View Full Version : Request - Adaptation of the "Chains" effect

07-18-2010, 05:54 PM
We've been getting smacked w/ a nice effect in the form of Illusionary/Binding Chains. This looks like an easy adaptation to a couple of spells "missing" from the DDO collection.

Evard's Black Tentacles (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blackTentacles.htm) -
area effect slow w/ chains graphic
changes to:
area effect slow/stop w/ tentacle graphic and a small amount of damage over time

Entangle - (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm)
Web - area effect stop
changes to:
area effect stop w/ vines/roots graphic

Black Tentacles would be an upgraded version of web, serving the same purpose of slowing down critters in an area while giving higher level arcane casters a bit of damage as a reward for using a higher level spell slot on it. It's right in the midst of that nice meaty 4th level list, so we're talking about it fighting for list space w/ firewall, fire shield, stoneskin, enervation, PK, etc, as opposed to web taking up a more easily chosen 2nd level slot. PnP version uses grapple checks to cause almost a held effect along the lines of the implementation of web, but a significant slow with moderate damage would probably be acceptable to most of the playerbase.
Sub idea - call it "Force Tentacles" and we get a ready attachment to a damage boost.

Entangle currently isn't on the spell lists of anything playable in game, iirc (druids, plant domain clerics needed), but it does give you an interesting spell to give to NPCs and gets us that little bit closer to a Druid spell list being implemented. Hence closer to the day our shape-shifting, tree-hugging bear-forged can run rampant*.

*Given the pig model in use in the new adventure pack, please consider the option of Boar-forged, as it sorta kinda rhymes.

Had a brainfart whilst eating dinner-
We can throw the pale masters a bit of a bone w/ a higher level version of black tentacles which:
Causes slowdown
Randomly procs a necromantic effect (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Necromancy_Spells) every tick something is caught in it
-inflict (x) wounds
-pain etc.
-I think enervation at any decent % of occurrence might be a bit too oomphy. AoE level drain would be a overpowered

Slightly dressed up version of the black tentacle graphics. Basically a web that weakens things caught in it.

07-18-2010, 06:17 PM
bear-forged can run rampant*.

*Given the pig model in use in the new adventure pack, please consider the option of Boar-forged, as it sorta kinda rhymes.

Warforged Druids:

07-18-2010, 06:18 PM
Oh, and /signed.
The illusory chain effect is the same as the chains that Suulomaades throws on you in Vision/Tower.