View Full Version : Items limited by Guild Lvl

07-12-2010, 10:42 AM
Okay, really irritated. I can understand wanting items to have special abilities or to be able to add things based on something. But to not be able to use an item, simply because my guild is not high enough is really dumb. Please, I do not mind if I cannot make the item as strong until my guild is at that lvl, but I want to be able to use the item as is. Please modify this. Thank you.

07-12-2010, 11:14 AM
/signed. Besides, the guild changes are horrible since they promote joining the big 500 member guild that isn't actually a guild, just a bunch of random invites, and takes away from the nice position of being in a small guild with maybe 10 people that you actually know and group with consistently.

07-12-2010, 11:15 AM
this will change with the next patch

then all guild items will have a lvl of 1, so everyone can use it
the augment crystals then require the levels to be used

07-12-2010, 11:32 AM
While I agree w/ the op, I must say this... You all got what you asked for when you said "GIVE US GUILD HOUSING!" :rolleyes:

I mean c'mon did you honestly expect Turbine to give you anything w/out first making you work for it, or have some kind of grind aspect to it? How long have we played this game and NOT expect them to do something like this?? :eek:

I watched, waited ,and saw this coming..when the first plea for guild housing or guild banking was brought out. First thing that crossed my mind was "they know not what they ask for, when they ask for it in such ways":rolleyes:

I agree that the min GUILD lvl on items is indeed frustrating..but in all fairness you people asked for it...so enjoy :D