View Full Version : Griefers and Pikers on Sarlona!
06-23-2010, 02:43 PM
Griefers and Pikers are making DDO very hard to play, especially at higher levels.
I mean this has to stop; all these high level guys are setting up situations that get people's toons killed intentionally!!!
If you run into any of those posted here, leave, get out of that group, or just bull your way through but just be prepared.
I am not going to go through all the low level toons I have seen, but I am going to name a few end game and epic level toon names I have personally run into that participate in this type of behavior and I encourage everyone else to do the same, forget PMing names, these guys need to be publicly called out for their actions!!!
The Griefers are as follows;
Arraetrikos: shows up in the Shroud all the freaking time, always tries to wipe out parties in part 4 and 5!
Suulomades: always doing runs for Bastion of Power, ToD, VoD and even in Weapon shipment! Just loves to cast that silly chain spell.
Horoth: This guy is a ToDolic, he is always there in the end fight, and he almost always picks on the intimi tank!
The Demon Queen: she shows up is so many quest it is just hard to avoid her, besides with those 6 swords, she is a major cause for lag.
Shadowfiend: another ToD guy, always there, loves to cause party wipes usually after causing some poor caster's death.
Shadowmaster: Works with the Shadowfiend to cause problems.
Velah: this chick just has a bad attitude, tries to ruin every VoN6 I have ever been in, especially on epic!
Xy'zzy: What a mutt this toon is, loves to ruin hound runs, will not stop griefing players with that stupid bees spell!
Orphne: in VoN2, this chick is plain crazy, she is always has the same MO, first she is all like "can you guys help me" and then as soon as you do like some alter-ego she does the best she can to ruin the group's success.
The Pikers;
Stormreaver: This guy normally just stands around and hits one target for the whole quest, what a noob!
Coyle Lovell: OMG!!! is there a more squishy guy in this whole game?
These are toons are just the tip of the iceberg, but there is defiantly a group of guys out there that make it a point to ruin every run they can, and they seem to always show up in the same quests, so add them to your "friends" list, and if you come across more post their names here!
(ok I am sure this as been done before and even better :D)
06-23-2010, 02:46 PM
What, no mention of Quik? Epic fail! LOL
06-23-2010, 02:48 PM
Yeah < gets popcorn and waits for Quick rage>
06-23-2010, 02:49 PM
I wouldn't really call Coyle a piker.
I mean, he tries, bless him, he's just not very good at it.
06-23-2010, 02:50 PM
I wouldn't really call Coyle a piker.
I mean, he tries, bless him, he's just not very good at it.
True. Sad, but true.
06-23-2010, 02:52 PM
I wouldn't really call Coyle a piker.
I mean, he tries, bless him, he's just not very good at it.
Man not to argue with you but every run I have been on with him he just types /sleep right in the middle of the fight, that is the definition of piking.
06-23-2010, 02:52 PM
I wouldn't really call Coyle a piker.
I mean, he tries, bless him, he's just not very good at it.
If only he would consent to pike over in a corner somewhere...
In all those peoples defense they are giving. I mean if you manage to reverse their sordid game and get them killed they tend to give you things. Though many times they are stingy, and refuse to give out any item.
06-23-2010, 05:18 PM
wasn't this done before..and better?
wasn't this done before..and better?
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the Sarlona forums lately huh? ;)
You've already stated Sarlona is your least favorite server. Why don't you go play on ARGO :P
06-23-2010, 06:26 PM
I wouldn't really call Coyle a piker.
I mean, he tries, bless him, he's just not very good at it.
He has terrible gear and used CON as a dump stat. You should check out his MyDDO. Shameful. :D
06-23-2010, 06:32 PM
hehe, you should prolly add half these thread posters to the list. i know quite a few of you, you gimpy, piking ba$tard$!!! always in someones koolaid...oh yeah!!
06-23-2010, 06:35 PM
wasn't this done before..and better?
Many, many times over, yes.
06-23-2010, 06:41 PM
hehe, was reading a few posts, and it amazes me that there is always a drama queen somewhere. all im gonna say is this. if you dont play on sarlona, have toons on sarlona, stay out of sarlona. we like being silly as well as others, without all the drama. if its your least favorite server, and you dont play here, why post here, pi$$ing on someones fun?? go back to khyber or argo, where drama queens are plentiful. i can see the threads being eaten everyday here on the forums. sarlona has enough of those, to not want to add any more. the OP was just trying to have a bit of fun, no matter if its been done before. just my coppers worth...
look on the brightside. it could have been a 10 paragraph long rant over U5, or anything else wrong with this game. instead, it was a thread made in fun. look at the OP's join date. he obviously hasnt been here long as some of us to know how many times it has been done. some of you need to lighten up. it is responses like that, that keeps alot of players away from the forums
hehe, was reading a few posts, and it amazes me that there is always a drama queen somewhere. all im gonna say is this. if you dont play on sarlona, have toons on sarlona, stay out of sarlona. we like being silly as well as others, without all the drama. if its your least favorite server, and you dont play here, why post here, pi$$ing on someones fun?? go back to khyber or argo, where drama queens are plentiful. i can see the threads being eaten everyday here on the forums. sarlona has enough of those, to not want to add any more. the OP was just trying to have a bit of fun, no matter if its been done before. just my coppers worth...
look on the brightside. it could have been a 10 paragraph long rant over U5, or anything else wrong with this game. instead, it was a thread made in fun. look at the OP's join date. he obviously hasnt been here long as some of us to know how many times it has been done. some of you need to lighten up. it is responses like that, that keeps alot of players away from the forums
Jeez Mike why you gotta go all rant-crazy on us?
06-24-2010, 10:24 AM
Jeez Mike why you gotta go all rant-crazy on us?
Um, he was busy praticing his piking skills with Coyle and had nothing better to do
06-24-2010, 10:28 AM
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Woundweaver again."
virtual +1 to you sir
06-24-2010, 10:33 AM
+1 rep to the OP. Fun read. Done before or not, I enjoyed it. And I don't even play on Sarlona. Hope it's OK that I piked your thread...
06-24-2010, 10:45 AM
+1 rep to the OP. Fun read. Done before or not, I enjoyed it. And I don't even play on Sarlona. Hope it's OK that I piked your thread...
I think as soon as you did the whole "+1 rep thing", you ceased piking because now you have contributed something. As for the OP; it's been done before sure, but I enjoyed it as well. It was a nice break from a lot of other threads today (or yesterday as the case may be).
I don't really prescribe to the whole "It's been done before, why do it again?" philosophy anyhow. Let's apply that philosophy to anything good (sex, eating, breathing, fishing...) and see how much better off we are.
Anyhow, +1 to the OP from me for the change of pace.
06-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Jeez Mike why you gotta go all rant-crazy on us?
i was calm when i typed it, dan. scouts honor!!
06-24-2010, 12:07 PM
Um, he was busy praticing his piking skills with Coyle and had nothing better to do
hehe, you didnt know?? me and coyle are tighter than two fat people in a telephone booth...
i was calm when i typed it, dan. scouts honor!!
you gonna be on tonight? got some guild stuff I wanna talk to you about
06-24-2010, 01:29 PM
Thanks everyone who took this the way it was ment to be, as for being done before, ummm yeah I said so at the bottom of my first post.
Originally Posted by woundweaver
hehe, you didnt know?? me and coyle are tighter than two fat people in a telephone booth...
LOL, You sir now owe me a new keyboard :p, second time this week I have sprayed it with Dr. Pepper due to a post on these forums :D
06-24-2010, 01:34 PM
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the Sarlona forums lately huh? ;)
You've already stated Sarlona is your least favorite server. Why don't you go play on ARGO :P
Brings up a good point. She kind of called us jerks. I think she just doesn't understand us Sarlonians ...
06-24-2010, 01:44 PM
Brings up a good point. She kind of called us jerks. I think she just doesn't understand us Sarlonians ...
But some of us are jerks....
Why all the hating on pikers? We want the same thing as everyone else, teh ubehrz lewtz!
I suggest sticking with the griefer bashing.....
FYI: if you see me in a group, the piker slot is already taken unless I state pikers wanted!
06-24-2010, 02:10 PM
you gonna be on tonight? got some guild stuff I wanna talk to you about
always got time for ya, bro. yep, hit me up tonight. ill prolly be on my caster lowbie.
06-24-2010, 02:15 PM
But some of us are jerks....
Why all the hating on pikers? We want the same thing as everyone else, teh ubehrz lewtz!
I suggest sticking with the griefer bashing.....
FYI: if you see me in a group, the piker slot is already taken unless I state pikers wanted!
no wonder i never get an invite to your groups, quik...can i get a share on the piking??
06-24-2010, 02:40 PM
But some of us are jerks....
I'd say most of us are jerks, but that is not the point. For a Sarlonian to refer to us as jerks means merely that they have been paying attention and are a good judge of character. For an Argostanian to come in and call is jerks is hateful and has no place in these forums. :D
I'd say most of us are jerks, but that is not the point. For a Sarlonian to refer to us as jerks means merely that they have been paying attention and are a good judge of character. For an Argostanian to come in and call is jerks is hateful and has no place in these forums. :D
She is from Thelanis (or maybe Ghallanda). I was jsut refering to her rolling her first toon on Argo recently. I only know because I've been trolling the Argo forums since I rolled up a no-twink lowbie over there a few weeks back.
06-25-2010, 11:11 AM
She is from Thelanis (or maybe Ghallanda). I was jsut refering to her rolling her first toon on Argo recently. I only know because I've been trolling the Argo forums since I rolled up a no-twink lowbie over there a few weeks back.
I rolled a no twink lowbie there, thankfully I sobered up and /faceplamed
06-25-2010, 11:28 AM
She is from Thelanis (or maybe Ghallanda). I was jsut refering to her rolling her first toon on Argo recently. I only know because I've been trolling the Argo forums since I rolled up a no-twink lowbie over there a few weeks back.
DrWhoFan is like a forum elder and you with your 2006 join date not knowing for sure she is from Thelanis.
That makes you a forum piker :-)
DrWhoFan is like a forum elder and you with your 2006 join date not knowing for sure she is from Thelanis.
That makes you a forum piker :-)
I just really couldn't care any less about "forum elders".
06-25-2010, 11:43 AM
The Griefers are as follows;
Arraetrikos: shows up in the Shroud all the freaking time, always tries to wipe out parties in part 4 and 5!
Suulomades: always doing runs for Bastion of Power, ToD, VoD and even in Weapon shipment! Just loves to cast that silly chain spell.
Horoth: This guy is a ToDolic, he is always there in the end fight, and he almost always picks on the intimi tank!
The Demon Queen: she shows up is so many quest it is just hard to avoid her, besides with those 6 swords, she is a major cause for lag.
Shadowfiend: another ToD guy, always there, loves to cause party wipes usually after causing some poor caster's death.
Velah: this chick just has a bad attitude, tries to ruin every VoN6 I have ever been in, especially on epic!
Xy'zzy: What a mutt this toon is, loves to ruin hound runs, will not stop griefing players with that stupid bees spell!
Orphne: in VoN2, this chick is plain crazy, she is always has the same MO, first she is all like "can you guys help me" and then as soon as you do like some alter-ego she does the best she can to ruin the group's success.
Pfft. They're all a bunch of wannabe hacks and are no threat to you or the rest of your party. Don't sweat it, they'll fail at bothering you much.
Shadowmaster: Works with the Shadowfiend to cause problems.
Now this guy can be a real SOB. Best to keep your distance from him.
The Pikers;
Stormreaver: This guy normally just stands around and hits one target for the whole quest, what a noob!
Coyle Lovell: OMG!!! is there a more squishy guy in this whole game?
At least the Stormreaver swings at something, that Coyle putz I can hear snoring over my speakers. **** SLACKER!!!!
06-27-2010, 05:48 AM
DrWhoFan is like a forum elder and you with your 2006 join date not knowing for sure she is from Thelanis.
That makes you a forum piker :-)
Now it makes perfect sense, she's elderly and from Theanus. Those are a lethal combination for a grumpy disposition. When she gets back from watching Matlock we are all in trouble........
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