View Full Version : Silver flame favor suggestion

07-06-2010, 08:04 AM
It is my understanding the first 75 favor of the silver flame does nothing.

How about making it so you earn the plus hp regen out of quest areas rewarded after 75 silver flame favor. Until it is earned we don't get the benifit of regen is my idea.

This would bring back the tavern days of beta. The atmosphere of lowbies hanging out in taverns to regen, (those who don't have the 75 silver favor).

Remember those days? It was fun. The taverns were packed and toons mingled and such.

07-11-2010, 08:37 PM
So nobody has anything to say about this after 6 days. Really?

07-11-2010, 10:26 PM
So nobody has anything to say about this after 6 days. Really?

Because your suggestion:

1) Made no sense.
2) Provided no benefit to the game.
3) Was about city regen, which nobody cares about since
a) anyone who recalls from a finished quest is restored to full HP/SP
b) those that might need such regenerating will use the tavern food/drink rather than sit in a tavern for an hour to get their sorc back to full HP. LITERALLY AN HOUR.

City regen is only usefull for 2 things:
1) Saving noobs who go incap around town due to:
a) The leaky tavern cliff o doom.
b) Failed teleports without a featherfall item or another teleport.
2) Making sure hagglebots and mule accounts never run out of spell points for haste/GH/focusing chant while running around selling things and checking out the bank/auction house.
3) Causing the creation of 2 lists and 2 sub-lists in this post.

07-11-2010, 10:34 PM
It is my understanding the first 75 favor of the silver flame does nothing.Your understand is wrong :) You get reduced healing spells from the clerics in taverns, quite a useless reward and I don't think I've ever used one, but a reward non the less.

Remember those days? It was fun. The taverns were packed and toons mingled and such.They can't even handle large areas like the Marketplace with a large number of people and you want to create more LAG points for people releasing their spirits. I can't see that idea being of benefit.