View Full Version : 4 years it took me ;P
07-17-2010, 10:50 AM
I joined a group and someone dropped and they disbanded cause he said I was a jerk and he dosent play with jerks.
I am so happy right now, I think I am going to cry o.O!
07-17-2010, 11:20 AM
omg its butter! /drop group
07-17-2010, 11:41 AM
Yeah Butter.....
Some of these Nubers are getting quite cocky! :D
And to call you a jerk....... what have we come to.
Been out of town for a bit Bud, I'll be back in game-form soon, Hook me up with the twit..... THEN he'll meet a jerk.
. :eek::D:cool:
07-17-2010, 12:03 PM
Don't you practice drama on this server? Man, don't keep the foreign-serverites hold our breath, tell us what did you do to deserve it!
07-17-2010, 12:30 PM
Jerk huh? I'm averaging about making two people /rage quit a week. I told everyone thought that I'm going to be a changed man and stop being so mean. That might have lasted a night?
07-17-2010, 12:39 PM
Don't you practice drama on this server? Man, don't keep the foreign-serverites hold our breath, tell us what did you do to deserve it!
most sarlona dramma happens in private chanels and in game lol, we're sneaky like that!
07-17-2010, 12:40 PM
prolly going to start pugging raids on my fvs soon, cant wait to hear people asking why they arent getting any buffs as they wait at the portal to pt 4 and im in beating on harry already ;)
07-17-2010, 02:01 PM
I make people drop group all the time lol... but this time I joined and said Hello... and bang I was all alone.
And it was a rats/caravan orchard run ;P
And it was on Original - My only character that dosent start with Butter!
Hey Quik on my level 15 wiz I don't buff anyone, but I let them know ahead of time o.O!
07-17-2010, 02:03 PM
Don't you practice drama on this server? Man, don't keep the foreign-serverites hold our breath, tell us what did you do to deserve it!
07-17-2010, 02:06 PM
omg its butter! /drop group
07-17-2010, 02:08 PM
I am still laughing
07-17-2010, 02:12 PM
I am still laughing
07-17-2010, 02:14 PM
You got me... I am Fabio ;P
07-17-2010, 02:15 PM
You got me... I am Fabio ;P
Well that explains him calling you a jerk then :D
07-17-2010, 02:32 PM
Yeah Butter.....
Some of these Nubers are getting quite cocky! :D
And to call you a jerk....... what have we come to.
Been out of town for a bit Bud, I'll be back in game-form soon, Hook me up with the twit..... THEN he'll meet a jerk.
. :eek::D:cool:
Been wondering... I have been leading the Guild, pushing for renown! Scary Butter in charge spells Doom for all of Sarlona!
07-17-2010, 08:30 PM
Awwwwwwwww, he called my Butter a jerk!!! =[
07-17-2010, 09:46 PM
And to call you a jerk....... what have we come to.
Well somebody earlier today was using the trade channel saying that they need plat because they're poor. I replied in the trade channel with the exact words "If you want plat, do quests."
A second later, said player sent me a tell reading "F*** you."
Naturally I laughed at the poor noob's incompetence. It's almost like running quests for money is obsolete, the only way to get it is to beg.
07-17-2010, 10:05 PM
butter, quit pi$$ing the noobs off. some of us got to pug once in awhile for kicks, you jerk
07-18-2010, 08:08 AM
prolly going to start pugging raids on my fvs soon, cant wait to hear people asking why they arent getting any buffs as they wait at the portal to pt 4 and im in beating on harry already ;)
Sorry to digress, but what build did you end up going with your fvs? Is it pure or did you splash monk?
07-18-2010, 10:51 AM
Congrats - you never forget your first nerd-fan :D
07-19-2010, 09:41 AM
Been wondering... I have been leading the Guild, pushing for renown! Scary Butter in charge spells Doom for all of Sarlona!
^^This^^ is a sign of the apocalypse. :P
07-19-2010, 05:16 PM
I joined a group and someone dropped and they disbanded cause he said I was a jerk and he dosent play with jerks.
I wonder if that was a follow up to the time over a week ago when you kicked that sorc from the group after he pretty much soloed the Desecrated Temple while we all ran around trying to follow him.
A fighter had sent me a tell saying that the quest wasn't much fun done this way, but the XP was good at least. Right after that, you kicked the sorc at quest end. The fighter then called you a jerk and left.
07-19-2010, 06:58 PM
I wonder if that was a follow up to the time over a week ago when you kicked that sorc from the group after he pretty much soloed the Desecrated Temple while we all ran around trying to follow him.
A fighter had sent me a tell saying that the quest wasn't much fun done this way, but the XP was good at least. Right after that, you kicked the sorc at quest end. The fighter then called you a jerk and left.
The plot thickens!
(And no, I wasn't the sorcerer soloing the quest, but it could have been me =)
07-19-2010, 07:45 PM
I joined a group the other day with my lvl 4 reincarnate because the LFM said something to the effect of "Farming for XP." When I asked why we weren't doing ANY optionals, I was told that it wasn't worth it and that the player had a level 17 character so he should know.
Once I informed him that the little thingies by my name meant that I had reached level 20 with this character and rerolled, that I had MULTIPLE other characters in the high teens, and that i've been playing since head start, he sent me a /tell saying "If you want to do optionals then start your own **** group".
<sigh> I guess I need to get to level 17 now so I can have a clue :(
07-20-2010, 02:18 PM
I joined a group the other day with my lvl 4 reincarnate because the LFM said something to the effect of "Farming for XP." When I asked why we weren't doing ANY optionals, I was told that it wasn't worth it and that the player had a level 17 character so he should know.
Once I informed him that the little thingies by my name meant that I had reached level 20 with this character and rerolled, that I had MULTIPLE other characters in the high teens, and that i've been playing since head start, he sent me a /tell saying "If you want to do optionals then start your own **** group".
<sigh> I guess I need to get to level 17 now so I can have a clue :(
Sounds a bit along the lines of my brother, he did something close to that about a month ago.
07-20-2010, 02:30 PM
I joined a group the other day with my lvl 4 reincarnate because the LFM said something to the effect of "Farming for XP." When I asked why we weren't doing ANY optionals, I was told that it wasn't worth it and that the player had a level 17 character so he should know.
Once I informed him that the little thingies by my name meant that I had reached level 20 with this character and rerolled, that I had MULTIPLE other characters in the high teens, and that i've been playing since head start, he sent me a /tell saying "If you want to do optionals then start your own **** group".
<sigh> I guess I need to get to level 17 now so I can have a clue :(
most optionals do slow you down,sleepin dust is a good example
07-20-2010, 02:59 PM
most optionals do slow you down,sleepin dust is a good example
I agree with ya most do slow ya down. But there is alot of Xp people pass buy cause back in the olden days they just sucked. I hadn't done any in the Deleras chain till TRs had come well as Wiz King. Hell even Temple of Vol has a nice one that adds a few thousand xp. Alot of the quest they gimped XP on (Madstone comes to mind) the missin XP can normally be found in optionals that maybe add a minute to completion times....if your a double TR every bit o XP helps!!! I sure do miss the days of not having to do them....but most of the time there worth it. But with Sleeping Dust you are 100% correct!!!
07-21-2010, 12:40 AM
I don't know - some folks don't like grouping with a primadonna. At least that was what I saw as a note tonight in my friends list, after logging in and looking. I don't remember the occasion, but I do know I have refused groupings after past experiences in Hound with much more experienced players versus those that have charged in blindly after being told "Don't move!"
EDIT: "Don't move" means, uhm,...don't charge the hound while everyone is still entering the instance, just in case any players have still not figured that out. 3 times in a row, is not funny.
I wonder if that was a follow up to the time over a week ago when you kicked that sorc from the group after he pretty much soloed the Desecrated Temple while we all ran around trying to follow him.
A fighter had sent me a tell saying that the quest wasn't much fun done this way, but the XP was good at least. Right after that, you kicked the sorc at quest end. The fighter then called you a jerk and left.
'quest end'...
Does this mean after the quest was over and people recalled?
Does this mean before the quest was over?
07-21-2010, 06:17 PM
'quest end'...
Does this mean after the quest was over and people recalled?
After looting of the chest. Said Sorc had already FO'd, while the rest of us were still at the chest talking about what to do next.
07-21-2010, 06:22 PM
'quest end'...
Does this mean after the quest was over and people recalled?
Does this mean before the quest was over?
Join date 2006 and still havent figured out ppl cant be booted in quest for over 4 years now....
07-22-2010, 11:22 AM
Join date 2006 and still havent figured out ppl cant be booted in quest for over 4 years now....
Well it would suck to run a Velah raid and have the leader boot everyone out of the quest before the chest was opened :p
Although, I can't recall what game it was but there was a game with a function where the party members could vote on wether to boot someone or not. Majority wins type deal. I don't see that being abused *quite* as badly as leader being able to boot whomever, although there is the possibility still.
07-25-2010, 08:18 AM
Let me guess you mistelled in the party chat that the Party Leader is an idiot? LOLz Classic Butter right there.
07-25-2010, 08:59 AM
haven't played on sarlona in a while,
but, i must say, whoever dropped group (and caused the rest of the group to drop)
was probably a moron.
I pugged a whole lot with Gravis Negotium members and they were always extremely competent.
In fact, I'd have to say that they were exemplary.
If the OP is the leader of the guild . . . well, that would be that pug groups loss.
Gravis Negotium is a great guild with quality players from top to bottom.
07-26-2010, 12:38 PM
Let me guess you mistelled in the party chat that the Party Leader is an idiot? LOLz Classic Butter right there.
sssshhhhh... People are supposed to think its a real mistell.
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