View Full Version : warforged at arms now recruiting

07-08-2010, 12:55 AM
Hello all readers, the guild warforged at arms is recruiting as many members as possible... All players of all raises and classes are welcome to join!!! We hope that any and all new recruits will help with the purchase of the guild air ship. If you are intrested in joining Please send a /tell to either phabio, phabiohost, or cagedkllr...
Join today to join the battle!!!!! Thank You 4 reading.

07-11-2010, 01:08 PM
Hello all readers, the guild warforged at arms is recruiting as many members as possible... All players of all raises and classes are welcome to join!!! We hope that any and all new recruits will help with the purchase of the guild air ship. If you are intrested in joining Please send a /tell to either phabio, phabiohost, or cagedkllr...
Join today to join the battle!!!!! Thank You 4 reading.

the warforged at arms is recruiting it is a small guild now but with help from you we can make it big maybe evan as big as some of the oldest guilds. Please join i am making all new members officer now and hope that i can get more people to join if u can please send cagedkllr, phabio, phabiohost, machinima, frostyy, or any of the members in warforged at arms and we will accept u in we need your support