View Full Version : Ideas to implement missing Spells

07-17-2010, 11:41 PM
Was killing some time reading spell descriptions from the PHB and came up with some thoughts about reasonable implementations for some spells. Ofc, there are balancing considerations for some of them but thats a whole other issue that im not going to worry about so much, since im sure turbine can figure it out.

Not to mention, the enemies can take advantage of these too, and IMO if there are enemy casters, their group should have long time buffs always on, like we do.

Wizard/Sorc spells (for starters)
0 level spells:
Functions as cooldown abilities without cost, timing varies, can be affected by metamagics without cost, enhanced version can be dragged to shortcut bar allowing it to function with the chosen metamagic effects, without the player having to toggle desired metamagics on or off.
Resistance: gives a +1 to saves for a limited time that stacks with everything else
Acid Splash: 1d3 acid damage +1 per level up to +5
Ray of Frost: 1d3 cold damage +1 per level up to +5
Detect Magic: For a short time allows the caster to see a small blue light on top of characters and creatures who have magic equipment or buffs even if they are hiding or invisible, can sense magic in a short distance even across walls, allies light is of a different hue, blocked by Nondetection.
Read Magic: Buff, lowers spell failure of spells cast from scrolls, +2 to umd scrolls.
Daze: Touched humanoid creature loses action and stands in place for a few seconds.
Dancing lights: multicolored balls of light swirl around around a targeted area or object (useful as a highlighter)
Flare: Flashing graphic on enemy, gives a -1 penalty to attack rolls
Disrupt undead: touch deals damage to undead, 1d6 +1 per level up to +5
Ghost sound: makes enemy perceive sound in a targeted area
Mage Hand: allows the interaction with an object at a short distance.
Mending: Makes small repairs on a selected worn item. has slightly greater chance to incur permanent damage.
Message: Restricts voice chat to a selected ally, other person can also restrict outgoing conversation to the caster
Open Close: Opens doors or chests without breaking hiding or invisibility and without having to perform an action that can be interrupted.
Arcane Mark: Shows a glowing magical mark of a specified color above the caster's head, colored icon is shown to the side of character name in UI.(useful to help allies see the caster better)

1st level
True strike: Caster auto-crits on next attack roll (not a vorpal), has a +20 bonus to crit confirmation.
Chill touch: Allows 1 touch per level as it should, spell icon acquires charges that are spent without needing to recast the spell. Casting another spell dissipates extra charges, can be delivered with unarmed attacks, but they require a successful attack roll to be used.
Shocking Grasp: Allows an extra touch every 3 caster levels, (same touch mechanics as Chill touch).
Color Spray: as is, maybe boosting its HD per level.
Animate rope; Grapples or trips foe, extra component: bundles of rope.
Enlarge Person: not double height but increases a little bit and gives the benefits of the buff. (WF are immune)
Reduce Person: slight shrinking with associated effects, requires Will save if cast on enemies.(WF are immune)
Disguise Self: Changes character visual to a preselected style of pre-recorded owned items(one can dream).

2nd level
Alter Self: Allows caster to change race altering physical stats and granting small racial benefits.
Protection from arrows: Protects the Caster functioning like stoneskin against ranged attacks, has precedence over stoneskin when both buffs are active.
Summon Swarm: a visual effect of tiny bats, like the vampire graphic, flutter around an enemy, functions like a DoT until it is damaged enough to dispel it.
Flaming Sphere:Should be smaller and faster kinda like the Eladrin archons with flaming graphics, sticks to closest enemy acting like a DoT.
Gust of wind: small push and trips small/medium enemies like a "jedi force push" also dissipates cloud effects.
Shatter: Lower constructs DR by 5.
Mirror Image: Shows overlapped silhouette images on the caster model, dispelled by AoEs or cleave attacks, ignored with TS.
Spectral Hand: makes touch attacks be delivered at distance, small hand graphic on enemy.
Levitate: short duration, slow fly movement a couple of feet off the ground helps avoiding dangers in ground or making across short pitfalls. Slow casting, cant be quickened or extended.
Pyrotechnics: Blinding flash (like the clickie) then a fog cloud effect.
Rope Trick: A rope falls from above, it allows rest when clicked on it, replenishes a small amount of SP (as much as Lesser Mnemonic Pot), heals as a normal rest but also dispels buffs, recovers 1 charge of per rest or Action abilities, can only be cast once during the same quest by any character in group, latecomers who enter quest after its been cast once, can't cast it at all.
Spider Climb (not really possible but played this mod of Half-life called Natural Selection where you can be an alien that walks on walls, its crazy fun)

3rd level
Arcane Sight Shows an icon on top of enemies with spell casting abilities, gives a +1 bonus to spellcaster checks.
Nondetection: Prevents character with invisibility from being detected by the See invisibility spell and adds a Spell check requirement for effects like True Seeing to reveal characters, Spells like Blur, or mirror image have a 5% chance of functioning against True Seeing, Spells like Greater Invisibility and Displacement have a 15% chance of functioning against True Seeing.
Leomund's Tiny Hut: Creates a shacky door that allows rest when clicked on it, replenishes an average amount of SP (as much as Mnemonic Pot), heals as a normal rest but also dispels buffs, recovers 2 charges of per rest Action abilities, can only be cast once during the same quest by any character in group, latecomers who enter quest after its been cast once, can't cast it at all..
Wind Wall: Zone that dissipates and prevent cloud spells for its duration, ranged attacks against creatures in area have a penalty to hit, Flying enemies are slowed within the area.
Vampiric Touch: As is, Metamagic increases damage but not amount healed.
Blink: makes character model blink as substantial and ethereal, 20% incorporeal chance for attacks to miss, and the same chance for spells that fail a caster level check to deal half damage, (Epic or Elite high level foes would be unaffected, all would have ghost touch weapons).
Fly: Like the favored soul/monk ability with feather fall or like a mass levitate
Flame Arrow: Equipped ranged weapon has flaming property added to it for a limited time.
Gaseous form: Like levitate and caster is insubstantial during it, cant make actions other than movement.
Clairvoyance\Clairaudience: Reveals a portion of the map in a radius around the caster: +5 insight bonus to Spot or Listen checks (could be useful in some quests to distinguish randomized locations or just to have it in there)

4th level
Dimensional Anchor: Prevents enemy from phasing or teleporting for a short time if it fails save.
Lesser, Geas: Charms a single enemy to fight for the caster (works like charm used to making creature follow caster around)
Evards Black Tentacles: Graphics like the tentacles from the Marketplace show in an area, grapples foes (like the web spell) and deals bludgeon damage while they are grappled, slows enemy movement (rangers should get the Entangle version of this without the damage)
Leomund's Secure Shelter: Creates a (nicer) door that allows rest when clicked on it, replenishes a good amount of SP (as much as Greater Mnemonic Pot), heals as a normal rest but also dispels buffs, recovers 3 charges of per rest Action abilities, can only be cast once during the same quest by any character in group, latecomers who enter quest after its been cast once, can't cast it at all.
Arcane Eye/Ear: Eye ball or Ear graphic, reveals a bigger portion of the map than Clairvoyance, +10 insight bonus to caster Spot or Listenchecks.
Confusion: makes enemy take random actions, attack ally, cast random spell/buff on the party, cast random spell on ally, run away, stand still, act normally, has consecutive save rolls for its duration, if the enemy is attacked it fights back against its attacker on his next action. On Characters this constantly switches functions of movement keys and attack/defense/jump/tumble commands.
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere: force globe encircles the caster making him invulnerable but unable to take any actions, short duration.
Greater Invisibility: Grants concealment like displacement(doesn't stack) but breaks aggro momentarily and person cannot be targeted by ranged attacks or long range single target spells from distant foes, ignored by True Seeing, close enemy can target normally if character is attacking or casting spells (or singing), proximity varies with Spot/Listen bonuses or if enemy has the Scent ability.
*Rainbow Pattern: More powerful Hypnotic pattern (same graphics), fascinates enemies in area.
Dimension Door:This could have a combat version with an added small door graphic on character, Caster is teleported a short targeted distance, enemies lose aggro momentarily, still requires line of effect (cant go through locked doors or grates).
**Animate Dead: does what it says, still counts as part of the 1 summoned creature limit
Bestow Curse: Optional effect makes enemy fail rolls of 1 to 4 as if it had rolled a 1.
***Fear: Enemies run away a short distance and stay panicked in place not taking actions, if attacked it defends itself with penalties.
Mass, Enlarge person: self explanatory
Mass, Reduce person: self explanatory
Polymorph:(one can dream) A list of forms a caster can take, graphic of a smoke puff and character changes to a creature, having the special attacks of that creature but not access to equipment and only a few can allow spellcasting.
Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer: (Wizard only) short duration buff makes spells of level 3 or lower, 30% cheaper.

5th Level
Leomund's Secret Chest: Gives access to bank
Mordekainen's Faithful Hound: Summons a badass magical phantom dog
Lesser Planar Binding: Charms low HD extraplanar creature for a short time.
Prying Eyes/Ears: Reveals bigger portion of the map than Arcane Eye, +15 insight bonus to caster spot checks.
Rary's Telepathic Bond: Allows Voice chat (jk), allows casters to share SP costs from spells with one another.
Symbol of Sleep: Area triggers a more powerful sleep effect.
Bigby's Interposing Hand: Big glowy hand effect appears around caster when attacked, gives +4 cover AC bonus.
Nightmare: Big glowy face graphic from fear spell, deals psychic damage, fatigues enemies.
Blight: Deals damage to plants (if they ever add those plant creatures to the game)
Animal Growth: Slighty increases the size of an animal ally, gives benefits.
Baleful Polymorph: Turns enemies into harmless rabbits, insert WB pun in here (has a random chance of turning enemy into a vorpal bunny instead)
Overland Flight: Caster floats a few feet from the ground and has 40% increased move speed (still falls down pits and takes damage as usual).
Telekinesis: Hurls enemy upward, dealing damage if it falls or makes contact with ceiling.
Transmute rock to mud: Deals damage to stone creatures, automatically dispels stoneskin.

6th Level
Mordekainen's Locubration (wizard only) makes 5th or lower spells 30% cheaper for a short time.
Antimagic Field: Works like a globe of invulnerability that moves with caster and stops a large number of spells, prevents spell casting and magic equipment from working while in effect.
Repulsion: Enemies who fail will save can't melee aggro on caster and will not approach caster, they can still make ranged attacks or spells or attack in melee if caster comes closer.
Planar Binding: As lesser planar binding but affects greater HD's
Wall of Iron: Wall graphic toppling on an area, deals Adamantine typed Blundgeon damage.
Legend Lore: Allows caster to read the storyline of any quest (perhaps if there is a spell, people will actually read them :p)
Geas: Greater version, affects higher HD
Symbol of persuasion: Rune affects enemies in area as a suggestion spell requiring additional rolls with lower DCs every few seconds vanishing eventually
Bigby's Forceful Hand: Pushes enemy away from caster with a Str check, tripping it at the end, big glowy hand going outward graphic.
Contingency: Reserves spell points to cast certain spells with a selected condition to activate (cast stoneskin after taking physical damage, feather fall if falling, Otilluke resilient sphere if less than 10% hit points, etc).
Mislead: Creates an illusory double of the caster that stands in place, caster becomes invisible, enemies attack the double until its HPs are depleted.
*Circle of Death: functions as a low level wail of the banshee.
Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and/or stunned depending on HD.
Undeath to Death: destroys 1d4/Caster Level HD of undead (as its supposed to).
Stone to flesh: removes or lowers the DR of stone constructs or earth elementals.

7th level
Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion: Creates a lavish door that allows rest when clicked on it, replenishes an excellent amount of SP (as much as a Major Mnemonic Pot), heals as a normal rest but also dispels buffs, recovers 4 charges of per rest Action abilities, can only be cast once during the same quest by any character in group, latecomers who enter quest after its been cast once, can't cast it at all.
Plane Shift: Like greater teleport, but takes characters to Shavarath, works on guild boat.
Spell Turning: Reflects single target spells of level 1d4+6 for a short time on caster.
Drawmiji's Instant Summons: Gives remote access to a vendor for one purchase.
Teleport Object: Gives remote access to a vendor for selling items.
Insanity: Permanent (really long) version of Confusion.
Bigby's Grasping Hand: Auto pushes enemy that attacks caster and holds him in place, after enemy breaks free or dies, the effect can happen again until the spell lasts.
****Power Word Blind: blinds enemy up to a certain HP range.
Forcecage: Cage of force paralyzes enemy or creature and prevents it from taking damage (especially good for those extremely annoying protect NPC quests).
Mordekainen's Sword: Works like the Implosion spell with a sword graphic dealing damage on closest foe once every few seconds
Project Image: Creates illusory double of caster, spells can be cast originating from it, if caster loses line of effect from image it vanishes (becoming blocked or using dimension door for example), enemies that are aggroed by those spells, attack image while its HP lasts, but can make will saves to ignore the illusion.
Ethereal Jaunt: Caster becomes Ethereal for a short time, allows movement like a faster levitation, 50% chance to not be hit by attacks, spells other than Force effects deal half damage (epic and high level foes have ghost touch weapons).
Reverse Gravity: Like the Telekinesis spell but in an area.
Limited Wish: Summons Djinn to grant wishes with special benefits chosen from a selected list, has several randomized text window options that must be picked in time, if wrong options are clicked the effect goes bad. Costly spell components.
Simulacrum Makes double of a character that functions as a hireling, cannot be healed.

8th Level
Dimensional Lock: A more powerful version of Dimensional Anchor.
Mind Blank: grants immunities to certain spells and effects.
Prismatic Wall: Graphic like the Shroud wall going forward in an area, damaging foes like a prismatic ray effect, moves slowly taking effect repeatedly while it lasts.
Protection from spells: grants +8 bonus to the caster to resist spells. (make this not stack with enhancement bonuses if its considered overpowered)
Maze: Sends an enemy to an extra planar maze for a variable amount of time.
Greater Planar Binding: more powerful version
Moment of Prescience: +2 insight bonus to AC and Reflexes while unspent, rerolls the next 1 on a skill check, Caster check, or save.
Greater Prying Eyes\Ears: clears an even greater portion of the map, +20 to caster Spot or Listen checks, makes invisible or ethereal enemies visible on area around caster.
Symbol of Insanity: symbol version of the spell
Bigby's Clenched Fist: Big hand punches enemy and pushes it away dealing massive bludgeoning damage
Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere: Works like the Resilient Sphere but allows movement and floats like the levitation spell.
Scintillating Pattern: Most powerful version of pattern spells
Clone: When caster dies, he is revived a few seconds later.
Iron Body: Gives benefits to caster and DR/adamantine

9th Level
Imprisionment: Makes creature or character fall from the world, can only be returned with the freedom spell, (phasing foes can still return)
Freedom: Releases imprisoned or encased creature or character.
Prismatic Sphere: Powerfull ball version of Prismatic ray, explodes in a shower of multicolored glitter when reaches targeted area
Gate: Summons a Devil to fight for caster (or against caster or ally if he is not with Protection from Evil).
Refuge: Teleports ally to your location (blocked in certain quests or not usable in quests at all)
Teleportation Circle: Creates a circle that teleports a grouped ally to a teleport location and remains open on the other side allowing the return within the time limit. (not usable in quests ofc)
Foresight: Grants +4 insight bonus to AC and reflexes to the caster, every 6 seconds caster avoids one attack that would otherwise hit, if cast on ally it works like the Moment of Prescience spell.
Bigby's Crushing Hand: Big hand pushes enemy grapples him and deals crushing bludgeoning damage over time.
Shapechange: Improved versions of the Polymorph spell with the option of changing forms every 6 seconds
Time Stop: Caster can choose a combination of 3 spells that have a lasting duration to be cast with one action, 3 Walls of Fire would appear on the targeted area for example (but only one would deal damage as usual), Immediate spells such as Lightning bolt cannot be used, but the timed version of Delayed Blast fireball can be cast. Desired specific metamagics must be activated for each spell while devising the combination.
Wish: Like the lesser version, but with better benefits and more serious side effects.
Weird: As is. Area Phantasmal Killer, even if enemy saves it takes damage and can be stunned for several seconds (minimum of 6).

*Spells that depend on enemies HD should not be redendered useless so quick and should matter at their level range, even if the enemies CR is high it should mean that they are of a higher level of sorts instead of having bloated HDs. There should be Enhancements, Feats, and equipment that could increase the HDs of spells of this kind, it could even be associated with the spell focus feats and school specialization for wizards.
** its no secret summons should be more effective, acting a lot more like characters (and maybe normal enemies should too).
*** Enemies run a short distance when feared and stay panicked in place taking no actions, but still defend themselves in melee or with ranged weapons or abilities if attacked.
**** Its also no secret all the Power word spells are completely useless because the HP amounts of enemies are so absurdly bloated they just don't work, The limit for these spells should be increased by metamagics such as Maximize, Empower, enhancements, equipment, and even feats to have a chance of working reasonably well at level for an optimized spellcaster.

Will keep adding more

Paladin Spells
1st level
*Bless Weapon: Adds 1d6 to damage of Good aligned weapons. Flametouched, Righteous, Holy or Puregood weapons deal an extra 1d6 Good damage against evil foes.
Protection From Chaos: Like protection from evil but for chaos aligned enemies, if enemy is both evil and chaotic, the benefits of both spells stack.
Read Magic: Lowers ASF by 5%, +2 to UMD for scrolls.
Resistance: modified to grant a stacking +1 to saves for a short period.

2nd Level
Remove Paralysis: Should work in an Area.
Shield Other: For a short time a nearby chosen ally takes half damage while the Paladin takes the other half.
Undetectable Alignment: Works as SR against spells or effects that target alignment such as Unholy smite or Smite Good.

3rd Level
Magic Circle against Chaos: area version of the spell.

4th Level
Mark of Justice: (duration 1min) marked enemy takes 1d3 good dmg everytime it deals damage to good aligned characters, No SR, No Save, not a curse, no somatic component: i.e. cast as if quickened. (dmg cannot be enhanced)

* This doesn't affect DDO loot as much as the PnP version, if it made weapons good aligned for damage reduction purposes it would replace the most important benefit of the Paladin Capstone and would require the devs to rework that.

Cleric Domains

Cleric Domains will grant special spell-like abilities and unique powers to the clerics.
Initially, the abilities would only be available 1/rest, but enhancements and unique magical items could increase the number/rest of those abilities. Some powers require change to more useful purposes, and some spells require special attention to not disrupt balance in the game *cough*wall of fire*cough*

As a basis of operation, for these abilities to be worth a ****, they must work as spells in every way shape or form, being affected by enhancing effects from items and metamagics, even if they dont cost sp. i had considered suggesting this not to be the case to allow wof in the list, since if it wasnt as powerfull as a casters spell it wouldnt be a problem, but that would nerf every single other spell as well, so i decided to take a more radical approach. WoF will be replaced by another spell. If the devs in their infinite wisdom decide that without class enhancements to fire damage, WoF will be ok as an ability for clerics, then they can put it back in the list.

(atm i dont have the eberron books available with me but will add specific domains later on)

Animal domain
Granted Power: Speak with animals; Cleric gets a +1 per level Domain bonus to the skills Bluff, Intimidate and diplomacy against animals.

Spell-like abilities (granted at each spell level)

1 Calm Animals
Functions as the hypnotize spell against animals in an area without HD limitations.

2 Hold Animal
As the hold person spell against animals.

3 Dominate Animal
As the dominate spell against animals

4 Summon Nature's ally IV: Summons a lion to fight for the cleric.

5 Commune with Nature: Clears the fog of war in wilderness areas and Cleric gets +1 insight bonus to spot and listen checks per level, and can see detected hidden creatures as if seeing invisible enemies with True Sight, duration 1min/lvl.

6 Antilife-Shell
Protects against Swarm DoT spells. Additionaly, animals take a -10 penalty to attacks against druids or clerics with the Nature domain, and a -5 penalty to attacks against Rangers.

7 Animal Shapes
Emulates an animal aspect granting a +2 domain bonus to an ability score and a -2 penalty to another for 6seconds per level.
Bull +2str/-2Dex/-2Wis, Cat +2dex/-2Con, Owl +2Wis/-2str, Bear +2Con/-2Cha, Fox +2Int/-2Wis, Eagle +2Cha/-2int

8 Summon Nature's Ally IX: summons an elder earth elemental to fight for the cleric

9 Shapechange: As the suggested Arcane spell. *the feat Natural spell can allow divine spell casting while this effect is active.

Air Domain
Granted Power: Elemental Turning
Similarly to the ability Turn Undead with 3+cha mod uses per rest, the Cleric can Daze/Banish multiple Earth typed creatures in an area, and Hypnotize/Charm Air typed foes. The DC is equal to the CL vs will. A d20+Cha mod roll is made for each creature, if the result is above the HDs of the creature, it is banished/charmed, if its above half or equal the HDs of the creature it becomes merely dazed/hypnotized. Effects, enhancements and items that improve Turning may improve this ability.

*will add more Soon(tm)

07-18-2010, 12:01 AM
not bad, not bad

07-18-2010, 12:04 AM
i would really like to see mirror image put into this game. it has many many uses, and actually, in my mind as i see it used in ddo, it could be a hell of a lot of fun to have. i know in pnp, it was a very common spell to use
just depends on how they would implement it, though, like if true seeing, which im sure it would, could basically null the spell. but for lower lvls, and the baddies with no true seeing...i see lots of fun watching 4 mobs attack the clones, while i stand behind, and fireball to the back of the nearest, and a pk at the ranger in the corner sniping the party

07-18-2010, 01:00 AM
I would love to be able to cast silence on enemy casters!

07-18-2010, 05:32 AM
With the exception of a small few, these are all awesome and I'd love to see them.
Especially Enlarge/Shrink person. I can't believe those didn't make it ingame.

07-18-2010, 02:19 PM
With the exception of a small few, these are all awesome and I'd love to see them.
Especially Enlarge/Shrink person. I can't believe those didn't make it ingame.

Added 0 level spells and made some changes to certain spells like the Rest line, Wish and Nondetection.

Which ones you didn't like?

07-24-2010, 01:32 AM
Added Paladin Spells.

I'd like to know which other lists i should do next.

Ranger Spells
Divine spells
Cleric Domains
or Druid Spells?

07-24-2010, 10:04 AM
I would only be game for touch spells working multiple times if instead of just a short range spell, they made it like a melee proc that requires you beat the enemies touch AC. Then I'd be game for extra charges of touch spells, that aren't expended, unless you actually manage to beat the enemies touch AC the enemy. This would of course, nerf the range on all touch spells.

07-24-2010, 10:09 AM
Added Paladin Spells.

I'd like to know which other lists i should do next.

Ranger Spells
Divine spells
Cleric Domains
or Druid Spells?

Cleric Domains please. Because we already have spells for each of those classes (except Druids) you mentioned (albeit not complete) yet have not seen even 1 cleric domain.

07-24-2010, 10:20 AM
I would only be game for touch spells working multiple times if instead of just a short range spell, they made it like a melee proc that requires you beat the enemies touch AC. Then I'd be game for extra charges of touch spells, that aren't expended, unless you actually manage to beat the enemies touch AC the enemy. This would of course, nerf the range on all touch spells.

Touch AC doesn't exist in DDO so this isn't going to happen. I have added the possibility of those procing on unarmed melee attacks though, and they would require hitting AC, As it is in PnP.

The way offensive touch spells work now is pretty good though, you pretty much have to be close enough to touch a mob for it to work, so i see no problems there.

07-24-2010, 10:37 AM
Touch AC doesn't exist in DDO so this isn't going to happen. I have added the possibility of those procing on unarmed melee attacks though, and they would require hitting AC, As it is in PnP.

The way offensive touch spells work now is pretty good though, you pretty much have to be close enough to touch a mob for it to work, so i see no problems there.

Again I could be wrong, but I was under the impression incorporeal mobs do use your touch AC more or less, atleast armor seems to do very little to protect from those types of monsters.

07-24-2010, 10:45 AM
Well Yes there seems to be touch attack for incorporeal creatures as well as ghost touch armor and shields, but touch spells don't use that, in the same way that Ray spells don't either.

This lack of Touch AC, Flatfooted AC is an old discussion that is better suited to other threads, since this here is more about adapting spells to work in DDO instead of adapting DDO to implement spells.

07-24-2010, 01:35 PM
Here's some more Paladin spells :D

Righteous Fury
Level: Paladin 3
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute/level
Description: The target of this spell gains a +4 Sacred Bonus to Strength and +5 temporary hit points per caster level (maximum 50).

*Righteous Aura
Level: Paladin 4
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour/level
Save: Reflex (half)
Description: The paladin gains a +4 Sacred bonus to Charisma. If the paladin is killed while still under the effect of this spell the paladin's body detonates dealing 2d6 per caster level(maximum 20d6) to all evil creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin. Any good creatures within the blast radius are healed for the same amount that evil creatures would be harmed. The Paladin cannot be brought back to life with a Raise Dead spell since the Paladin's body is destroyed on detonation.

**Magic Weapon
Level: Paladin 1
Target: One Weapon
Duration: 1 min/level
Description: Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapon’s +1 bonus on attack rolls.)

**Greater Magic Weapon
Level: Paladin 3
Target: One weapon of 50 ammunition
Duration: 1 min/level
Description: This spell functions like magic weapon, except that it gives a weapon an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per four caster levels (maximum of +5).

Level: Paladin 1
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute/level
Description: The target gains a +2 Sacred bonus to AC.

***Sacred Haven
Level: Paladin 4
Target: Self, Ally
Duration: 1 minute/level
Description: The target of this spell and all allies within a 30' radius of the target gain a +2 Sacred Bonus to AC.

Holy Storm
Level: Paladin 3
Target: Self
Duration: 6 seconds/level
Saving Throw: none
Description: A driving rain falls around the paladin. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin suffer a -4 penalty to Spot, Listen, and Search checks; a -4 penalty to ranged attacks going through the area of the spell; Evil creatures take 2d6 damage per round (Evil outsiders take double damage). Should be affected my metamagics (Maximize, Empower) and Potency effects.

****Meteoric Strike
Level: Paladin 4
Target: Opponent
Duration: 1 round or until discharged.
Save: Reflex (half)
Description: Your next successful melee attack deals and extra 1d6 fire damage per Paladin level. The flames do equal damage to all opponents within a five foot radius of the target Reflex(half).

*Could just reuse the Positive Energy Burst from Radiant Servant here I guess.

**Possibility these spells are being worked on (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3013952#post3013952).

***Sacred AC bonuses could be made to not stack with other Sacred AC bonuses of the same magnitude, just like how Dodge is implemented now. Not sure if they did anyways.

****Cast on strike Fireball basically. Monks recycled Burning Hands for their Breath of the Fire Dragon finisher, don't see why this couldn't be implemented. Should also be affected my metamagics (Maximize, Empower) and Potency or Combustion effects.

And if they can figure out "add an effect" spells for weapons...

Deafening Clang
Level: Paladin 1
Target: One weapon
Duration: 6 seconds/level
Description: You empower a weapon with a "Roaring" effect causing targets to become shaken when struck and does 2d6 Sonic damage on critical hits.

Undead Bane Weapon
Level: Paladin 3
Target: 1 Weapon or 50 ammunition
Duration: 1 min/level
Description: The target weapon of this spell gains the Undead Bane ability.

08-26-2010, 12:17 AM
Added my first attempt at adapting Domains, will include more at a later time (this is very time consuming)