View Full Version : Trying to find a guild...

06-30-2010, 11:44 PM
I am a level 20 rogue, and I would like to be a part of a guild that is active and friendly. I've seen a lot of new guilds spring up, and posting on the LFM for people to join, but I was hoping for a larger guild, with a wide player base.

Since it's the summer, I play in a decent time range, and I feel I am an experienced player.

If anyone has any suggestions for someone I should talk to, or if you think you're guild might like me feel free to send me a message in game on Caustyk, post here, or shoot me a PM.

07-01-2010, 12:16 AM
Same here. I joined a random guild for now just to pull renown for someone. :(

Main char for now is a 14 lvl Sorc.

07-01-2010, 06:51 AM
Honestly, a guild that's pulling in members just to fill up on renown is in for a drama train-wreck.

Find a cool guild that matches your play style (some people are casual, some more hard-core, some anti-zerging, some role-playing, some powergamers, etc.) and you'll have a much better time of it. Bonus points if there's more to the guild than "let's load up on members so we can get an airship!"

Good grief, guys, even a one-player-guild that plays only every other saturday is still going to get to guild level 25 eventually.

Oh, and check out The Unrepentant's recruitment thread, it's not for everyone, but it is for people like me.


07-01-2010, 12:45 PM
I'm not looking for one of the pick up guilds that have been springing up, and Will that looks like a decent guild, but I don't fit the restrictions.

07-01-2010, 12:51 PM
The Fighting Clowns are always looking for good players and have been around a while. Our base is mainly ET, but there are plenty of us in other time zones as well. We're generally casual, but we're starting to get to the point where we can fill our own raids.

Check out the website at http://fightingclownsofsarlona.webs.com. And of course, you can chat with me in game whenever I am on. I should be on after 9pm CT tonight and after 5pm CT tomorrow.