View Full Version : The Silver Dragon Kindred, recruiting

06-28-2010, 10:44 PM
The Silver Dragon Kindred is a Thelanis-based guild for players who enjoy mature, friendly, and reliable compaionship. We are about quality and not just how many members we can get. We seek creative, pro-active, and imaginative players who see their character(s) as more than just a "toon" on their moniter. Therefor we are very immersive in the fantasy world in which our characters live. I am currently working on a web-site which guild-members can submit information and stories about their characters to share with each other. I have been unable to find a site which "auto-updates" in-game data to the site. That would be nice, but I will try to do the best with what is available.

I cannot speak for all of our members, but as far as I can say about myself, I am very active as leader of this guild, and always willing to take my time to help a member for whatever reason. I am also happy to listen to input and new ideas from members. I truly believe that to have anything worthwhile requires patience, preserverence, and work. And everybody needs to do their part in maintaining the real spirit of this guild.

The basis of The Silver Dragon Kindred:
I personally draw on a lot of Old Norse & Germanic lore for the fantasy setting in which I play. This would include various things as Runes (the Elder Futhark), Vikings, Dragonships, Nordic names and terminology, such heroes as Egil Skallagrimsson, Eirik The Red, Beowulf, and such Gods and Goddesses as Odin, Thor, Freya, and Baldur. I also draw upon the community structure of the Norse for the way I have organized our guild, thus calling it a "kindred," rather than "guild."

Some of the finer points about the norse was that they loved freedom, and woman were just as powerful as men. They valued courage and hospitality to guests above all. Oath-breakers, unlawful outsiders, and cowards we're frowned upon. They believed all people could become great, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. All in all, they were a great and noble people.

Our view on role-play (RP):
Although the guild's focus is deeply on character immersion, we are not specifically and RP guild. RP grouping is always welcomed, maybe encouraged, but not required. The reason for this is that, sadly, this game is NOT very RP-friendly (**waves fist at Turbine**). Constantly taking the time to text in character constantly takes you out of the game-play to the point where it can become entirely tedious. I have come up with ways to comprimise with this problem by establishing specific times for character to character communication, which I call "RP breaks." The whole purpose behind RP is getting to know a character (NOT the actual player!) through interaction. And that is one of the main aims of this guild, adding color and life to our characters and making them unique individuals. To achieve this, it is important that the player be consistant with they way they play each character, and having that character speak, act, and emote appropriately. My grouchy old dwarf has his own way of greeting a friend: he shakes his fist at them. But anybody who knows my character knows that's just his way of saying you're alright with him. My proud barbarian never kneels before another, and my friendly rogue likes to wave cheerfully. Anyway, you get the point.

How to apply:Just look for any of my characters when they are on and send me a tell regarding this post. We can talk and decide if this guild is right for you.

We are mainly an adult guild, with some older teens. Age isn't as much a factor as maturity. I do not care for wreckless adventurers who run off thinking they can take on the next mob all by their awesome selves, or who like to open doors and welcome in a new mob before players can even prepare properly. If this is your play-style, seek another guild. You must be friendly and open-minded to others. Unwanted criticism, rudeness, and insubordination will never be tolerated. I feel like these things go without saying, but you'd be suprised. You should be active, and more than just a "weekend warrior." I play every day and still have a life, so I expect players to at least check in every couple days. Mics are a plus, but not required. And lastly, stick with whatever rules are established for the guild. Rules are there to improve overall gameplay and keep us from becoming a chaotic mob of free-for-allers. Note that rules change as appropriate, and are always made with member input in mind.

For the kindred,

"Great things need not give to another - give thanks for a little thing:
With half a loaf, and a half-drained cup, I often won me worthy friends!"

01-05-2011, 08:17 PM