View Full Version : Work in more uses for skills.

07-13-2010, 09:25 PM
I really hate how uninteresting the purpose of some skills are.
Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff only affect a number of attacks, and there's maybe 5 times in the game you will need them while talking to an NPC, most of which you can work around by just putting on an item that buff's them.

There has to be more ways you can include to put these skills to use, so they don't become dump skills so often.
And in the end you will have more variety between players.

I was thinking stuff like ability to get discounts from some vendors, being able to trade with exclusive "I only trade to people with x skill at x level" vendors, and more NPC's in dungeons who could be influenced with these stats to open up doors otherwise inaccessible, that lead to a chest. (Basically like the INT/WIS runes.)

I just hate how these stats have not been ported from pen and paper nearly as well as other aspects of the game, in favor of power gamers who would rather not talk to a single NPC ever, in order to zerg a dungeon. Intimidate being used for debuffing enemies a bit is nice, but at first sight, I expected alot more exciting uses for it.

07-13-2010, 09:30 PM
I really hate how uninteresting the purpose of some skills are.
Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff only affect a number of attacks, and there's maybe 5 times in the game you will need them while talking to an NPC, most of which you can work around by just putting on an item that buff's them.

There has to be more ways you can include to put these skills to use, so they don't become dump skills so often.
And in the end you will have more variety between players.

I was thinking stuff like ability to get discounts from some vendors, being able to trade with exclusive "I only trade to people with x skill at x level" vendors, and more NPC's in dungeons who could be influenced with these stats to open up doors otherwise inaccessible, that lead to a chest. (Basically like the INT/WIS runes.)

I just hate how these stats have not been ported from pen and paper nearly as well as other aspects of the game, in favor of power gamers who would rather not talk to a single NPC ever, in order to zerg a dungeon.

I agree, playing PNP alot ATM and I hate it how much skills r down graded in ddo in importance

07-14-2010, 04:38 AM
I was thinking stuff like ability to get discounts from some vendors,

Uh, haggle.

07-14-2010, 08:30 AM
I agree (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=213238).

07-14-2010, 09:12 AM
Uh, haggle.

Additional, though.

Don't you think it would make sense that Diplomacy with a few vendors for example would give you additional discounts?

It wouldn't be the same system as Haggling. Certain vendors that apply would have a challenge rating, if you will. When talking to them, you have a dialogue option with (DIP) next to it and if you pass the stat requirement, you get fixated discount prices taylored for the vendor. Whereas Haggling can be buffed and is a lot more passive skill. Also, you would only have to pass this once, and the discounts will stay forever, again unlike Haggle.

Another nice use, for example, think of the free agent vendors in the Harbor. Normally, you would need to have a certain amount of favor to get them to trade with you. But, with a certain level of Diplomacy/Intimidate/Bluff/Charisma (whichever the devs see fit) you can convince them to open their business to you earlier on in the game, which I think could be pretty useful. Same could apply to several House favor only vendors.

Heck, you could even have Diplomacy decrease the amount of Favor required to pass Reputation Levels for factions. (And this wouldn't affect the DDO Points for Favor system.)

07-14-2010, 10:05 AM
Yeah they could do a lot more with skills. We should make a list of suggestions.

1. Listen - Decreases your miss percentage when blinded.
2. Tumble - Increases AC on acrobat rogues
3. Heal/Repair - Increase healing amp OR crits on heals OR increase heal over time effects
4. Diplomacy - You convince Coyle to rethink his life.