View Full Version : Keybinding - Steer, Attack, and Orbit

07-17-2010, 01:28 AM
I would suggest altering the user interface to make it possible to keybind the on-hold functionality of the Attack, Steer, and Orbit functions to mouse buttons other than the primary mouse buttons (Button 0 and Button 1). At the moment, only Button 0 and Button 1 allow the on-hold functions to work, eg, holding the mouse button and moving the mouse to steer.

This would be helpful for players who want a functional mousebind for both Orbit (mouselook) and Steer for those times that we aren't using the FPS-style targeting reticule, and ALSO want the click-and-hold feature of the Attack button. Since click-and-hold attacking doesn't work with Steer or Orbit, the only way to use it is to have one mouse button 100% dedicated to attack. This leaves only one other button for Steer/Orbit, so you can't have both.

The obvious solution is to keybind Steer or Orbit to some other mouse button (for gaming mice). Too bad that doesn't actually work... hence the suggestion.

EDIT: Correction, it doesn't work for SOME buttons only. It seems to work on my mouse for button 2, but not for buttons 3, 4, 5, etc. Binding Orbit or Steer to keyboard keys does work, incidentally.