View Full Version : drop rate of named items

06-20-2010, 07:49 PM
Ive been playing DDO for a couple of months and was wondering if there was any site or anybody who had collected the drop-rate of common sought after items. For instance, i ran STK about 10 times after hearing that ring of feathers drops there. I didn't get any and in 1 post on a forum don't remember which it said it was 1%! I had heard that it was rare but i thought rare was maybe 10% but 1%. Thats incredibly low. :(

So has anyone collected a list of the drop rate of some items many people want, such as ring of feathers and planar grid.

p.s. i hope this is the right forum for this and not new player advice and guidance

06-20-2010, 07:55 PM
As far as I know, there is not a collection of drop rates for named items in general on the forums. There is a list of named items, but it does not have drop rates. As for rare being 10% vs. 1%, there are many items (bloodstone, planar gird, and that razzafrackin eardweller) that seem to have less than a 1% drop rate.

As for the list of named items, it is here - http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=249178

06-20-2010, 08:10 PM
Different named items have different drop rates. Most of the Amrath stuff probably has a drop rate of around 33%, wherease the eardweller seems to have one of 3% and a bloodstone seems to be less than 1%.

As for the ring of feathers, I'd wager that its give or take 5%. Remember, that although that seems high, 20 runs is more than you think.

Trillea gave you the link to the best guide on the forums :)

06-20-2010, 08:11 PM
You're gonna hate me, but I ran that chain once at 20th lvl just for the favor, and pulled the ring. Its on my lowby alt now. Id recommed just levelling up until you get a random perm feather fall ring instead, they start dropping fairly often in the mid levels. Its been nice to have it at lvl 4, but honestly its not really necessary, so easy to get it on boots and you cant get any decent striders at those lvls anyhow. Hell, even the korthos clicky suffices for most quests.

06-20-2010, 08:12 PM
thanks for the fast reply, 6 minutes thats pretty good

So as far as you now no one has collected a list of the drop rate of named items.

Maybe this thread could start that. If anyone who runs a quest 10 or more times posts in this thread whether or how many times they got an item soon we could have estimated percentages of drop rates.

if u run a quest 10 or more times and count how many times u get a named item thats useful (report 0 to or the estimate will be off) report in this thread. By useful i mean either useful for its level ( ring of feathers, carnifex, ect.) or worth a lot for its level (planar grid, chaos guards, usually also useful) XD

06-20-2010, 08:17 PM
So as far as you now no one has collected a list of the drop rate of named items.

The list doesn't exist...and would be a bit pointless since Turbine is known to change its drop rates on named items, although they will never admit it.

06-20-2010, 09:42 PM
I already found a pair of permenant feather falling boots. the ring was just an example.
For turbine changing its drop-rate, do u know how often and how drastic this is. If its 1% on a 20% drop rate item once a year thats not a big change. But, if its from 10% to 1% and more often thats a big change.

06-20-2010, 10:02 PM
You're gonna hate me, but I ran that chain once at 20th lvl just for the favor, and pulled the ring. Its on my lowby alt now. Id recommed just levelling up until you get a random perm feather fall ring instead, they start dropping fairly often in the mid levels. Its been nice to have it at lvl 4, but honestly its not really necessary, so easy to get it on boots and you cant get any decent striders at those lvls anyhow. Hell, even the korthos clicky suffices for most quests.
Wow, this post could have been written by me! The only difference would be '16th' instead of 20th...

06-20-2010, 10:09 PM
I already found a pair of permenant feather falling boots. the ring was just an example.
For turbine changing its drop-rate, do u know how often and how drastic this is. If its 1% on a 20% drop rate item once a year thats not a big change. But, if its from 10% to 1% and more often thats a big change.
It varies depending on how easy the item is to farm, on how much trouble people have been having acquiring the item (this rarely results in a drop rate change). Plus, it's just very difficult to gauge drop rates.

I've hit the bloodstone chests for what feels like hundreds of times, but never kept track of exactly how many times I've actually gone on loot runs. Never pulled a Bloodstone, yet I've had people join me on their first run through the desert and pull a Bloodstone.

Then I've hit the Spellstoring Ring chest almost as many times, and have only ever seen it drop once.

07-08-2010, 09:41 PM
Does difficulty affect the drop rate? If underworldx1x had run STK 10 times on elite would he have a higher chance of getting his ring? And would Running it on casual ruin his chances ?