View Full Version : THE KNIGHT'S WHO SAY NI Recuiting

06-20-2010, 02:13 PM
We are a young guild that are made up of casual players. We are mostly made up of adults (middle age hehehe) players. We are by no means DDO experts. We are looking for members that enjoy playing DDO and like to experience the game. We would love to have some tech savvy members to help develop a guild website and a guild bank account for our guild to share in the guilds spoils and experiences. If you are interested please send a tell to one of our officers. We would love the assistance to help our guild members with there enjoyment of the game and guild experience as much as possible.

I personal play monday thru thrusday 10am to 6pm eastern std time US. and Sat bet 10am to 1pm. It would appear that most of our guild plays evenings US std time zones. I tend to play with a few guildies from Europe during my time. If you are interested please feel free to contact one of our officers. My toons are breelleena, breee, breeeee.

PS WE are not a guild of power players there are other better option guilds out there for those types of players. I personally have played with some of them and they are very good guilds and peeps in them. Some even have toons in our guild also to just play around with.

07-26-2010, 01:00 PM
Update: We have added a few new players at the lower levels with a mixer of f2p and p2p. Some are experienced MMOs and other new to MMOs. We have added teamspeak3 to our guild. Our guild is diverse but we could maybe use a few more casters. We have are fairly balanced with the other classes. We even have a few bards (which are pretty versatile and great support). We are currently at a guild level 16.

So if you are interest in growing with a guild and guild mates please give an officer a tell or mail your interest to Breelleena or Breeeee.

08-05-2010, 02:45 AM

We got our air ship today and now working on our next upgrade at lvl 25.