06-28-2010, 08:56 AM
The following discussion is for advanced players only, who have levelled multiple alts and know the game. Before I go any further, for new players or players looking to build there first Paladin character your in the wrong thread (although it might be interesting reading to you none-the-less).
/flameproof suit on, and wearing a smile
Is there a place in the game for a Melee DPS Charisma based Paladin?
Ok, don't get me wrong, I'll be the first person to shout that Strength is the single most important attribute for a Paladin - a class that is expected to contribute melee DPS and therefore needs as much strength as is possible for a Paladin in order to acheieve as much bonus To Hit and To Damage.
However, I've detected a slight 'aberration' in some weapon designs, and its making me re-think. I'll talk about the weapons later after I state the case for Charisma.
A pure class built Paladin can by default achieve a higher Charisma than a Strength based one. Its a gimme, as the Class Attribute enhancement for Paladins is Charisma, and thus an additional +3 Charisma can be stacked on top of this. The Human character can also stack up an additional +1 to this value, while Drow will have a base Charisma 2 points higher than any other build generally.
Typical 'Max' Charisma Human Paladin:
Charisma: 16 Base +5 Levels +3 Class +1 Human +2 Tome +3 Exceptional +6 Item = 36
And if maxed out:
Charisma: 16 Base +5 Levels +3 Class +1 Human +3 Tome +3 Exceptional +7 Item = 38
Suffering a negative level for Litany of the Dead and a +4 Tome will let you hit 40 Charisma.
Typical 'Max' Strength Paladin:
Strength: 16 Base +5 Levels +1 Human +2 Tome +2 Exceptional +6 Item = 32
And if maxed out:
Strength: 16 Base +5 Levels +1 Human +3 Tome +3 Exceptional +6 Item = 34
Suffering a negative level for Litany of the Dead and a +4 Tome will let you hit 36 Strength.
+1 Exceptional - Tower of Despair Ring (Lorinthors/KOTC), Dragontouched Tempest Rune
+2 Exceptional - Tower of Despair Ring
+7 Item - Epic Item (Further Discussion below)
Strength Benefits
To Hit and damage. 99% of the game is focused around combat, and you want to kill it with your Sword/Axe/Insert Weapon. To do that, you need to be able to hit with as much damage as possible, and that what Strength gives you.
Charisma Benefits
Lets talk about Divine Might. Now its easy if going max strength to get Base Charisma 18 for Divine Might 3 - Base 16 witha +2 tome will do the job nicely, and I see this on a lot of Multiclass 18/2 Builds. But for the Pure Paladin who wants Divine Might 4, were talking base minimum 20 Charisma and thus either a +3 tome and a level up point into charisma or a +4 Tome.
Is Divine Might 4 worth it? This is dependant on the player. Its expensive in enhancement points, but its also equivalent to having an additional +4 Strength per tier for damage purposes. To me thats worth it. The Charisma Paladin easily achieves a base 20 charisma for these purposes.
Turn Undead attempts - more charisma also equals more turn attempts, which in turn means more Divine Might usage. At Charisma 36, you have 16 minutes of Divine Might usage.
Increased Lay on Hands. With the formula being (10 + Paladin level) x Charisma modifier, the Cha 36 Pure Paladin will trigger a LoH for 390pts of healing. Thats before any modifiers of any kind. Add in Paladin Devotion enhancement or the target has some kind of Healing amplification (lots of Solar Pheonix Builds out there atm) and thats a 1 button = full hit points kind of heal.
Improved chance of landing Smite Evil / Exalted Smite: There is an additional bonus based on charisma for landing smite evil at Charisma Bonus x2, so +26 to hit with Cha 36. While in normal/hard/elite a Paladin has NO difficulty in landing blows, this is useful in Epic to ensure that you land your Smites.
Saving Throws: Further improved Saving throws. Another potential +2 or more to all saving throws is simply exceptional.
The whole point of this post is building a Charisma based Paladin versus a Strength one. The reason to do this is two-fold: The weapons Elyd Edge and the Dynastic Falcatta.
Normal Elyd Edge:
Normal Dynastic Falcatta:
Epic Elyd Edge:
Epic Dynastic Falcatta:
Epic Dynastic falcatta is the Post Update-5 versions.
So here we have two wepaons, both of which allow you to add your charisma Mod as an Attack bonus instead of Strength, and the Epic Dynastic Falcatta will also allow you to use Charisma as your damage modifier instead of the Strength.
Although the Elyd Edge is more a Bard weapon on the face due to the Anthem rule, the DR/Silver element, the Devotion addition and the high crit range (think crit Smites!) of a Rapier all make it useful pre level 12. If your on Elite difficulty in a quest and need to hit more regularly than dual Khopesh, then pull out the twin Edge's to get to work with!
Critically, both weapons can also be used to bypass most of the nasty DR in the game - The Epic Falcatta can be combined with an Augment to Bypass DR/Silver and DR/Adamantine, and your Paladin Capstone adds the DR/Good element. Same for the Elyd Edge, it naturally has the DR/Silver element and your Capstone adds DR/Good to that as well.
The Epic Dynastic Falcatta is particularly apsiration worthy. Even ignoring theTrue law and Axiomatic Burst (pretty useless against Lawful Evil devils and undead, tbh), its a base 2D8 weapon, equivalent to a Greensteel Bstard Sword or Dwarf Axe, has +6 enhancement and still retains the Khopeshs x3 crit multiplier with 19-20 threat range.
Both items also allow you to get a +7 Charisma Item bonus. Wooo ;)
Levelling up and not Piking your way to level 20
I decided to write this part as an 'addendum', as most experienced players will have ways of trooping there way upto lvl 20 without too much trouble. This type of build might suffer a little but is still a Pure class Paladin with all the benefits that brings:
Full BAB
Self Healing
Decent Low-Mid level Armour class
Ton of hitpoints
Great Saves.
Before you hit 20, a typical human pure Paladin will take Khopesh as a proficieny feat at either level 1 or 3, so TWF with Khopeshes is still decent DPS output, even if your strength is 4/6 points lower than the max Str Paladin. When you hit 14, you have access to Holy Sword to give yourself a pair of +5 Silver/Cold Iron Holy Burst Khopeshes for Shroud Farming (think of the goodies you can make without having to farm for a pair of Mineral 2 weapons!).
And don't forget, any such Charisma build is going to have to run KOTC 3 and have the Capstone. There's an awful lot more DPS.
Defensively, no Evasion can easily be made up for with a Good reflex save for Half and a having a Resist 30 spell on. At top level, your AC isn't going to be great, but you'll have a ton of hitpoints being Pure Paladin and a human Paladin can get decent Con to go with that. Against Raid bosses, AC is pretty meaningless anyway.
Am I going to play this?
I'm going to give it a shot. I picked up a pair of Dynastic Falcatta's off the House D Broker for 60K Gold each, and Elyd Edges can be farmed and put in the Shared Bank, so I can equip this guy pretty easily.
Okay, start up your flame guns now, I'm ready! :D As the Human torch says, FLAME ON!
/Keeps flameproof suit on and grabs a bowl of popcorn ready
The following discussion is for advanced players only, who have levelled multiple alts and know the game. Before I go any further, for new players or players looking to build there first Paladin character your in the wrong thread (although it might be interesting reading to you none-the-less).
/flameproof suit on, and wearing a smile
Is there a place in the game for a Melee DPS Charisma based Paladin?
Ok, don't get me wrong, I'll be the first person to shout that Strength is the single most important attribute for a Paladin - a class that is expected to contribute melee DPS and therefore needs as much strength as is possible for a Paladin in order to acheieve as much bonus To Hit and To Damage.
However, I've detected a slight 'aberration' in some weapon designs, and its making me re-think. I'll talk about the weapons later after I state the case for Charisma.
A pure class built Paladin can by default achieve a higher Charisma than a Strength based one. Its a gimme, as the Class Attribute enhancement for Paladins is Charisma, and thus an additional +3 Charisma can be stacked on top of this. The Human character can also stack up an additional +1 to this value, while Drow will have a base Charisma 2 points higher than any other build generally.
Typical 'Max' Charisma Human Paladin:
Charisma: 16 Base +5 Levels +3 Class +1 Human +2 Tome +3 Exceptional +6 Item = 36
And if maxed out:
Charisma: 16 Base +5 Levels +3 Class +1 Human +3 Tome +3 Exceptional +7 Item = 38
Suffering a negative level for Litany of the Dead and a +4 Tome will let you hit 40 Charisma.
Typical 'Max' Strength Paladin:
Strength: 16 Base +5 Levels +1 Human +2 Tome +2 Exceptional +6 Item = 32
And if maxed out:
Strength: 16 Base +5 Levels +1 Human +3 Tome +3 Exceptional +6 Item = 34
Suffering a negative level for Litany of the Dead and a +4 Tome will let you hit 36 Strength.
+1 Exceptional - Tower of Despair Ring (Lorinthors/KOTC), Dragontouched Tempest Rune
+2 Exceptional - Tower of Despair Ring
+7 Item - Epic Item (Further Discussion below)
Strength Benefits
To Hit and damage. 99% of the game is focused around combat, and you want to kill it with your Sword/Axe/Insert Weapon. To do that, you need to be able to hit with as much damage as possible, and that what Strength gives you.
Charisma Benefits
Lets talk about Divine Might. Now its easy if going max strength to get Base Charisma 18 for Divine Might 3 - Base 16 witha +2 tome will do the job nicely, and I see this on a lot of Multiclass 18/2 Builds. But for the Pure Paladin who wants Divine Might 4, were talking base minimum 20 Charisma and thus either a +3 tome and a level up point into charisma or a +4 Tome.
Is Divine Might 4 worth it? This is dependant on the player. Its expensive in enhancement points, but its also equivalent to having an additional +4 Strength per tier for damage purposes. To me thats worth it. The Charisma Paladin easily achieves a base 20 charisma for these purposes.
Turn Undead attempts - more charisma also equals more turn attempts, which in turn means more Divine Might usage. At Charisma 36, you have 16 minutes of Divine Might usage.
Increased Lay on Hands. With the formula being (10 + Paladin level) x Charisma modifier, the Cha 36 Pure Paladin will trigger a LoH for 390pts of healing. Thats before any modifiers of any kind. Add in Paladin Devotion enhancement or the target has some kind of Healing amplification (lots of Solar Pheonix Builds out there atm) and thats a 1 button = full hit points kind of heal.
Improved chance of landing Smite Evil / Exalted Smite: There is an additional bonus based on charisma for landing smite evil at Charisma Bonus x2, so +26 to hit with Cha 36. While in normal/hard/elite a Paladin has NO difficulty in landing blows, this is useful in Epic to ensure that you land your Smites.
Saving Throws: Further improved Saving throws. Another potential +2 or more to all saving throws is simply exceptional.
The whole point of this post is building a Charisma based Paladin versus a Strength one. The reason to do this is two-fold: The weapons Elyd Edge and the Dynastic Falcatta.
Normal Elyd Edge:
Normal Dynastic Falcatta:
Epic Elyd Edge:
Epic Dynastic Falcatta:
Epic Dynastic falcatta is the Post Update-5 versions.
So here we have two wepaons, both of which allow you to add your charisma Mod as an Attack bonus instead of Strength, and the Epic Dynastic Falcatta will also allow you to use Charisma as your damage modifier instead of the Strength.
Although the Elyd Edge is more a Bard weapon on the face due to the Anthem rule, the DR/Silver element, the Devotion addition and the high crit range (think crit Smites!) of a Rapier all make it useful pre level 12. If your on Elite difficulty in a quest and need to hit more regularly than dual Khopesh, then pull out the twin Edge's to get to work with!
Critically, both weapons can also be used to bypass most of the nasty DR in the game - The Epic Falcatta can be combined with an Augment to Bypass DR/Silver and DR/Adamantine, and your Paladin Capstone adds the DR/Good element. Same for the Elyd Edge, it naturally has the DR/Silver element and your Capstone adds DR/Good to that as well.
The Epic Dynastic Falcatta is particularly apsiration worthy. Even ignoring theTrue law and Axiomatic Burst (pretty useless against Lawful Evil devils and undead, tbh), its a base 2D8 weapon, equivalent to a Greensteel Bstard Sword or Dwarf Axe, has +6 enhancement and still retains the Khopeshs x3 crit multiplier with 19-20 threat range.
Both items also allow you to get a +7 Charisma Item bonus. Wooo ;)
Levelling up and not Piking your way to level 20
I decided to write this part as an 'addendum', as most experienced players will have ways of trooping there way upto lvl 20 without too much trouble. This type of build might suffer a little but is still a Pure class Paladin with all the benefits that brings:
Full BAB
Self Healing
Decent Low-Mid level Armour class
Ton of hitpoints
Great Saves.
Before you hit 20, a typical human pure Paladin will take Khopesh as a proficieny feat at either level 1 or 3, so TWF with Khopeshes is still decent DPS output, even if your strength is 4/6 points lower than the max Str Paladin. When you hit 14, you have access to Holy Sword to give yourself a pair of +5 Silver/Cold Iron Holy Burst Khopeshes for Shroud Farming (think of the goodies you can make without having to farm for a pair of Mineral 2 weapons!).
And don't forget, any such Charisma build is going to have to run KOTC 3 and have the Capstone. There's an awful lot more DPS.
Defensively, no Evasion can easily be made up for with a Good reflex save for Half and a having a Resist 30 spell on. At top level, your AC isn't going to be great, but you'll have a ton of hitpoints being Pure Paladin and a human Paladin can get decent Con to go with that. Against Raid bosses, AC is pretty meaningless anyway.
Am I going to play this?
I'm going to give it a shot. I picked up a pair of Dynastic Falcatta's off the House D Broker for 60K Gold each, and Elyd Edges can be farmed and put in the Shared Bank, so I can equip this guy pretty easily.
Okay, start up your flame guns now, I'm ready! :D As the Human torch says, FLAME ON!
/Keeps flameproof suit on and grabs a bowl of popcorn ready