest/raid. You may not attempt this quest.
c) You are not on the correct part of this quest's storyline. You may attempt the quest, but you will not receive all available rewards for completing it.