View Full Version : Questions regarding TR

06-16-2010, 11:21 PM
1. how many epic dungeon tokens are required to TR?
2. how many epic dungeon tokens do you get per epic dungeon?
3. what epic dungeons are available to a f2p player with access to catacombs, nec 1, nec 2, sorrowdusk, gianthold and vale?
4. is it viable for an f2p in your opinion to level up a TR'd character to 20 with access to the above packs considering the extra xp that needs to be gained?

06-17-2010, 02:42 AM
1 - i think it's 20
2 - i think it's 1
3 - sorry i don't know
4 - depends on what you call viable. It's certainly more challenging, but I don't think it's undoable.

(sorry for the lack of better answers :o)

06-17-2010, 05:52 AM
that's ok, thanks very much!
I'm almost 17 on my tempest ranger and am looking forward to doing some epic dungeons to be able to TR.

Oops, lucky me went and googled epic dungeons ddo and i found a list at
apparently i can't do any!
I guess ill have to buy something ... it's ok, ive been planning to buy demon sands for a while but i guess ill have to go grind some TP on another server for a while

06-17-2010, 07:22 AM
1. how many epic dungeon tokens are required to TR?
2. how many epic dungeon tokens do you get per epic dungeon?
3. what epic dungeons are available to a f2p player with access to catacombs, nec 1, nec 2, sorrowdusk, gianthold and vale?
4. is it viable for an f2p in your opinion to level up a TR'd character to 20 with access to the above packs considering the extra xp that needs to be gained?

1) 20

2) Right now, 1 per dungeon, except for Vault Of Night which gives 2. After the update, quests will drop epic token shards and the easier ones will give parts of tokens rather than full ones.

3) Zero. Epic dungeons are currently only in the Vault of Night, Demon Sands, and Sentinals adventure packs. Epic gianthold is apparently coming out soonish though.

4a) On a first TR (34pt build), its likely possible, but it will suck. A 34pt build needs 3.15million exp (roughly), most of which is concentrated at lvl 17-20. You will have to farm all your late-game quests 12-15 times, and probably get a ton of exp from vale slayers.

4b) On a 2nd+ TR, you will need 4.378million exp, 2million of which is from lvl 16-20. That means you would have to get more exp than it takes to go from lvl 1-20 on a normal character in the vale alone. I don't think you can get that much from the vale even by farming every quest 16 times (12x Normal, then casual/hard/elite) and farming out the entire explorer area (about 250kexp IIRC). You might get stuck grinding out the rares for pitiful exp for weeks at a time.

As an F2P player, you really need 1 or 2 more late game packs to make TRing viable. Reaver's Refuge has a ton of exp in it (probably as much as the vale), as does Amrath. One or the other would make a TR2+ possible, and both would make the journey much less grindy. Personally I like doing the inspired quarter quests, or the dreaming dark as the exp/min ratio is higher than amrath.

06-17-2010, 08:16 AM
+1 rep, perfect answer!

I'm off to grind some TP to buy demon sands as it gets so many rave reviews, 350 TP right now, need 595 at 30% sale or 680 at 20% sale. Then need to grind some more TP to buy monk *sigh*. I've planned to get reavers refuge for a while so probably will before my TR1 gets to that level, thanks for that input, really helps me figure out my objectives.