07-08-2010, 11:51 PM
In perspicvvs dies, in infvsco noctem
The Organization VII is a Roleplaying guild looking for new players (english, spanish and portuguese speakers) and RPG addicts.
The Organization is a secret society that seek the gathering of political power founded on the begining of the Last War on Khorvaire.
The Codex
The Codex is the main code of conduct that rule the members of the Organization, it show the main objective of the order and the path that the members must follow to be sucessful in their quest.
The seven articles of the Codex:
I - Vobis negotium suscipio pondera illae universitas. (Its yours the task to maintain the universal equilibrium)
II - Vos mos nunquam exsisto infectus. (You will never be corrupted (aganist your own brothers))
III - Vestri senior frater est sapiens , veneratio (Your older brother is wise, respect him (respect the hierarchy))
IV - Nusquam est verus, panton est licitus. (Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
V - Nunquam eminor obses of vestri frater. (Never threat the safety of your brothers)
VI - Nunquam iuguolo insons insontis. (Never kill the innocent)
VII - Veneratio vita (Respect the life)
Timeline of the Organization
Last War event
Organization VII event
Neutral event
802 YK The Kingdom of Galifar, in cooperation with the dragonmarked houses, funds the upgrade of the trade city of Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen’drik.
810 YK Goibne Stonehelm, founder and grand master of the Organization is born on Kundarak Hold, Mror Holds. But he is sent to Mroranon Hold to serve as a guardian.
811 YK First lightning rail connects Flamekeep and Fairhaven.
832 YK The inquisition to wipe out lycanthropes is launched by the Church of the Silver Flame; it lasts fifty years and drives the species almost to extinction.
845 YK King Jarot begins a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rails. Within twenty years, lines connect the Five Nations, Zilargo, the Mror Holds, and the Talenta Plains.
878 YK House Deneith begins to provide clients with goblinoid mercenaries from Darguun region.
894 YK - King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar, dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister’s claim, and the Last War begins.
896 YK Order of the Emerald Claw established.
897 YK Kaius I turned into a vampire by Vol the lich.
910 YK Kaius II ascends to the throne of Karrnath after Kaius I fakes his death and goes in search of a way to free his kingdom from the Blood of Vol.
914 YK The Mror Holds declares its independence. Thalin of Thrane dies and the Church of the Silver Flame seizes control of the nation.
915 YK 'The Seven' discovers the ancient codex and found the Organization VII. Goibne as one of them deserts of his clan and cut relations with his own kind.
918 YK Unknown saboteurs destroy the Glass Tower of Sharn. The Organization VII battle and destroy the saboteurs but keep unknown.
928 YK Ven ir’Kesslan leads settlers from the Five Nations to forge the nation of Q’barra.
945 YK Garguemid Rachmaninoff is born on a unknown region of Khorvaire.
956 YK Aerenal mercenaries annex southern Cyre and declare the sovereignty of the elf nation of Valenar.
958 YK The Eldeen Reaches declares itself an independent nation under the protection of the Wardens of the Wood and the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian.
961 YK Boranel becomes king of Breland.
962 YK Zilargo formally aligns with Breland.
965 YK House Cannith perfects the modern-era warforged, living constructs designed to fight the Last War.
967 YK Garguemid finishes his basic wizardry training and goes to war.
969 YK Haruuc leads the hobgoblin rebellion, and the nation of Darguun is born.
972 YK House Thuranni splits off from House Phiarlan.
976 YK Regent Moranna of Karrnath outlaws the Order of the Emerald Claw.
979 YK First battle between the Organization VII and the Order of the Emerald Claw
980 YK Queen Aurala’s reign of Aundair begins.
982 YK The Organizaton battle the Cultists of the Devourer
983 YK The Organization is uncovered by the Church of the Silver Flame, a secret inquisition begin and the seven spread.
985 YK Goibne kills two of the nine inquisitor who were after the Organization
986 YK A trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell arrive in Droaam with an army of trolls, ogres, and gnolls.
987 YK King Boranel pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains. The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droaam.
989 YK The last of the inquisitors disappears, the Silver Flame ends his secret inquisition.
990 YK The first elemental airships go into service for House Lyrandar.
991 YK Kaius III’s rule of Karrnath begins.
992 YK Second Battle aganist the Order of the Emerald Claw.
993 YK Jaela Daran assumes the power of the Keeper of the Silver Flame.
994 YK Cyre is destroyed; the Mournland is created.
995 YK Six of the seven original members of the Organization are bruttaly murdered in different parts of Eberron, Goibne barely escapes from the attempt, the Organization VII is disbanded.
996 YK The Treaty of Thronehold officially ends the Last War. The treaty officially recognizes the nations
of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, Zilargo, Q’barra, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches, Darguun, and Valenar. House Cannith is ordered to destroy all creation forges; the remaining warforged are granted the rights of sentient beings.
999 YK Goibne arrives at Stormreach and begin to search for new candidates to revive the Organization...
If you want to join us you need to know some standards:
1 - Apply in this topic with your character sheet:
Name: (the full name of your character, not the nickname)
Job: (your job as tailor, blacksmith etc.)
Age: (the age of your character)
Height: (his height)
Weight: (and weight)
Skin: (skin color)
Eye color:
Hair color:
Personal Features: (something that turn him a unique person)
Dominant Hand:
Biography: (a small biography)
How did you know about the Organization affairs?
3 - We're not interested in your level and/or your money, we just want to enjoy the game.
4 - Basic english is required, if you don't know the language but speaks spanish or portuguese you can play as a foreign, ingame you'll be translated by a member of the Order.
5 - Ingame contact: Goibne, Marcusz, Garguemid.
The Organization VII is a Roleplaying guild looking for new players (english, spanish and portuguese speakers) and RPG addicts.
The Organization is a secret society that seek the gathering of political power founded on the begining of the Last War on Khorvaire.
The Codex
The Codex is the main code of conduct that rule the members of the Organization, it show the main objective of the order and the path that the members must follow to be sucessful in their quest.
The seven articles of the Codex:
I - Vobis negotium suscipio pondera illae universitas. (Its yours the task to maintain the universal equilibrium)
II - Vos mos nunquam exsisto infectus. (You will never be corrupted (aganist your own brothers))
III - Vestri senior frater est sapiens , veneratio (Your older brother is wise, respect him (respect the hierarchy))
IV - Nusquam est verus, panton est licitus. (Nothing is true, everything is permitted)
V - Nunquam eminor obses of vestri frater. (Never threat the safety of your brothers)
VI - Nunquam iuguolo insons insontis. (Never kill the innocent)
VII - Veneratio vita (Respect the life)
Timeline of the Organization
Last War event
Organization VII event
Neutral event
802 YK The Kingdom of Galifar, in cooperation with the dragonmarked houses, funds the upgrade of the trade city of Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen’drik.
810 YK Goibne Stonehelm, founder and grand master of the Organization is born on Kundarak Hold, Mror Holds. But he is sent to Mroranon Hold to serve as a guardian.
811 YK First lightning rail connects Flamekeep and Fairhaven.
832 YK The inquisition to wipe out lycanthropes is launched by the Church of the Silver Flame; it lasts fifty years and drives the species almost to extinction.
845 YK King Jarot begins a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rails. Within twenty years, lines connect the Five Nations, Zilargo, the Mror Holds, and the Talenta Plains.
878 YK House Deneith begins to provide clients with goblinoid mercenaries from Darguun region.
894 YK - King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar, dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister’s claim, and the Last War begins.
896 YK Order of the Emerald Claw established.
897 YK Kaius I turned into a vampire by Vol the lich.
910 YK Kaius II ascends to the throne of Karrnath after Kaius I fakes his death and goes in search of a way to free his kingdom from the Blood of Vol.
914 YK The Mror Holds declares its independence. Thalin of Thrane dies and the Church of the Silver Flame seizes control of the nation.
915 YK 'The Seven' discovers the ancient codex and found the Organization VII. Goibne as one of them deserts of his clan and cut relations with his own kind.
918 YK Unknown saboteurs destroy the Glass Tower of Sharn. The Organization VII battle and destroy the saboteurs but keep unknown.
928 YK Ven ir’Kesslan leads settlers from the Five Nations to forge the nation of Q’barra.
945 YK Garguemid Rachmaninoff is born on a unknown region of Khorvaire.
956 YK Aerenal mercenaries annex southern Cyre and declare the sovereignty of the elf nation of Valenar.
958 YK The Eldeen Reaches declares itself an independent nation under the protection of the Wardens of the Wood and the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian.
961 YK Boranel becomes king of Breland.
962 YK Zilargo formally aligns with Breland.
965 YK House Cannith perfects the modern-era warforged, living constructs designed to fight the Last War.
967 YK Garguemid finishes his basic wizardry training and goes to war.
969 YK Haruuc leads the hobgoblin rebellion, and the nation of Darguun is born.
972 YK House Thuranni splits off from House Phiarlan.
976 YK Regent Moranna of Karrnath outlaws the Order of the Emerald Claw.
979 YK First battle between the Organization VII and the Order of the Emerald Claw
980 YK Queen Aurala’s reign of Aundair begins.
982 YK The Organizaton battle the Cultists of the Devourer
983 YK The Organization is uncovered by the Church of the Silver Flame, a secret inquisition begin and the seven spread.
985 YK Goibne kills two of the nine inquisitor who were after the Organization
986 YK A trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell arrive in Droaam with an army of trolls, ogres, and gnolls.
987 YK King Boranel pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains. The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droaam.
989 YK The last of the inquisitors disappears, the Silver Flame ends his secret inquisition.
990 YK The first elemental airships go into service for House Lyrandar.
991 YK Kaius III’s rule of Karrnath begins.
992 YK Second Battle aganist the Order of the Emerald Claw.
993 YK Jaela Daran assumes the power of the Keeper of the Silver Flame.
994 YK Cyre is destroyed; the Mournland is created.
995 YK Six of the seven original members of the Organization are bruttaly murdered in different parts of Eberron, Goibne barely escapes from the attempt, the Organization VII is disbanded.
996 YK The Treaty of Thronehold officially ends the Last War. The treaty officially recognizes the nations
of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, Zilargo, Q’barra, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches, Darguun, and Valenar. House Cannith is ordered to destroy all creation forges; the remaining warforged are granted the rights of sentient beings.
999 YK Goibne arrives at Stormreach and begin to search for new candidates to revive the Organization...
If you want to join us you need to know some standards:
1 - Apply in this topic with your character sheet:
Name: (the full name of your character, not the nickname)
Job: (your job as tailor, blacksmith etc.)
Age: (the age of your character)
Height: (his height)
Weight: (and weight)
Skin: (skin color)
Eye color:
Hair color:
Personal Features: (something that turn him a unique person)
Dominant Hand:
Biography: (a small biography)
How did you know about the Organization affairs?
3 - We're not interested in your level and/or your money, we just want to enjoy the game.
4 - Basic english is required, if you don't know the language but speaks spanish or portuguese you can play as a foreign, ingame you'll be translated by a member of the Order.
5 - Ingame contact: Goibne, Marcusz, Garguemid.