View Full Version : Body Feats and Armor Proficiency

07-08-2010, 08:07 AM
So I just made a WF for the first time and noticed something strange: There's no attack penalty for having the Adamantine Body Feat despite not having the Heavy Armor Proficiency.

So is there any reason not to get Adamantine Body for every WF besides the arcane spell failure?

07-08-2010, 09:12 AM
So I just made a WF for the first time and noticed something strange: There's no attack penalty for having the Adamantine Body Feat despite not having the Heavy Armor Proficiency.

Afaik, Warforged are considered proficient with their body feats.

So is there any reason not to get Adamantine Body for every WF besides the arcane spell failure?

Many characters are feat-starved and body feats make sense only if you are trying to achieve decent AC.

Afaik, Adamantine Body feat negates Evasion; thus, it's a no-go for rogues, monks, rangers and all those multiclassed evasion-characters.

07-08-2010, 03:14 PM
Afaik, Adamantine Body feat negates Evasion; thus, it's a no-go for rogues, monks, rangers and all those multiclassed evasion-characters.

It's also a waste on a Barbarian, as it won't eclipse their innate DR, and most don't trouble with AC anyhow.

The only compelling scenarios (for me, at least) that might call for it are low-level runs on a melee class, while your Dexterity is untwinked and AC is simpler to achieve; or on a capped, pure Favored Soul, as it stacks with their class DR if they opt for Adamantine.

07-08-2010, 03:16 PM
So is there any reason not to get Adamantine Body for every WF besides the arcane spell failure?
It cancels out Evasion (Mithral Body does not), you take a -5 armor check penalty, you can't use any monk abilities, and like Rusty Can said, a lot of builds are feat-starved and the +6 AC and DR 2 from Addy Body isn't worth the cost to them.

07-08-2010, 03:25 PM
also, the max dex bonus on adamantine body isn't the greatest.

07-08-2010, 09:19 PM
So is there any reason not to get Adamantine Body for every WF besides the arcane spell failure?

Yes, the reason is that it's a completely waste of a feat. Unless you are just after the awesome look of Adabody, because thats about all it's good for.

07-08-2010, 09:29 PM
Only reasons to get Addy Body:

Looks awesome
Some builds can benefit from the DR