View Full Version : Noobs in Sins of Attrition

06-17-2010, 09:22 AM
I had the pleasure of running Sins of Attrition as a cleric yesterday with a full group of first-timers. Obviously, we did it on normal and it was the first time in literally years that I had a great time with this game. There were many deaths (although I had far and away the fewest deaths at 2 seeing as how how UBER I am.......). We managed to get it done and nearly everyone came away with a piece of loot or two that they wanted and/or needed, myself excluded. I think there was one guy in the group that had ran it once so we weren't completely clueless but it was a struggle to say the least.

That single quest just might have renewed my faith in this game of DDO.

I just felt like putting this down in the forums because there seem to be so few positive posts nowadays with update 5 on the horizon and apparently people aren't happy about it.

Cannith NOOBS FTW!

06-17-2010, 09:26 AM
I had the pleasure of running Sins of Attrition as a cleric yesterday with a full group of first-timers. Obviously, we did it on normal and it was the first time in literally years that I had a great time with this game. There were many deaths (although I had far and away the fewest deaths at 2 seeing as how how UBER I am.......). We managed to get it done and nearly everyone came away with a piece of loot or two that they wanted and/or needed, myself excluded. I think there was one guy in the group that had ran it once so we weren't completely clueless but it was a struggle to say the least.

That single quest just might have renewed my faith in this game of DDO.

I just felt like putting this down in the forums because there seem to be so few positive posts nowadays with update 5 on the horizon and apparently people aren't happy about it.

Cannith NOOBS FTW!

+1 rep to you. I love runs like that! My favorite in recent history involved my thief acrobat butchering the party by blowing all the traps in Cabal. i laughed for days...

06-17-2010, 09:27 AM
A good challenge makes the game fun! Congrats!

06-17-2010, 09:36 AM
Appreciate the positive responses! Yeah, I would rather struggle through a quest than blow through it having learned nothing and done nothing to help the group. You know, aside from the quests that I have run a thousand times like most.