View Full Version : Soul Gem Bags

07-18-2010, 11:52 AM
Hello everyone. I have searched the threads; I thought there was already a suggestion for this, but could not find it. Maybe my search-fu is weak.

Anyway, I'd politely ask that we be allowed to purchase, via in-game retailers or the DDO Store, Soul Gem Bags that are larger than the ones we can currently possess. If not, at least make them non-exclusive, so a toon can carry more than one on their person at a time.

Even before the trap making mod came out, I've had fun on my sorcerer trapping souls to read their descriptions, or just to see if I could. Well, with the current bag limiting me to only 20 types of gems (and you can have Weak - Normal - Strong Essences for each creature type), I quickly filled one, and I've filled most of the second one. I have to switch them out to get all my Soul Gems in.

I hardly see this as some game-breaking change, just a matter of convenience that is awarded to all other classes in regard to collectibles, regular gems, and ingredients. And since it is a "convenience" mod, yes, I'd pay a couple Turbine Points for it.

While we're on the subject, can we make them purple instead of blue? Just to differentiate them from regular Gem bags?

Also of note, Energy Drain + Trap the Soul on ToD Orthons? Fairly effective, maybe 60%, and I'm definitely not the highest DC caster out there.

09-10-2010, 05:46 PM

As I've not seen anything in U6, nor in U7 release notes that seem to imply Turbine's paying attention to this little niche of their game world, I think a bump is in order. Trap-making is now part of the game, and I still don't have a convenient way to carry one of the base components.

10-20-2010, 12:02 AM
+1, I would agree with this.

10-20-2010, 12:16 AM
Hmm, I'm using trap the soul quite oftem, but I didn't filled my both bags yet. I got 20 slot one from portable hole, and 40 slot one from yugoloth skeleton in Shroud, but yeah sure, its a little strange that there are only 2 sizes.

10-20-2010, 12:28 AM
I read this and saw 'Soul Stone Bags' and thought why in the world do we need those??

But yeah, I like your idea.

10-20-2010, 02:35 AM
I read this and saw 'Soul Stone Bags' and thought why in the world do we need those??

But yeah, I like your idea.

basically the same... i don't think we *need* this by any means, (but then again, i don't have a trap the soul weapon yet and i may later change my mind) but i can't think of any reason not to have it and it seems like it shouldn't be hard to code in anyways.

10-20-2010, 02:42 AM
Hmm, I'm using trap the soul quite oftem, but I didn't filled my both bags yet. I got 20 slot one from portable hole, and 40 slot one from yugoloth skeleton in Shroud, but yeah sure, its a little strange that there are only 2 sizes.

I'll have to look into what you're saying about the guy in the Shroud - I was not aware that his Soul Gem Bag was any different from any other, and not subject to the "Exclusive" quality found on the other Bags.

I read this and saw 'Soul Stone Bags' and thought why in the world do we need those??

But yeah, I like your idea.

basically the same... i don't think we *need* this by any means, (but then again, i don't have a trap the soul weapon yet and i may later change my mind) but i can't think of any reason not to have it and it seems like it shouldn't be hard to code in anyways.

AA misread/misinterpreted the title more than they were expressing a lack of necessity of this item.

My sorc has less than 10 available inventory slots. Any Soul Gem that doesn't fit into my bag is a major inconvenience. You're right, though: it should not be hard to code, and I can't see why this hasn't been implemented in some fashion yet. Its such a small change, its not like it even needs to be released at the same time as an actual game Update; it could be coded and implemented in less than a day.

10-20-2010, 07:47 AM
I read this and saw 'Soul Stone Bags' and thought why in the world do we need those??

But yeah, I like your idea.

You know, for those health cookies and summoning portals ... oh wait... ;)