View Full Version : Player grouping in guild screen

07-18-2010, 08:49 PM
Within the guild list I would like to see an additional "player" column and the ability to sort by player. Our guild shares gear freely and it would be very nice to be able to see if one of Jill's alts is on atm so I can hand over that sheild I have been saving for her. Also, as an officer I like ot make a point of welcoming and offering help to new members but having to go through the whole "so are you new to guild or a new alt" gets lame after a while. It's also getting to be more difficult to keep ppl straight as our guild grows. It was bad anough when there were only 15 or so of us. but our membership is up over 50 now and a player grouping in game (we do have that in our private guild site) would be awfully handy