View Full Version : Stuck & cant get into VoN?

06-19-2010, 04:17 PM

I and my wife experienced a problem with getting into the VoN raid. She was upset cause she submitted a ticket and 'they' said that it was a known issue and there wasn't anything 'they' could do about it. I wanted to run VoN on my cleric and found that he couldn't get in either. I know some of the quests where not completed so I completed them all - and did not choose 'repeat' the quest after finishing them. I then went to Barrow d'Kundarak and he wouldn't let me in... Then I went to Marek Malcanus and he didn't advance that quest either. I then decided that I'm gonna try to abandon the quest: "The Vault of Night" and see if that would fix it. I did and then talked to Barrow again and he finally let me in! YAY!